

Enrolment process

If you have decided on a degree programme and would now like to enrol or, if necessary, you have already received a letter of admission (e.g., for master’s degree programmes or for applicants with a foreign higher education entrance qualification) and would like to enrol, you can find all the relevant information about how to do so here.


Please note: This information is only relevant if you would like to enrol at the University of Augsburg for the first time. If you are already enrolled at the University of Augsburg (e.g., in another degree programme), you will find the relevant information under change of degree programme or subject.


Enrolment process

Enrolment occurs in two steps:


  1. Registering with the VIBS online enrolment portal.
  2. Submission of an enrolment request (Antrag auf Einschreibung) with the required documentation.

Both steps are required for enrolment. The completion of the online enrolment process does not mean you are enrolled. Please regularly check your status in the application portal.

Please note: All applicants with a foreign higher education entrance qualification must have received a letter of admission before they can begin the enrolment process.




Step 1. Registering with the VIBS online enrolment portal


Once you have registered through the VIBS portal, you can create an enrolment request for your desired degree programme. In the VIBS portal, you will need to provide necessary information (e.g., your higher education entrance qualification and your study history, etc.). You always begin with the online VIBS portal, even for open admission degree programmes.


For restricted admission degree programmes or if you possess a foreign higher education entrance qualification, you will need to receive a letter of admission before you can enrol. If you have received a letter of admission, you will be able to register in the VIBS portal, and you can proceed with your application. For open admission degree programmes, you can begin immediately with the online enrolment in the VIBS portal.


You will be asked to provide various details through the online enrolment in VIBS. Once you have completed the online enrolment process, an enrolment request (Antrag auf Einschreibung) will be displayed.


Step 2. Submission of the enrolment request with the required documentation


After completing the online enrolment, you can view the enrolment request (Antrag auf Einschreibung). Please print out the enrolment request and sign it. Afterwards, please submit the enrolment request with the necessary documents to the University of Augsburg. The address is given on the enrolment request. Please refer to the enrolment checklists on our website. The enrolment request can only be processed if all of the necessary documents are presented in full.


Link for enrolment checklists



I have sent my online application. What happens next?

You can check the status of your application in the application portal. If the status changes, you will be notified by e-mail.


Status: “Enrolled” (Immatrikuliert)


Your enrolment request has been received and can be fully processed. When you log into your application account, you will find your computer centre ID. Please retrieve it as soon as possible as your?applicant ID will be deactivated by the 15th of November for the winter semester or by the 15th of May for the summer semester.?You will receive your student ID (Campus Card Augsburg) by post. This completes your enrolment.


Status: “Enrolment in progress” (Immatrikulationsantrag in Bearbeitung)


Your enrolment request has been received and is being processed. However, documents may be missing, or the wrong documents may have been submitted. Below you will find more detailed information on the meaning of the notifications given by the application portal when an enrolment is being processed.


An officially certified copy of your certificates is required for enrolment. For undergraduate degree programmes, a certified copy of your higher education entrance qualification is required. For enrolment in advanced degree programmes (e.g., master’s), a certified copy of your bachelor’s degree certificate is required.


If you need to submit evidence of German language skills, this must also be officially certified.


Official certifications can be performed by any government authority/municipal office. Simple copies or scanned documents are not sufficient.


Your application shows that you have previously been enrolled at a German university. If you have previously been enrolled in a degree programme, you need to provide us with information on this for statistical purposes. Please send us a confirmation of your previous periods of study (Studienverlaufsbescheinigung), which covers all previous periods of enrolment.

This confirmation must show all previous degree programmes/subjects as well as the number of semesters, including any semesters that were taken as leave.

In order to be enrolled in the degree programme Midwifery, you need to submit a copy of your training contract with the University Hospital Augsburg (Universit?tsklinikum Augsburg, UKA). Please submit this.

If you enrol close to the start of the lecture period or after it has already begun, it can under certain circumstances lead to difficulties or delays in starting your studies.

In order to be able to process your documents, you need to submit a completed and signed declaration of enrolment. You can find this on our enrolment page.?

The enrolment request that was submitted has not been signed. For enrolment, you must sign the enrolment request form. Please print out the enrolment request form, sign it, and submit it again.

The enrolment request consists of several pages. If you receive this notification, it means that either individual pages or the full enrolment request is missing. Please print out the enrolment request again, sign it, and submit it to us.

Evidence that you have paid the semester fee (student contribution to Studierendenwerk?and the semester transport ticket) is required for enrolment. Further information on the bank details can be found on semester fees webpage.

If evidence of successful participation in an aptitude assessment process is required for enrolment in your degree programme, please submit it.

Information on aptitude assessment processes can be found on the relevant webpages.

Enrolment in a teaching degree programme requires participation in a study orientation process (Career Counselling for pre-teachers). This can be completed online.

Information on the process and the link can be found on the webpages of the ZLbiB: Career counselling for pre-teachers (CCT)

To enrol in the teaching subject English or in the bachelor’s degree programmes English and American Studies or Applied Intercultural Linguistics evidence of having passed the aptitude assessment process for English is required. Please submit this. You can find more information about the aptitude assessment process here:



When you receive this notification, it means that you still need to submit an officially certified copy of your higher education entrance qualification certificate. Please submit this.

It must be an officially certified copy. A simple copy or a scanned document is not sufficient. Similarly, it is not possible to submit a copy of the officially certified copy.

In order to enrol, you need to submit a copy of your Identity card or passport. Please submit it.

In order to enrol, you need to provide electronic notification from a German statutory health insurance provider, which indicates whether or not you are insured by a statutory health insurance provider (Krankenkasse).

The notification can only be issued by a German statutory health insurance provider and is sent electronically directly to the university. You can find further information on the following page: Health and accident insurance.?

In order to enrol, we require an electronic notification from a German statutory health insurance provider. This is transmitted in encrypted form (not by e-mail).

If this notification is displayed to you in the application portal, it may be due to the following reasons:

You or your statutory health insurance provider have submitted a written notification. Paper-based notifications are no longer accepted. The exchange between the university and the statutory health insurance provider takes place electronically. Please contact your/the statutory health insurance provider that sent you the notification and ask them to send a digital notification.

The notification received has an incorrect notification reason. For enrolment, we require a notification with notification reason 10 (Meldegrund 10). Please contact your statutory health insurance provider and ask them to send the correct notification.

You can find further information on the following webpage: Health and accident insurance.

An officially certified copy of your university degree certificate or additional documents are missing (e.g., for applications to master’s degree programmes or when you have already obtained a degree).

Only one enrolment request can be processed. Please inform us immediately in writing or per email as to which degree programme you should be enrolled in, stating your application no. in the letter or email.


Only justified requests to study a double degree will be approved. Evidence that at least 90 credit points have been acquired in the first degree programme must be provided.


For more information, see /en/studium/bewerbung/doppelstudium/.
