

The heads of faculties and faculty institutes as well as all professors who have not been relieved of their duties are eligible to apply for funding. Funding is designated for preparatory events and associated measures that serve to attract third-party funding from competitive, high-ranking sources (DFG, EU, BMBF, and selected foundations) and that strengthen the culture of academic research. These measures are aimed at supporting the initiation of inter- and intra-university research cooperations, the preparation of concrete research proposals, and the strengthening of the culture of academic research.

Costs eligible to be covered by funding include those necessary to hold events, to involve experts from outside the university, and for other measures (especially travel expenses, fees,
room rental, funding of student assistants, and materials).


Applications can be submitted at any time and are not tied to a specific deadline. For further details, please refer to the following call for applications. The application form, available for download below, should be used.

? University of Augsburg
