Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Schilp
Telefon: | +49 (0)821 598 69310 |
E-Mail: | () |
Raum: | 3060 (W) |
Sprechzeiten: | Nach Vereinbarung |
Adresse: | Am Technologiezentrum 8, 86159 Augsburg |
- Studium Maschinenbau an der Technischen Universit?t München
- Promotion am iwb der Technischen Universit?t München
- 2007 bis 2015: Gesch?ftsführer des Produktionstechnischen Anwenderzentrums Augsburg
- Seit 2015: Universit?tsprofessor und Ordinarius am Lehrstuhl für Produktionsinformatik der Universit?t Augsburg
- Mitglied der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Montage, Handhabung und Industrieroboter WGMHI
- Hauptabteilungsleiter des Wissenschaftsbereichs Verarbeitungstechnik am Fraunhofer IGCV
- Mitglied des Expertengremiums Additive Fertigung bei Bayern Innovativ und des Leitungsgremiums des Arbeitskreises Automatisierung der additiven Fertigung im VDMA.
- Gründungs- und Vorstandsmitglied des Industry Business Network 4.0 e.V.
- Digitalisierung und Vernetzung in der Produktion
- Integration additiver Fertigungsprozesse in Produktionsabl?ufe
2025 |
Mario Luber, Sarah Wagner, Marc Wegmann and Johannes Schilp. 2025. Concept of a plug-and-play, machine learning digital twin of the production resource for detailed capacity planning and scheduling. Procedia Computer Science 253, 1266-1275. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2025.01.188 |
2024 |
Raoul Zebisch and Johannes Schilp. 2024. A template for digital human representation in digital twin simulations of social human-robot interaction. In 2024 4th International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), 4-6 November 2024, Male, Maldives. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-6 DOI: 10.1109/iceccme62383.2024.10796060 |
Patrick Zimbrod, Michael Fleck and Johannes Schilp. 2024. An application-driven method for assembling numerical schemes for the solution of complex multiphysics problems. Applied System Innovation 7, 3, 35. DOI: 10.3390/asi7030035 |
Tom Roeger, Ludwig Vogt, Tobias Friedrich and Johannes Schilp. 2024. Analysis of the relationship between training data volume and model quality for surrogate models in physical simulations. Procedia CIRP 126, 745-750. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2024.08.302 |
Andreas Leinenbach, Marcel Wagner, Fabio Oettl and Johannes Schilp. 2024. Anwendung des Process Data Twin. WT Werkstattstechnik online 114, 3, 40-45. DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2024-03-12 |
Robin Huwa, Marcus Albrecht, Andreas Leinenbach and Johannes Schilp. 2024. Flexibility dimensions in cyber-physical production systems. In 2024 4th International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), 4-6 November 2024, Male, Maldives. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-6 DOI: 10.1109/iceccme62383.2024.10796674 |
Florian Pleier and Johannes Schilp. 2024. Predictive-reactive scheduling to increase robustness of production systems. In 2024 4th International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), 4-6 November 2024, Male, Maldives. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-6 DOI: 10.1109/iceccme62383.2024.10796054 |
Andreas Leinenbach, Marcel Wagner, Fabio Oettl and Johannes Schilp. 2024. The process data twin for digitized production. In D. Herberger, M. Hübner (Eds.). Proceedings of the CPSL 2024 - 6th Conference on Production Systems and Logistics. publish-Ing., Hannover, 647-655 DOI: 10.15488/17753 |
2023 |
Oliver Kunze, Johannes Schilp, Fabian Frommer, Fabio Oettl and Galiya Klinkova. 2023. 3D-Druck für Führungskr?fte: Technik, Prozesse, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Umweltvertr?glichkeit der additiven Fertigung. Carl Hanser, München. DOI: 10.3139/9783446477285 |
Ludwig Vogt, Robert Ludwig and Johannes Schilp. 2023. Automatic end tool alignment through plane detection with a RANSAC-algorithm for robotic grasping. Procedia CIRP 118, 253-258. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2023.06.044 |
Fabio Oettl, Leonard Eckart and Johannes Schilp. 2023. Cost estimation approach of a digital twin implementation in industry. Procedia CIRP 118, 318-323. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2023.06.055 |
Tobias Wittmeir, Fabio Oettl and Johannes Schilp. 2023. Digitaler Zwilling für die additive Fertigung. wt Werkstattstechnik online 113, 3, 119-123. DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2023-03-53 |
Fabio Oettl, Tobias Tischer, Tobias Wittmeir and Johannes Schilp. 2023. From data to decisions: a method for evaluating the strategic value of digital twins. In 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), 19-21 July 2023, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-5 DOI: 10.1109/iceccme57830.2023.10252781 |
Fabio Oettl, Sebastian H?rbrand, Tobias Wittmeir and Johannes Schilp. 2023. Method for evaluating the monetary added value of the usage of a digital twin for additive manufacturing. Procedia CIRP 118, 717-722. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2023.06.123 |
Fabio Oettl, Sebastian Dietl, Sebastian G?ltl, Daniel Müssig and Johannes Schilp. 2023. Method for identifying and evaluating the fields of application of a digital twin. In D. Herberger, M. Hübner, V. Stich (Eds.). Proceedings of the Conference on Production Systems and Logistics, CPSL 2023, February?28?‐ March?3,?2023, Santiago?de?Querétaro,?Mexico. publish-Ing, Hannover, 290-300 DOI: 10.15488/13448 |
Tobias Wittmeir, Michael Heider, André Schweiger, Michaela Kr?, J?rg H?hner, Johannes Schilp and Joachim Berlak. 2023. Towards robustness of production planning and control against supply chain disruptions. In David Herberger, Marco Hübner, Volker Stich (Eds.). Proceedings of the Conference on Production Systems and Logistics: CPSL 2023. publish-Ing., Hannover, 65-75 DOI: 10.15488/13425 |
2022 |
Fabio Oettl, Jan Schoeler and Johannes Schilp. 2022. Development of a method for evaluating the benefits of using a digital twin. In 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), 16-18 November 2022, Maldives, Maldives. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-7 DOI: 10.1109/iceccme55909.2022.9988218 |
Lukas Langer, Matthias Schmitt, Georg Schlick and Johannes Schilp. 2022. Development of an automated process chain for hybrid additive manufacturing using laser powder bed fusion. Procedia CIRP 112, 358-363. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.09.009 |
Patrick Zimbrod, Magdalena Schreter and Johannes Schilp. 2022. Efficient simulation of complex capillary effects in advanced manufacturing processes using the finite volume method. In Aishath Shehenaz Adam, Mahendra Gooroochurn, R?za Alt?nok (Eds.). 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), 16-18 November 2022, Maldives. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-6 DOI: 10.1109/ICECCME55909.2022.9988504 |
Julia Foerster, Krunoslav Vranjes, Maximilian Binder, Georg Schlick, Christian Seidel and Johannes Schilp. 2022. Electrophotographic powder application for metal powder bed based additive manufacturing. Procedia CIRP 113, 353-360. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.09.142 |
Julia Foerster, Marco Michatz, Maximilian Binder, Alexander Frey, Christian Seidel, Georg Schlick and Johannes Schilp. 2022. Electrostatic powder attraction for the development of a novel recoating system for metal powder bed-based additive manufacturing. Journal of Electrostatics 115, 103641. DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2021.103641 |
Christian H?rdtlein, Florian Karg, Julia Berger and Johannes Schilp. 2022. Energieorientierte Leitsteuerung mobiler Roboter / Energy-oriented control system for mobile robots. wt Werkstattstechnik online 112, 3, 161-165. DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2022-03-59 |
Ludwig Vogt and Johannes Schilp. 2022. Finite element based compression and volumetric load analysis for grasped objects. In 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), 16-18 November 2022, Maldives, Maldives. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 1-6 DOI: 10.1109/iceccme55909.2022.9987947 |
Michaela Kr?, Leonard Eckart, Marinella Rito and Johannes Schilp. 2022. Levels of autonomy in production logistics: terminology and framework. In D. Herberger, M. Hübner (Eds.). Proceedings of the Conference on Production Systems and Logistics: CPSL 2022. publish-Ing., Hannover, 713-722 DOI: 10.15488/12140 |
Christopher Singer, Matthias Schmitt, Georg Schlick and Johannes Schilp. 2022. Multi-material additive manufacturing of thermocouples by laser-based powder bed fusion. Procedia CIRP 112, 346-351. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.09.007 |
Matthias Schmitt, Georg Schlick and Johannes Schilp. 2022. Repeatability of dimensional accuracy and mechanical properties in powder bed fusion of 16MnCr5 using a laser beam. Procedia CIRP 114, 94-99. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.10.013 |
Shuang Lu, Julia Berger and Johannes Schilp. 2022. System of robot learning from multi-modal demonstration and natural language instruction. Procedia CIRP 107, 914-919. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.05.084 |
2021 |
Julia Berger, Christian Colceriu, Andreas Blank, J?rg Franke, Christian H?rdtlein, Tobias Hellig, Dominik Henrich, Lisa Heuss, Markus Hiller, Michaela Kr?, Benedikt Leichtmann, Albrecht Lottermoser, Shuang Lu, Verena Nitsch, Gunther Reinhart, Michael Riedl, Sebastian Roder, Katharina Sch?fer, Johannes Schilp, Ludwig Vogt and Michael Friedrich Z?h. 2021. Abschlussbericht: FORobotics - mobile ad-hoc kooperierende Roboterteams. Fraunhofer IGC, Augsburg. DOI: 10.24406/igcv-n-624794 |
Ludwig Vogt, Tobias Ciemala, Jonas Freitag and Johannes Schilp. 2021. Computing convex grasping positions for parallel jaw grippers with an integrated boundary layer mesher. In Davide Brugali, Jean-Claude Latombe, Phillip Sheu, Rouh-Mei Hu (Eds.). Fifth International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC 2021), Taichung, Taiwan, 15-17 November 2021. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 77-81 DOI: 10.1109/irc52146.2021.00018 |
Ludwig Vogt, Yannick Zimmermann and Johannes Schilp. 2021. Computing gripping points in 2D parallel surfaces via polygon clipping. In T. Schüppstuhl (Ed.). Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics 2021. Springer, Berlin, 101-112. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-74032-0_9 |
Fabian Herzer, Franswa Abraham, Christoph Tammer, Georg Schlick, Christian Seidel and Johannes Schilp. 2021. Detection of defects in solidified layers within laser-based powder bed fusion using active thermography. Procedia CIRP 104, 518-523. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2021.11.087 |
Lukas Langer, Matthias Schmitt, Georg Schlick and Johannes Schilp. 2021. Hybride Fertigung mittels Laser-Strahlschmelzen / Hybrid manufacturing by laser-based powder bed fusion. wt Werkstattstechnik online 111, 6, 363-367. DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2021-06-7 |
Matthias Schmitt, Florian Gerstl, Max Boesele, Max Horn, Georg Schlick, Johannes Schilp and Gunther Reinhart. 2021. Influence of part geometry and feature size on the resulting microstructure and mechanical properties of the case hardening steel 16MnCr5 processed by laser powder bed fusion. Procedia CIRP 104, 726-731. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2021.11.122 |
Patrick Zimbrod and Johannes Schilp. 2021. Modelling of microstructures during in-situ alloying in additive manufacturing for efficient material qualification processes. In J?rg Franke and Peter Schuderer (Ed.). Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2021: 19. ASIM-Fachtagung Simulation in Produktion und Logistik, Erlangen, 15. – 17. September 2021. Cuvillier Verlag, G?ttingen, 177-188. |
2020 |
Stefan Roth, Lukas Stumpe, Benedikt Schmiegel, Stefan Braunreuther and Johannes Schilp. 2020. An optimization-based approach for the planning of energy flexible production processes with integrated energy storage scheduling. Procedia CIRP 88, 258-264. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2020.05.111 |
Michaela Kr?, Ludwig Vogt, Valentin Spannagl and Johannes Schilp. 2020. Multi-agent path planning: comparison of different behaviors in the case of collisions. In T. Schüppstuhl, K. Tracht and D. Henrich (Ed.). Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, 217-227. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-61755-7_20 |
Philipp Scherwitz, Steffen Ziegler and Johannes Schilp. 2020. Process Mining in der additiven Auftragsabwicklung / Process Mining for additive manufacturing. wt Werkstattstechnik online 110, 6, 429-434. DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2020-06-69 |
Michaela Kr?, Ludwig Vogt, Christian H?rdtlein, Stefan Schiele and Johannes Schilp. 2020. Production planning for collaborating resources in cyber-physical production systems. Procedia CIRP 93, 192-197. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2020.03.030 |
Johannes Schilp, Ludwig Vogt and Michaela Kr?. 2020. Wer erledigt wann welche Aufgabe?. Industrial Production 23.03.2020. |
2019 |
Lukas Bank, Martin R?sch, Eric Unterberger, Stefan Roth, Alexander Rohrer, Jana K?berlein, Stefan Braunreuther and Johannes Schilp. 2019. Comparison of simulation-based and optimization-based energy flexible production planning. Procedia CIRP 81, 294-299. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.03.051 |
Michaela Kr?, Sebastian H?rbrand and Johannes Schilp. 2019. Dynamic production control for flexibility in Cyber-Physical Production Systems using an autonomous transport system. Procedia CIRP 81, 1160-1165. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.03.285 |
Philipp Seitz, Eberhard Abele, Lukas Bank, Thomas Bauernhansl, Eduardo Colangelo, Gilbert Fridgen, Johannes Schilp, Paul Schott, Johannes Sedlmeir, Nina Strobel and Thomas Weber. 2019. IT-based architecture for power market oriented optimization at multiple levels in production processes. Procedia CIRP 81, 618-623. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.03.165 |
Johannes Schilp and Michaela Kr?. 2019. Mobile Roboterplattformen: auf die Planung kommt es an. Industrial Production 31.07.2019. |
2018 |
Michael F. Z?h, Johannes Schilp, Johannes Weirather, Christian Zeller, Benedikt Schmiegel, Michael Ott and Sebastian Westh?user. 2018. Additive Fertigungsverfahren. In Frank Rieg (Ed.). Handbuch Konstruktion. Hanser, München, 995-1013. DOI: 10.3139/9783446456198.036 |
Maximilian Binder, Christine Anstaetter, Max Horn, Fabian Herzer, Georg Schlick, C. Seidel, Johannes Schilp and Gunther Reinhart. 2018. Potentials and challenges of multi-material processing by laser-based power bed fusion. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - an Additive Manufacturing Conference - 2018, August 13-15 2018, the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 376-387 |
2017 |
Hans B. Kief, Michael Ott, Johannes Schilp and Michael F. Z?h. 2017. Additive Fertigungsverfahren. In Hans B. Kief, Helmut A. Roschiwal and Karsten Schwarz (Ed.). CNC-Handbuch: CNC, DNC, CAD, CAM, FFS, SPS, RPD, LAN, CNC-Maschinen, CNC-Roboter, Antriebe, Energieeffizienz, Werkzeuge, Industrie 4.0, Fertigungstechnik, Richtlinien, Normen, Simulation, Fachwortverzeichnis. Hanser, München, 373-394. DOI: 10.3139/9783446452657.015 |
2015 |
Michael Jelinek, Johannes Schilp and Gunther Reinhart. 2015. Optimised Parameter Sets for Thermographic Inspection of CFRP Metal Hybrid Components. Procedia CIRP 37, 218-224. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2015.08.044 |
2014 |
J. Hoerber, J. Glasschroeder, M. Pfeffer, Johannes Schilp, M. Zaeh and J. Franke. 2014. Approaches for additive manufacturing of 3D electronic applications. Procedia CIRP 17, 806-811. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.01.090 |
Johannes Schilp, C. Seidel, H. Krauss and J. Weirather. 2014. Investigations on temperature gields during laser beam melting by means of process monitoring and multiscale process modelling. Advances in Mechanical Engineering 6, 217584. DOI: 10.1155/2014/217584 |
Dominik Schmid, Michael F. Z?h, Christian Seidel and Johannes Schilp. 2014. Laser Beam melting of magnesium alloys. In Proceedings of the 71st Annual World Magnesium Conference, June 1 - 3, 2014, Munich, Germany. International Magnesium Association, Wauconda, Ill. |
Fabian Riss, Johannes Schilp and Gunther Reinhart. 2014. Load-dependent Optimization of Honeycombs for Sandwich Components – New Possibilities by Using Additive Layer Manufacturing. Physics Procedia 56, 327-335. DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2014.08.178 |
Fritz Klocke, Andreas Klink, Drazen Veselovac, David Keith Aspinwall, Sein Leung Soo, Michael Schmidt, Johannes Schilp, Gideon Levy and Jean-Pierre Kruth. 2014. Turbomachinery component manufacture by application of electrochemical, electro-physical and photonic processes. CIRP Annals 63, 2, 703-726. DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2014.05.004 |
2013 |
T.A. Krol, C. Seidel, Johannes Schilp, M. Hofmann, W. Gan and M.F. Zaeh. 2013. Verification of structural simulation results of metal-based additive manufacturing by means of neutron diffraction. Physics Procedia 41, 849-857. DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2013.03.158 |
2012 |
G. Reinhart, M. Glonegger, M. Festner, J. Egbers and Johannes Schilp. 2012. Adaption of processing times to individual work capacities in synchronized assembly lines. In S. J. Hu (Ed.). Technologies and systems for assembly quality, productivity and customization: proceedings of the 4th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), May 20- 22, 2012, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. , 161-164 |
Gunther Reinhart, Yi Shen, Rüdiger Spillner and Johannes Schilp. 2012. Modellbasiertes MRK-Sicherheitssystem: ein Ansatz für das sichere automatisierte Fügen in der Mensch-Roboter-Kooperation. wt Werkstattstechnik online 102, 6, 425-430. |
2011 |
Toni A. Krol, Sebastian Westh?user, M. F. Z?h, Johannes Schilp and G. Groth. 2011. Development of a simulation-based process chain: strategy for different levels of detail for the preprocessing definitions. SNE Simulation Notes Europe 21, 3-4, 135-140. DOI: 10.11128/ |
Gunther Reinhart, Matthias Glonegger, J?rg Egbers, Johannes Schilp, Anja S. G?ritz and Julia Weikamp. 2011. Taktzeitadaption unter Berücksichtigung der zirkadianen Rhythmik: Analyse unterschiedlicher Taktzeit-Szenarien zur Belastungsreduktion von Montagemitarbeitern. wt Werkstattstechnik online 101, 9, 595-599. |
2010 |
M. F. Zaeh, T. A. Krol, Johannes Schilp and C. Groth. 2010. Analysis of industrially used ALM-parts by means of coupled field simulation. In International PMI Conference. |
Gunther Reinhart, J?rg Egbers, Johannes Schilp and Christoph Rimpau. 2010. Demographiegerechte und doch wirtschaftliche Montageplanung: Integration individueller und kollektiver Mitarbeiteranforderungen in die Montageplanung. wt Werkstattstechnik online 100, 1/2, 9-14. |
G. Reinhart, R. Spillner, J. Egbers and Johannes Schilp. 2010. Individualisierung an Montagearbeitspl?tzen, Konzeption und Auslegung flexibel individualisierbarer Arbeitspl?tze in der Montage. wt Werkstattstechnik online 100, 9, 665-669. |
G. Reinhart, S. Teufelhart, M. Ott and Johannes Schilp. 2010. Potentials of generative manufactured components for gaining resource efficiency of production facilities. In Reimund Neugebauer (Ed.). Sustainable production for resource efficiency and ecomobility - Manufacturing Colloquium, September 29-30, 2010 Chemnitz - ICMC 2010. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach (Berichte aus dem IWU ; 54), 703-710. |
Michael F. Z?h, Johannes Schilp and Michael Ott. 2010. Prozessflexibilit?t durch Multimaterialverarbeitung: komplexe Bauteile inklusive Beschichtung in der pulverbettbasierten Fertigung. wt Werkstattstechnik online 100, 6, 519-524. |
2008 |
Gunther Reinhart, Christian Thiemann, Rüdiger Spillner and Johannes Schilp. 2008. Demographische Herausforderungen in der Montage: technische Hilfsmittel und effiziente Montagesystemstrukturen für die Unterstützung und Integration ?lterer Mitarbeiter in der Montage. wt Werkstattstechnik online 98, 9, 681-686. |
2007 |
M. F. Z?h, F. Hagemann, G. Branner and Johannes Schilp. 2007. Formflexibilit?t als Ansatz zur Wiederverwendbarkeit. wt Werkstattstechnik online 97, 11/12, 837-841. |
Martin Prasch and Johannes Schilp. 2007. Hochleistungs-Standard-Ger?t zum flexiblen Transportieren und Handhaben verschieden gro?er Halbleiterbauelemente. Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, München |
2006 |
Michael F. Z?h, Michael Franzkowiak, Mark Harfensteller, Michael Heinz, Andrea Reiter, Johannes Schilp and Adolf Zitzmann. 2006. Handhabung in besonderen Produktionsumgebungen. wt Werkstattstechnik online 96, 3, 81-84. |
2004 |
Bernd Petzold, Michael F. Zaeh, Berthold Faerber, Barbara Deml, Hans Egermeier, Johannes Schilp and Stella Clarke. 2004. A Study on Visual, Auditory, and Haptic Feedback for Assembly Tasks. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 13, 1, 16-21. DOI: 10.1162/105474604774048207 |
M. Z?h, S. Clarke, B. Petzold and Johannes Schilp. 2004. Achieving flexible micro-assembly systems through telepresence. In P. Drews (Ed.). Mechatronics & Robotics 2004: Proceedings of the International Conference in Mechatronics and Robotics, Aachen, Germany, September 13-15, 2004. Eysoldt, Aachen |
Johannes Schilp and Michael F. Z?h. 2004. Collaborating agents in agile teleoperated and automated microassembly systems. In Bhaskaran Gopalakrishnan (Ed.). Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing V, 25 - 26 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. SPIE, Bellingham, Wa., 166-177. DOI: 10.1117/12.570247 |
Johannes Schilp, Michael Ehrenstrasser, Stella Clarke, Bernd Petzold and Michael F. Z?h. 2004. Smart sensor application in teleoperated microassembly systems. In Bhaskaran Gopalakrishnan, Angappa Gunasekaran and Peter E. Orban (Ed.). Intelligent manufacturing, 29 - 30 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA. SPIE, Bellingham, Wa., 38-49. DOI: 10.1117/12.516105 |
G. Reinhart, S. Clarke, B. Petzold, Johannes Schilp and J. Milberg. 2004. Telepresence as a solution to manual micro-assembly. CIRP Annals 53, 1, 21-24. DOI: 10.1016/s0007-8506(07)60636-2 |
2003 |
Johannes Schilp, M. Ehrenstra?er, M. Harfensteller, D. Jacob and M. F. Z?h. 2003. Agile micro-assembly - flexible solutions by teleoperation and automation. In Herbert Reichl (Ed.). Micro System Technologies 2003: International Conference & Exhibition on Micro Electro, Opto, Mechanical Systems and Components, München, October 7-8, 2003. Franzis, Poing |
Michael F. Z?h, Michael Ehrenstrasser and Johannes Schilp. 2003. Global tele-operation for micro-assembly tasks. In Proceedings of the 18th American Society for Precision Engineering Annual Meeting, October 26 - 31, 2003, Portland, Oregon. ASPE, Raleigh, NC (ASPE Proceedings ; 30), 247-250. |
M. F. Z?h, M. Ehrenstra?er and Johannes Schilp. 2003. Global teleoperated micro-assembly systems. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Karlsruhe & Munich, Germany. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ |
Johannes Schilp, Mark Harfensteller, Dirk Jacob and Michael Schilp. 2003. High-accuracy microassembly by intelligent vision systems and smart sensor integration. In George K. Knopf (Ed.). Optomechatronic systems IV, 28 - 29 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA. SPIE, Bellingham, Wa., 274-282. DOI: 10.1117/12.516110 |
Michael F. Z?h, Dirk Jacob, Michael Ehrenstrasser and Johannes Schilp. 2003. Hybrid micro-assembly system for tele-operated and automated micromanipulation. In Machines and processes for microscale and meso-scale fabrication, metrology and assembly: 2003 winter topical meeting, January 22 - 23, 2003, Gainesville, Florida. ASPE, Raleigh, NC (ASPE Proceedings ; 28), 119-124. |
2002 |
J. H?ppner, J. Zimmermann and Johannes Schilp. 2002. Handler for the transporting of flat substrates for application in the semiconductor industry. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office |
J. H?ppner, Johannes Schilp and J. Zimmermann. 2002. Handler zum Transportieren von flachen in der Halbleiterindustrie zur Anwendung kommenden Substraten. Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, München |
M. F. Z?h, B. Petzold, O. Anton, M. Ehrenstra?er and Johannes Schilp. 2002. Telepr?senz und Teleaktion in der Mikrosystemtechnik: Systeme zur Analyse und Bewertung zu unterstützender Fertigkeiten. In 1. SFB-Aussprachetag Human Centered Robotic Systems (HCRS), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 5. - 6. Dezember 2002. |