

Rahel Zelalem Tsegaye

Akademischer Lebenslauf

Sept, 2015 - July, 2017

M.A Degree in Adult Education and Community Development Addis Ababa University


Sept, 2011- Jun, 2015

B.A degree in English Kotebe University College


Sept, 2006 - Mar, 2010

Diploma in Teaching Language Education Alpha University College


Sept, 2004 - Jun, 2005

Certificate in Pre-School Teacher Education

Horn of Africa Teacher Education and Business College


Aug, 2005

Certificate of Participation of Biblical Education and Training Initiative African Evangelistic Enterprise Ethiopia



Pursuing the Road of Lifelong Learning in the Journey of Educational success:

A Comparative Study of the Educational Biographies of Women in leading positions in Ethiopia and Germany


This study is about the lifelong learning processes of influential / leading women in Ethiopia and Germany, and intends to find systematic structures and features of successful learning biographies of women. What is of interest are a) the intricate ways in which individual women with successful learning biographies invest their energy and time in lifelong learning, i.e. in school, higher education and - what is of special interest here - in adult and continuing education; and b) how they were supported by social networks and the educational infrastructure, which helped them to stay motivated, find ways to overcome difficulties, manage challenges and failures, and end up effectively. A further question is whether there are structural analogies in the educational biographies of successful women in Ethiopia and Germany. The objective of the study - an instance of the biographical approach -is pursued by comparative analysis, which is based on in-depth interviews in both countries and on the evaluation of relevant literature.


Keywords: Influential/leading Women, lifelong learning, success, structural analogies, biographical approach, and comparative analysis


Arbeitsschwerpunkte und Interessensgebiete

Lecture and Research



Preise und Stipendien

DAAD - scholarship holder for doctorate at the Universit?t Augsburg

