

Welcome to the website of the Chair of Urban Climate Resilience!

The impression still persists that anthropogenic climate change primarily takes place at great spatial or temporal distances. However, the consequences of climate change are already being experienced today, even here in our own country. The heatwave of 2018 and the accompanying drought in northern and eastern Germany, as well as the heavy rainfall events in the summer of 2021 and the resulting floods and flash floods in western and southeastern Germany, are just two examples.


In the future, the impacts of the climate crisis will intensify even further. The greenhouse gases already present in the atmosphere will continue to influence the climate for many decades, leading to gradual changes such as the progressive increase in global average temperature, the melting of glaciers, and the rise in sea levels. Even if climate protection measures are successful, adaptation to the consequences of climate change is unavoidable.


At the Chair of Urban Climate Resilience, we are investigating how communities (cities, municipalities, districts) can be made more climate resilient. In this context, climate resilience refers to the reduction of social vulnerability and the strengthening of societal resilience in dealing with the consequences of global climate change.

at one glace


Oct. 26, 2021

Lehrstuhl für Urbane Klimaresilienz eingerichtet

Die Universita?t Augsburg hat den Geographen Prof. Dr. Markus Keck zum Wintersemester 2021/2022 auf den neu eingerichteten Lehrstuhl für Urbane Klimaresilienz berufen. Damit ist die erste von zehn neu geschaffenen Professuren besetzt, die das im Januar gegründete Zentrum für Klimaresilienz vergr??ern werden. Dort wird die Widerstands- und Anpassungsf?higkeit von ?kosystemen, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft gegenüber den Folgen des Klima- und Umweltwandels erforscht. Herr Keck wird sich in Augsburg mit Agri-Food-Systemen, mit st?dtischer Natur und Infrastruktur sowie mit Zukunftsvisionen klimaresilienter St?dte besch?ftigen.

current publications


ERLER, M., KECK, M., DITTRICH, C. (2022): The changing meaning of millets: Organic shops and distinctive consumption practices in Bengaluru, India. In: Journal of Consumer Culture, 22 (1): 124-142


FRIEDRICH, J., NAJORK, K., KECK, M., ZSCHEISCHLER, J. (2022): Bioeconomic fiction between narrative dynamics and a fixed imaginary: Indications from India and Germany. In: Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30 (2): 584-595


HERZBERG, R., SCHMIDT, T., KECK, M. (2022): Market power and food loss at the producer-retailer interface of fruit and vegetable supply chains in Germany. In: Sustainability Science: Online


KECK, M. (2021): Sustainability in agri-food systems: transformative trajectories toward the post-Anthropocene. In: Sustainability Science, 16 (3): 717-719


KECK, M., FLACHS, A. (2022): From Necrocene to Naíocene - promising pathways toward sustainable agri-food systems. In: Sustainability Science, 17(6), 2177-2185


MIDDENDORF, S., PURWINS, S., WALTER, C. (2022): Anthropogeographie im Anthropoz?n, der Anthropos und darüber hinaus: Lektüre von Helmuth Plessner. Geographica Helvetica, 77(4), 459-466. https://doi.org/10.5194/gh-77-459-2022


NAJORK, K., FRIEDRICH, J., KECK, M. (2022): Bt cotton, pink bollworm and the political economy of socio-biological obsolescence: insights from Telangana, India. In: Agriculture and Human Values: Online First, 39(3), 1007-1026


NAJORK, K., GADELA, S., NADIMINTI, P., SREERAMULU, G., REDDY, R., HARIBABU, E., KECK, M. (2021): The return of pink bollworm in India’s Bt cotton fields: livelihood vulnerabilities of farming households in Karimnagar District. In: Progress in Development Studies, 21 (1): 68-85


NAJORK, K., KECK, M. (2022): Mistranslating refuge crops: policy mobilities in the context of India’s cotton production. In: Geographica Helvetica, 77: 213-233


PURWINS, S. (2021): Die (Wieder-)Entdeckung von Ghanas Bauxit: Akteure, Strukturen und Narrative. In: Matthias Schmidt, Hubert Zapf (Eds.): Environmental Humanities: Beitr?ge zur geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Umweltforschung (pp. 161-180). G?ttingen: V&R Unipress. https://doi.org/10.14220/9783737012669.161


PURWINS, S. (2022): "Come what may, we bring those resources to play": narratives, future‐making, and the case of bauxite extraction at Atewa Forest, Ghana. Area, 54(2), 233-241. https://doi.org/10.1111/area.12765


PURWINS, S. (2022): Bauxite mining at Atewa Forest Reserve, Ghana: a political ecology of a conservation-exploitation conflict. GeoJournal, 87, 1085-1097. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-020-10303-3


PURWINS, S. (2023): Same same, but different: Ghana's Sinohydro deal as evolved 'Angola Model'?. Insight on Africa https://doi.org/10.1177/09750878221114381


PURWINS, S. (2023): Totope und das Meer: über Verwundbarkeiten und Anpassungen an der Küste von Ghana. In: Geographische Rundschau, 2023(1-2), 52-55.


PURWINS, S., GRASHEY-JANSEN, S. (im Druck): Natur- und Kulturlandschaft im Werdenfelser Land. In Thomas Schneider (Ed.): Geographische Exkursionen im n?heren und weiteren Umland von Augsburg. Augsburg: Institut für Geographie, Universit?t Augsburg.

contact details

Mailing Address:

Center for Climate Resilience

Universit?tsstra?e 2

86159 Augsburg


Visiting Address:

Center for Climate Resilience

Universit?tsstra?e 12a

86159 Augsburg

Building I


For email addresses and phone numbers, please refer to the individual pages of the respective staff members at the chair.

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