Presentations / Downloads
- D. Vollhardt
From Laws of Nature to Scientific Theories
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Symposium “Big Ideas for a Complex World” on the occasion of Prof. M. I. Katsnelson's retirement, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands, October 30, 2024
- D. Vollhardt
Laws and Theories in the Natural Sciences
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George Mason University, Fairfax, USA, 03.11.2023 (by Video)
? - D. Vollhardt
Naturgesetze und Naturwissenschaftliche Theorien
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Jahresversammlung der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Leopoldina); Halle, 29.09.2023
- D. Vollhardt
Why solve many-body problems in infinite dimensions?
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University of Warsaw, Poland, 09.12.2022
? - D. Vollhardt
Magnetism: From Ancient Greece to Modern Warsaw
Public Lecture, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 08.12.2022;
? - D. Vollhardt
Why calculate in infinite dimensions?
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Autumn School on Correlated Electrons: Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Correlated Electrons, Forschungszentrum Jülich; 04.10.2022
? - D. Vollhardt
Solving correlated electron problems in infinite dimensions
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International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories XXI,Feenberg Medal Award Session, Chapel Hill, USA, 14.09.2022
- D. Vollhardt
Superfluid helium-3: A test system for universal concepts on physics
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University of Warsaw, Poland, 12.03.2021 (by Video)
? - D. Vollhardt
Superfluid Helium-3: From very low Temperatures to the Big Bang
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Boston College, Boston, USA, 25.02.2021 (by Video)
- D. Vollhardt
The art of modeling in solid state physics
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University of Bonn, 11.12.2020 (by Video)
? - D. Vollhardt
The art of modeling correlated materials
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University of Duisburg-Essen, 18.11.2020 (by Video)
? - D. Vollhardt
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory: A Status Report
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Mark Jarrell Memorial Symposium on Computational Condensed Matter Physics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA, 28.02.2020
? - D. Vollhardt
The art of modeling in solid state physics
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Universit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, 29.01.2020
? - D. Vollhardt
The art of modeling in solid state physics & the current state of DMFT
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Seminar über aktuelle Probleme der Theorie korrelierter Elektronensysteme, University of Augsburg, 22.01.2020
- D. Vollhardt
The art of modeling in solid state physics
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Johannes-Kepler University Linz, Austria, 06.11.2019
? - D. Vollhardt
Dynamical mean-field theory of strongly correlated electron systems
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Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics 2019 (SFKM 2019), Belgrade, Serbia, 08.10.2019
? - D. Vollhardt
Dynamical mean-field theory of strongly correlated electron systems
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International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2019 (SCES 2019), Okayama, Japan, 24.09.2019
? - D. Vollhardt
Was ist eine naturwissenschaftliche Theorie?
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Festvortrag auf der Feierlichen Jahressitzung der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 08.12.2018; Jahrbuch 2018 der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, München (2019)
? - D. Vollhardt
What do we learn from the observation of an isosbestic point?
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Seminar über aktuelle Probleme der Theorie korrelierter Elektronensysteme, University of Augsburg, 08.05.2019
? - D. Vollhardt
What do we learn from the observation of an isosbestic point?
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University of Warsaw, Poland, 26.04.2019
? - D. Vollhardt
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Correlated Electron Materials
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30th Edgar-Lüscher Seminar, Klosters, Switzerland, 02.02.2019
- D. Vollhardt
From Infinite Dimensions to Real Materials
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Seminar über aktuelle Probleme der Theorie korrelierter Elektronensysteme, University of Augsburg, 19.12.2018
? - D. Vollhardt
From Infinite Dimensions to Real Materials
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Autumn School on Correlated Electrons: DMFT - From Infinite Dimensions to Real Materials, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 17.09.2018
? - D. Vollhardt
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Correlated Electrons
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Summerschool 2018: Bandstructure meets quantum field theory, Technische Universit?t Wien, ?sterreich, 03.07.2018
? - D. Vollhardt
Superfluid Helium-3: A Test System for Universal Concepts in Physics
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Seminar über aktuelle Probleme der Theorie korrelierter Elektronensysteme, University of Augsburg, 13.06.2018
? - D. Vollhardt
Tanz der Elektronen
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Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft, Augsburg, 05.05.2018
? - D. Vollhardt
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Correlated Electron Materials
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XXIII Latin American Symposium on Solid State Physics, Bariloche, Argentina, 12.04.2018
- D. Vollhardt
Superfluid Helium-3: Universal Concepts for Condensed Matter and the Big Bang
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Universit?t Heidelberg, 08.12.2017
? - D. Vollhardt
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Correlated Electron Materials
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3rd International Conference Electronic Structure Theory for Accelerated Materials Design: New Tool for Materials Science, National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia, 30.10.2017
? - D. Vollhardt
Superfluid Helium-3: Universal Concepts for Condensed Matter and the Big Bang
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GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, 09.05.2017
? - D. Vollhardt
Phase instabilities caused by electronic correlations
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Quantum Criticality & Novel Phases 2017: Competing order and exotic phases, Berlin, 28.02.2017
? - D. Vollhardt
From Materials to Models and Back
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28th Edgar-Lüscher Seminar, Klosters, Schweiz, 08.02.2017
- D. Vollhardt
Lattice instabilities of correlated electron materials and the topological Fermi surface transition in FeSe
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14th Japanese-German Symposium, Effects of Parity Mixing in Correlated Electron Systems, Sapporo, Japan, 27.09.2016
? - D. Vollhardt
Influence of electronic correlations on the lattice stability of solids
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Memorial Symposium for Thomas Pruschke, University of G?ttingen, 21.07.2016
? - D. Vollhardt
Superfluid Helium-3: Universal Concepts for Condensed Matter and the Big Bang
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Universit?t zu K?ln, 01.07.2016
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising Effects of the Interaction between Electrons in Solids
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Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 06.04.2016
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising Effects of the Interaction between Electrons in Solids
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Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 05.04.2016
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising Effects of the Interaction between Electrons in Solids
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Qiu-Shi Forum in Natural Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 01.04.2016
? - D. Vollhardt
How does the interaction between electrons influence the lattice structure of a solid?
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Center for Correlated Matter, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 30.03.2016
? - D. Vollhardt
How does the interaction between electrons influence the lattice structure of a solid?
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University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, 24.03.2016
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising Effects of Electronic Correlations in Solids
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University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, 23.03.2016
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising Effects of Electronic Correlations in Solids
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Zhong-Guan-Cun Forum on Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 21.03.2016
? - D. Vollhardt
How does the interaction between electrons influence the lattice structure of a solid?
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Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, 16.03.2016
? - D. Vollhardt
How does the interaction between electrons influence the lattice structure of a solid?
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University of Warsaw, Poland, 22.01.2016
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising effects of electronic correlations in solids
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University of Warsaw, Poland, 21.01.2016
- D. Vollhardt
Supraflüssiges Helium-3: Von sehr tiefen Temperaturen bis zum Urknall
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Dortmund, 15.12.2015
? - D. Vollhardt
How does the interaction between electrons influence the lattice structure of a solid?
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Centro Atómico Bariloche e Instituto Balseiro, Argentina, 19.11.2015
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising Effects of Electronic Correlations in Solids
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Sólidos 2015, La Plata, Argentina, 10.11.2015
? - D. Vollhardt
Influence of Electronic Correlations on the Structural Stability of Solids
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Workshop on Correlated Electronic Structure and Spin Dynamics, University of Hamburg, 06.05.2015
- D. Vollhardt
From Gutzwiller Wave Functions to Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
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Autumn School on Correlated Electrons DMFT at 25: Infinite Dimensions, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 15.09.2014
? - D. Vollhardt
Structural Stability and Lattice Dynamics of Correlated Electron Materials
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13th Japanese-German Symposium on Interplay of Spin and Orbital Degrees of Freedom in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Schlo? Ringberg, Kreuth, 14.07.2014
? - D. Vollhardt
Structural Stability and Lattice Dynamics of Correlated Electron Materials
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ψk Workshop on Strong electron correlation effects in complex d- and f-based magnetic materials for technological applications, Prague, Czech Republic, 01.07.2014
? - D. Vollhardt
Importance of Electronic Correlations for the Structural Stability and Lattice Dynamics of Solids
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International Workshop on Functionality of Oxide Interfaces, Monastery Irsee, Kaufbeuren, 11.03.2014
- D. Vollhardt
Dynamical Mean-Field Approach with Predictive Power for Strongly Correlated Materials (FOR 1346)
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Korrelationstage 2013, MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, 26.09.2013
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising effects of the interaction between electrons in solids
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Symposium New Perspectives on Quantum Matter on the occasion of Werner Hanke's 70th birthday; Universit?t Würzburg, 20.07.2013
? - D. Vollhardt
Superfluid Helium-3: Universal Concepts for Condensed Matter and the Big Bang
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Physikalisches Kolloquium, Stuttgart, 07.05.2013
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising effects of the interaction between electrons in solids
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Symposium Topical aspects of condensed matter physics on the occasion of Gernot Güntherodt's 70th birthday; RWTH Aachen, Aachen, 03.05.2013
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising effects of the interaction between electrons in solids
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Inauguration Symposium of the Wolfgang Pauli Centre, DESY, Hamburg, 17.04.2013
? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations and Structural Stability
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Conference on Strongly correlated transition metal compounds - a farewell to SFB 608, Universit?t zu K?ln, K?ln, 07.03.2013
? - D. Vollhardt
Quantification of correlations in quantum many-particle systems
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Universit?t Mainz, 25.01.2013
- D. Vollhardt
?berraschende Effekte der Wechselwirkung zwischen Elektronen in Materie
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Universit?t Bremen, 22.11.2012
? - D. Vollhardt
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
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Summer School Bandstructure meets Many-Body Theory, Vienna, Austria, 21.09.2012
? - D. Vollhardt
Quantification of correlations in quantum many-particle systems
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12th Japanese-German Symposium, Emergent Phenomena in Novel Quantum Phases of Condensed Matter, Shuzenji, Japan, 15.07.2012
? - D. Vollhardt
Supraflüssiges Helium-3: Von sehr tiefen Temperaturen bis zum Urknall
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TU Dresden, 05.06.2012
? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations and Structural Stability: II. From Models to Materials
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Structural Dynamics Workshop, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 11.04.2012
? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations and Structural Stability: I. Concepts and Models
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Structural Dynamics Workshop, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 10.04.2012
? - D. Vollhardt
Quantification of correlations in quantum many-particle systems
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Workshop on Electronic Correlations and Disorder in Quantum Matter,
Dedicated to Peter W?lfle's 70th Birthday, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 03.04.2012
- D. Vollhardt
?berraschende Effekte der Wechselwirkung zwischen Elektronen in Materie
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Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München, 09.12.2011
? - D. Vollhardt
Dynamical Mean-Field Approach for Strongly Correlated Materials
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Autumn School 2011 Hands-on LDA+DMFT, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 04.10.2011
? - D. Vollhardt
Superfluid Helium-3: From very low Temperatures to the Big Bang
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The 3rd Dvorak Lecture, Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, 08.06.2011
? - D. Vollhardt
Construction of Exact Ground States for Correlated Electron Models
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Universit?t K?ln, 20.05.2011
? - D. Vollhardt
Superfluid Helium-3: From very low Temperatures to the Big Bang
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Centro Atómico Bariloche e Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentinia, 25.02.2011
? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations in Models and Materials
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Centro Atómico Bariloche e Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentinia, 22.02.2011
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising Effects of Electronic Correlations in Solids
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University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 17.02.2011
? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations: From Models to Materials
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Boston University, USA, 14.02.2011
? - D. Vollhardt
Construction of Exact Ground States for Correlated Electron Models
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University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, 14.01.2011
? - D. Vollhardt
Construction of Exact Ground States for Correlated Electron Models
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University of California at Davis, USA, 11.01.2011
? - D. Vollhardt
Superfluid Helium-3: From very low Temperatures to the Big Bang
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University of California at Davis, USA, 10.01.2011
? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations in Models and Materials
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University of California at Santa Cruz, USA, 07.01.2011
? - D. Vollhardt
Construction of Exact Ground States for Correlated Lattice Fermion Models
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Stanford University, USA, 06.01.2011
- D. Vollhardt
Surprising Effects of Electronic Correlations in Solids
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Institute for Metal Physics, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 09.12.2010
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising Effects of Electronic Correlations in Solids
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Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, 25.11.2010
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising Effects of Electronic Correlations in Solids
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Universit?t G?ttingen, 25.10.2010
? - D. Vollhardt
Construction of exact ground states for non-integrable lattice fermion models
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Workshop on Resonating Valence Bond Physics: Spin Liquids and Beyond, Dedicated to the memory of Patrik Fazekas, Budapest, Hungary, 14.10.2010
? - D. Vollhardt
Construction of exact ground states for non-integrable lattice fermion models
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WE-Heraeus-Seminar Analytische und numerische Methoden korrelierter Elektronen, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, 29.09.2010
? - D. Vollhardt
Ferromagnetism in f-electron systems
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International Conference on Heavy Electrons (ICHE2010), Tokyo, Japan, 17.09.2010
? - D. Vollhardt
Metal-insulator transitions of correlated lattice electrons in the presence of disorder
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11th German-Japanese Symposium on New Quantum States and Phenomena in Condensed Matter, Hiroshima, Japan, 15.09.2010
? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations in Models and Materials (Part 1)
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Focussed Lecture, Integrated Graduate School of Transregio 80, Universit?t Augsburg, 09.06.2010
? - D. Vollhardt
?berraschende Effekte elektronischer Wechselwirkungen in Materie
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Bergische Universit?t Wuppertal, 07.06.2010
? - D. Vollhardt
?berraschende Effekte elektronischer Wechselwirkungen in Materie
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Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, 28.05.2010
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising Effects of Electronic Correlations in Solids
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Universit?t Halle-Wittenberg, 29.04.2010
? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations in Models and Materials
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Max-Planck-Medal 2010, Prize talk; DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, 25.03.2010
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising Effects of Electronic Correlations in Solids
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Universit?t Bonn, 29.01.2010
- D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations in Models and Materials
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University of Warsaw, Poland, 13.11.2009
? - D. Vollhardt
Superfluid Helium-3: From very low Temperatures to the Big Bang
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University of Warsaw, Poland, 12.11.2009
? - D. Vollhardt
Superfluid Helium-3: From very low Temperatures to the Big Bang
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Lehrstuhl-Seminar, Theoretische Physik III, Universit?t Augsburg, 04.11.2009
? - D. Vollhardt
Lectures on Theory of correlated fermionic condensed matter I-V
XIV. Training Course in the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems, Salerno, October 5-9, 2009
Download:- Lecture 1: Correlated electrons made simple
a. What are electronic correlations and where do they show up? transparencies (PDF)
b. Introduction to dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) transparencies (PDF) - Lecture 2: Electronic correlations - from models to materials
a. DMFT and the Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition transparencies (PDF)
b. Merging DMFT with density functional theory (LDA+DMFT) and application to transition-metal oxides transparencies (PDF) - Lecture 3: Correlation-induced phenomena in electronic systems
a. Kinks in the electronic dispersion transparencies (PDF)
b. Electronic correlations and disorder transparencies (PDF) - Lecture 4: Superfluid Helium-3: From very low Temperatures to the Big Bang transparencies (PDF)
- Lecture 5: Common concepts in correlated Fermi systems transparencies (PDF)
? - Lecture 1: Correlated electrons made simple
- D. Vollhardt
DMFT for correlated bosons and boson-fermion mixtures
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Workshop on Recent developments in dynamical mean-field theory, ETH Zürich, Schweiz, 29.09.2009
? - D. Vollhardt
Isosbestic Points: Fingerprints of Electronic Correlations
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New Developments in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Workshop in Honor of Kazuo Ueda's 60th Birthday, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 19.09.2009
? - D. Vollhardt
?berraschende Effekte elektronischer Korrelationen in Festk?rpern
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Universit?t Würzburg, 06.07.2009
? - D. Vollhardt
Surprising Effects of Electronic Correlations in Solids
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Lecture Series on Frontiers in Chemical Physics of Solids, MPI für Chemische Physik fester K?rper, Dresden, 19.03.2009
? - D. Vollhardt
Realistic Modeling of Materials with Strong Electronic Correlations
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AIST-RIKEN Joint Workshop on Emergent Phenomena of Correlated Materials, Okinawa Island, Japan, 05.03.2009
? - D. Vollhardt
?berraschende Effekte Elektronischer Korrelationen in Festk?rpern
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Universit?t Heidelberg, 09.01.2009
- D. Vollhardt
Realistic Modeling of Materials with Strong Electronic Correlations
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Workshop At the Frontiers of Condensed Matter IV: Current trends and novel materials, Buenos Aires, Argentinien, 11.12.2008
? - D. Vollhardt
Supraflüssiges Helium-3: Von sehr tiefen Temperaturen bis zum Urknall
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TU Ilmenau, 2. 12. 2008
? - D. Vollhardt
Supraflüssiges Helium-3: Von sehr tiefen Temperaturen bis zum Urknall
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PTB Braunschweig, 20. 11. 2008
? - D. Vollhardt
Dynamical mean-field theory for correlated bosons
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10th German-Japanese Symposium Collective Quantum Phenomena in Correlated Condensed Matter Systems, Schlo? Ringberg, Rottach-Egern, 29. 9. 2008
? - D. Vollhardt
Supraflüssiges Helium-3: Von tiefsten Temperaturen bis zum Urknall
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Universit?t Greifswald, 10. 7. 2008
? - D. Vollhardt
Realistic Modeling of Materials with Strong Electronic Correlations
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European Conference on Physics of Magnetism '08, Poznan, Poland, 25. 6. 2008
? - D. Vollhardt
Multitude of ground states in simple systems: Exact results for triangle, diamond, and pentagon Hubbard chains
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Workshop on Unconventional Phases and Phase Transitions in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, 15. 6. 2008
? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations in Models and Materials
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Stuttgarter Physikalisches Kolloquium, MPI für Festk?rperforschung, 15. 4. 2008
? - D. Vollhardt
Metal-Insulator Transitions of Correlated Lattice Fermions with Disorder
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University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, 14. 2. 2008
? - D. Vollhardt
Superfluid Helium-3: From very low Temperatures to the Big Bang
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University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, 13. 2. 2008
? - D. Vollhardt
Exact many-electron ground states on triangle, diamond, and pentagon Hubbard chains
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Universit?t Augsburg, 23. 1. 2008
? - D. Vollhardt
Elektronische Korrelationen in Modellen und Materialien
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Universit?t Kiel, 15. 1. 2008
- D. Vollhardt
Superfluid Helium-3: From very low Temperatures to the Big Bang
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Yukawa International Seminar (YKIS) 2007 on Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems, Yukawa Institute, Kyoto, Japan, 27. 11. 2007
? - D. Vollhardt
Exact many-electron ground states on triangle, diamond, and pentagon Hubbard chains
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Yukawa International Seminar (YKIS) 2007 on Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems, Yukawa Institute, Kyoto, Japan, 21. 11. 2007
? - D. Vollhardt
Elektronische Korrelationen im Festk?rper/
Electronic Correlations in Solids
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Universit?t Dortmund, 23. 10. 2007
? - D. Vollhardt
Metal-Insulator Transitions of Correlated Lattice Fermions with Disorder
Workshop on Disorder in Condensed Matter and Cold Atoms, Lorentz Center, University of Leiden, Niederlande, 26. 9. 2007
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? - D. Vollhardt
Lecture I: Introduction to the Physics of Correlated Electron Materials
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Lecture II: Introduction to Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
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Summer School on Ab-Initio Many-Body Theory, San Sebastian, Spain, 23.-27. 7. 2007
? - D. Vollhardt
Supraflüssiges Helium-3: Von den tiefsten Temperaturen bis zum Urknall/
Superfluid Helium-3: From very low Temperatures to the Big Bang
Universit?t Frankfurt, 30. 5. 2007
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? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations in Solids
International EPL-Symposium on Physics in our times - how will it evolve and what are the major remaining challenges?, Fondation Del Duca de l'Institut de France, Paris, 10. 5. 2007
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Transparencies of all talks given at the Symposium
Press release by the Institute of Physics, May 10, 2007
? - D. Vollhardt
Kinks in the dispersion of strongly correlated electrons
Strong Correlations and Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (CORPES), MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, 27. 4. 2007
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? - D. Vollhardt
Isosbestic Points and Kinks: Fingerprints of Electronic Correlations
Frontiers of Condensed Matter, Conference celebrating Elihu Abrahams' 80th Birthday, Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA, April 20, 2007
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? - D. Vollhardt
Elektronische Korrelationen im Festk?rper/
Electronic Correlations in Solids
Universit?t Basel, 2. 2. 2007
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? - D. Vollhardt
Elektronische Korrelationen im Festk?rper: Vom Modell zum Material/
Electronic Correlations in Solids: From Models to Materials
Berliner Physikalisches Kolloquium im Magnus-Haus, 11. 1. 2007
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- D. Vollhardt
Supraflüssiges Helium 3: Von den tiefsten Temperaturen zum Urknall/
Superfluid Helium-3: From very low Temperatures to the Big Bang
Münchner Physik Kolloquium, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München, 11. 12. 2006
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? - D. Vollhardt
Isosbestic points and Kinks: Fingerprints of Electronic Correlations
Symposium celebrating Hilbert v. L?hneysen's 60th Birthday, University of Karlsruhe, 27. 10. 2006
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? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations - Mott Transition - Photoemission Spectra
International Summerschool of MAINZ - MATCOR on Photoemission, Mainz, 26. 9. 2006
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? - D. Vollhardt
Theoretical Developments in the Field of Strongly Correlated Electrons: Where we are and where we go
Workshop on Strongly Correlated Transition Metal Compounds II, SFB 608, K?ln, 11. 9. 2006
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? - D. Vollhardt
Common Concepts in Correlated Fermion Systems
International Symposium on Trends in Condensed Matter Physics, MPI-PKS Dresden, 5. 4. 2006
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? - D. Vollhardt
Development and Application of the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT) for Correlated Electron Systems
Prize Lecture (Agilent Technologies Europhysics Prize 2006, together with A. Georges, G. Kotliar, and W. Metzner), EPS - 21st General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division; Dresden 29. 3. 2006
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? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations and Metal-Insulator Transitions
DFG-Rundgespr?ch Elektronische Struktur von Festk?rpern: Experiment und Theorie, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, 2. 3. 2006
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- D. Vollhardt
Elektronische Korrelationen im Festk?rper: Vom Modell zum Material/
Electronic Correlations in Solids: From Models to Materials
RWTH Aachen, 7. 11. 2005
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? - D. Vollhardt
Theory of Electronic Correlations in Transition Metal Oxides: From simple models to real materials
International Conference on Perovskites - Properties and Potential Applications; EMPA, Dübendorf, Switzerland, 6. 9. 2005
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? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Structure Calculations of Strongly Correlated Materials: Applications of Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2005 (SCES'05), Vienna, Austria, 27. 7. 2005
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? - D. Vollhardt
Universal Features of Correlated Fermi Systems
Workshop on Correlated Electrons and Glassy Matter on the occasion of Prof. Dr. Alois Loidl's 60th birthday, Augsburg, 17. 7. 2005
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? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations in Solids: From Simple Models to Real Materials
Hands-on Course: LDA+DMFT, Universit?t Hamburg, 18. 5. 2005
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? - D. Vollhardt
Elektronische Korrelationen im Festk?rper: Vom Modell zum Material/
Electronic Correlations in Solids: From Models to Materials
Universit?t Karlsruhe, 6. 5. 2005
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? - D. Vollhardt
Theory of strongly correlated electron systems: From simple models to real materials
Conference on Theoretical Physics, Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia; 15. 4. 2005
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? - D. Vollhardt
Realistic Modeling of Materials with Strongly Correlated Electrons: LDA+DMFT and Beyond
Korrelationstage 2005, MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, 1. 4. 2005
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? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations in Condensed Matter: From Models to Materials
Workshop on Chemical Physics of Complex Adaptive Matter, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, 9. 2. 2005
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- D. Vollhardt
Realistic Modeling of Materials with Strong Electronic Correlations
Yukawa International Seminar 2004 on Physics of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 18. 11. 2004
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? - D. Vollhardt
Common Concepts in Helium-3 and Strongly Correlated Electron Systems,
Todai International Symposium on Quantum Condensed Systems (ISSP-9), University of Tokyo, Kashiwa; Japan, 16. 11. 2004
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? - D. Vollhardt
Realistic Modeling of Materials with Strongly Correlated Electrons ,
International Symposium on New Materials with High Spin Polarization, Kaiserslautern, 7. 10. 2004
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? - D. Vollhardt
Realistic Modeling of Strongly Correlated Electron Materials: LDA+DMFT and Beyond
8th Japanese-German Symposium on Competing Phases in Novel Condensed Matter Systems, Lauterbad, 4. 8. 2004
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? - D. Vollhardt
Realistic Modeling of Materials with Strongly Correlated Electrons
20th General EPS-Conference (Condensed Matter Division), Prag, 19. 7. 2004
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? - D. Vollhardt
Electronic Correlations in Transition Metal Oxides: From Models to Materials
15. Edgar-Lüscher Seminar 2004, Serneus (Schweiz), 16. 2. 2004
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- D. Vollhardt
Theory of the Photoemission Spectra of SrVO3 and CaVO3: The Resultion of a Puzzle
International Symposium on Competing Phases in Novel Condensed Matter Systems, Würzburg, 9. 7. 2003
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- D. Vollhardt
Realistic Investigations of Materials with Strong Electronic Correlations
Santa Barbara (USA), 2002
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? - D. Vollhardt
Realistic Modelling of Materials with Strong Electronic Correlations using LDA+DMFT(QMC)
Lecture at NIC Winter School, Feb. 2002, Kerkrade, Netherlands
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