

Dr. Eva Nuhn

Research and teaching assistant
Phone: +49 821 598 2281
Room: 2031 (B)
Open hours: by appointment only
Address: Alter Postweg 118, 86159 Augsburg


Master students!


If you are looking for a master thesis p? lease contact us!


Currently, our focus is on landmarks in non-urban areas. If you want to investigate a GeoSocial Landmark Model to identify landmarks in the wild please contact us.


  • Navigation and wayfinding
  • Pedestrian wayfinding via landmarks
  • Personalised landmarks
  • Cognitive aspects of human wayfinding
  • Applications for Landmark Navigation using Python



  • NUHN, Eva / HAMBURGER, Kai / TIMPF, Sabine [2024]: Mapping and Modelling of Landmark Modalities. Abstracts and authors of the 9th International Conference on Spatial Cognition: Segmentation and Binding in Spatial Cognition (ICSC 2024). Cogn Process 25 (Suppl 1), 3–47.? https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-024-01218-9?

  • KETTUNEN, PYRY / NUHN, Eva / VAN DAMME, MARIE-DOMINIQUE / OLTEANU-RAIMOND, ANA-MARIA [2024]: Gathering a multicultural ontology of outdoor and hiking landmarks from direct terrain observations and sketch maps, Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 74.? https://doi.org/10.5194/ica-abs-7-74-2024

  • NUHN, Eva / HAMBURGER, Kai / TIMPF, Sabine [2024]: Mapping olfactory cues for wayfinding – a theoretical approach and an empirical study. Journal of Location Based Services, 1–25.? https://doi.org/10.1080/17489725.2024.2371298

  • NUHN, Eva / SPANG, Laura / TIMPF, Sabine [2024]:? getFeedback!: Feedback-Based Learning while Identifying a Caravan Site Location, AGILE GIScience Ser., 5, 42. https://doi.org/10.5194/agile-giss-5-42-2024




  • BRODMANN, MICHAEL / NUHN, Eva [2021]: Pers?nliche Dimensionen in Landmarkenidentifikationsmodellen. Kartographische Nachrichten 71(1), pp. A7-A13. Available here.?
  • NUHN, Eva / TIMPF, Sabine [2021]: “On the Modelling of Landmarks“. Abstracts and authors of the 8th International Conference on Spatial Cognition: Cognition and Action in a Plurality of Spaces (ICSC 2021)”. In: Cognitive Processing 22, p. 27. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-021-01058-x
  • NUHN, Eva / TIMPF, Sabine [2021]: “Modelling of Landmark Dimensions“. Abstracts and authors of the 8th International Conference on Spatial Cognition: Cognition and Action in a Plurality of Spaces (ICSC 2021)”. In: Cognitive Processing 22, p. 28. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-021-01058-x


  • NUHN, Eva [2020]: Modelling of personalised landmarks. PhD thesis, University of Augsburg, Faculty of ?Applied Computer Science.? Available here.
  • NUHN, Eva / TIMPF, Sabine [2020]: How to Model (Personalised) Landmarks?. In: ??ilters J., Newcombe N., Uttal D. (eds) Spatial Cognition XII. Spatial Cognition 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12162. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-57983-8_3


  • NUHN, Eva / TIMPF, Sabine [2019]: Prediction of Landmarks Using (Personalised) Decision Trees. In: Gartner G, Huang H (eds) Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Location-Based Services, pp. 85-97. Vienna, Austria. https://doi.org/10.34726/lbs2019.16


  • NUHN, Eva / TIMPF, Sabine [2018]: Does interest influence landmark selection? Poster at the Spatial Cognition Conference, Tübingen.
  • KATTENBECK, Markus / NUHN, Eva / TIMPF, Sabine Timpf [2018]: Is Salience Robust? A Heterogeneity Analysis of Survey Ratings. In: Winter, S., Griffin, A., Sester, M. (eds). Proceedings 10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2018), LIPICS Vol. 114. https://doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.GISCIENCE.2018.7
  • NUHN, Eva / TIMPF, Sabine [2018]: An Overall Framework for Personalised Landmark Selection. In: Kiefer P., Huang H., Van de Weghe N., Raubal M. (eds) Progress in Location Based Services 2018. LBS 2018. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71470-7_12


  • NUHN, Eva / TIMPF, Sabine [2017]: A multidimensional model for selecting personalised landmarks. Journal of Location Based Services, 11(3-4), pp. 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1080/17489725.2017.1401129
  • NUHN, Eva / TIMPF, Sabine [2017]: Towards Personalized Landmarks. In: Fogliaroni P, Ballatore A, Clementini E (eds) Proceedings of Workshops and Posters at the 13th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2017). Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, Cham, pp. pp 101-103. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-63946-8_21
  • NUHN, Eva / TIMPF, Sabine [2017]: Personal Dimensions of Landmarks. In: Bregt A, Sarjakoski T, Van Lammeren R, Rip F (eds) Societal Geo-innovation, AGILE 2017. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, Cham, pp. 129 -143. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-56759-4_8 Download citation



  • NUHN, Eva / TIMPF, Sabine [2016]: A multidimensional model for personalized landmarks. In: Gartner G, Huang H (eds) Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Location-Based Services, pp. 4-6. Vienna, Austria.


  • NUHN, Eva / HASKE, Benjamin / REINHARDT, Wolfgang [2012]: Generation of landmarks from 3D city models and OSM data, In: GENSEL, Jér?me / JOSSELIN, Didier / VANDENBROUCKE, Danny (Hrsg.): Multidisciplinary Research on Geographical Information in Europe and Beyond. Proceedings of the AGILE’2012 International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Avignon, April, 24-27, 2012. S. 365/392-369/392, ISBN: 978-90-81960-0-5.
  • NUHN, Eva / KROPAT, Erik / REINHARDT, Wolfgang / PICKL, Stefan [2012]: Preparation of Complex Landslide Simulation Results with Clustering Approaches for Decision Support and Early Warning, In: SPRAGHE, Ralph H. Jr.: Proceedings of the Forthy-Fifth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 4-7 January 2012, Maui, Hawaii. IEEE Computer Society Order Number P4525, S. 1089-1096, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4525-7.


  • NUHN, Eva [2011]: A method for the detection and description of changes of clusters in snapshots of a vector field, In: GEERTMAN, Stan / REINHARDT, Wolfgang / TOPPEN, Fred (Hrsg.): Proceedings 2011. The 14th AGILE Internationale Conference on Geographic Information Science. Advancing Geoinformation Science for a Changing World. Poster Abstracts, S. 85-87, ISBN:? 978-90-816960-1-2.
  • NUHN, Eva / REINHARDT, Wolfgang [2011]: Coupling geoinformation and simulation systems for the early warning of landslides, In: Applied Geomatics, Vol. 3, Issue 2. Gi4DM: Geo-information for Disaster Management, Torino, Italy, February 2010, Part 1, S. 101-107, ISSN: 1866-9298 (Druck), ISSN: 1866-928X (Online).


  • TRAUNER, Franz-Xaver / BOLEY, Conrad / NUHN, Eva [2010]: Identification of landslide susceptible slopes and risk assessment using a coupled GIS-FEA module, In: TONON, Fulvio / LIU, Xian / WU, Wie (Hrsg.): Deep and Underground Excavations. Proceedings of sessions of GeoShanghai 2010, June 3-5, 2010, Shanghai, China. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 206. American Society of Civil Engineering, Reston, S. 120-125, ISBN: 978-0-7844-1107-0.
  • ORTLIEB, Eva / REINHARDT, Wolfgang / TRAUNER, Franz-Xaver [2010]: Development of a Coupled Geoinformation and Simulation System for Early Warning, In: KONE?N?, Milan / ZLATANOVA, Sisi / BANDROVA, Temenoujka L. (Hrsg.): Geographic Information and Cartography for Risk and Crisis Management. Towards Better Solutions. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography (LNG&C), Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, S. 273-286, ISBN: 978-3-642-03441-1(Druck), ISBN: 978-3-642-03442-8 (Online).
  • NUHN, Eva / REINHARDT, Wolfgang [2010]: Overview of a Coupled Geoinformation and Simulation System for the early warning of landslides, In: 6th GI4DM Conference on Geomatics for Crisis Management, Turino, February 2-4, 2010. Proceedings (DVD)


  • BREUNIG, Martin / SCHILBERG, Bj?rn / KUPER, Paul Vincent / JAHN, Markus / REINHARDT, Wolfgang / NUHN, Eva / M?S, Stephan / BOLEY, Conrad / TRAUNER, Franz-Xaver / WIESEL, Joachim / RICHTER, Daniela / ABECKER, Andreas / GALLUS, Dominik / KAZAKOS, Wassilios / BARTELS, Andreas [2009]: EGIFF – Developing Advanced GI Methods for Early Warning in Mass Movement Scenarios, In: GEOTECHNOLOGIEN “Science Report” No. 13, Early Warning Systems in Earth Management, Status Seminar 12.-13. Oktober 2009, Technische Universit?t München, Programme & Abstracts, S. 49-72, ISSN: 1619-7399.
  • ORTLIEB, Eva / REINHARDT, Wolfgang / TRAUNER, Franz-Xaver [2009]: Kopplung von Geoinformations- und Simulationssystemen zur Entscheidungsunterstützung, In: Arbeitsgruppe Automation in Kartographie, Photogrammetrie und GIS – Tagung 2008. Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geod?sie, Band 43. Verlag des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geod?sie, Frankfurt am Main, S. 97-106, ISBN:? 978-3-89888-955-1.
  • TRAUNER, Franz-Xaver / ORTLIEB, Eva / BOLEY, Conrad [2009]: A coupled geoinformation and simulation system for landslide early warning systems, In: BAYERISCHES LANDESAMT F?R UMWELT (Hrsg.): Earth and man. 6th EUREGEO, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, June 9th – 12th 2009. European Congress in Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems. Proceedings Vol. I, S. 374-377.
  • BREUNIG, Martin / SCHILBERG, Bjoern / JAHN, M. / KUPER, Paul Vincent / REINHARDT, Wolfgang / ORTLIEB, Eva / BOLEY, Conrad / TRAUNER, Franz-Xaver / WIESEL, Joachim / RICHTER, Daniela / SCHUFFERT, Simon / ABECKER, Andreas / GALLUS, D. / KAZAKOS, Wassilios / BARTELS, Andreas [2009]: GI Methodenentwicklung zur Unterstützung der Analyse und Frühwarnung von Massenbewegungen, In: REINHARDT, Wolfgang / KR?GER, Antonio / EHLERS, Manfred (Hrsg.): Geoinformatik 2009. 31. M?rz – 02. April 2009, Osnabrück. Konferenzband. ifgi-prints, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Geoinformatik, Westf?lische Wilhelms-Universit?t Münster, Band 35, S. 269-274, ISBN: 978-3-89838-619-7.
  • ORTLIEB, Eva / REINHARDT, Wolfgang / TRAUNER, Franz-Xaver [2009]: Development of a coupled geo information and simulation system for early warning systems, In: KONE?N?, Milan / ZLATANOVA, Sisi / BANDROVA, Temenoujka / FRIEDMANNOVA, Lucie (Hrsg.): Cartography and Geoinformatics for Early Warning and Emergency Management: Towards better Solutions, January, 19-22, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic. Joint Symposium of ICA Working Group on CEWaCM and JBGIS Gi4DM. Abstracts. Masaryk Universit?t, Brünn, S. 27


  • BREUNIG, Martin / BROSCHEIT, Bj?rn / REINHARDT, Wolfgang / ORTLIEB, Eva / M?S, Stephan / BOLEY, Conrad / TRAUNER, Franz-Xaver / WIESEL, Joachim / RICHTER, Daniela / ABECKER, Andreas / GALLUS, Dominik / KAZAKOS, Wassilios / BARTELS, Andreas [2008]: Towards an information system for early warning of landslides, In: M?LLER, Andreas / PAGE, Bernd / SCHREIBER, Martin (Hrsg.): 2008 enviroinfo. Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology. Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Information for Environmental Protection, September 10-12, 2008, Leuphana Universit?t Lüneburg. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, S. 476-481, ISBN: 978-3-8322-7313-2.
  • TRAUNER, Franz-Xaver / BOLEY, Conrad / ORTLIEB, Eva [2008]: Coupling of geotechnical models and GIS for early warning purposes exemplified on landslides. Resources and Risks in the Earth System, In: KUKLA, Peter / LITTKE, Ralf (Hrsg.): Geo2008. Resources and Risks in the Earth System. International Conference and 106th annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften e.V. (DGG) and 98th annual meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung e.V. (GV), September 29 – October 2, 2008, Aachen, Germany. SDGG, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, Heft 60, S. 329, ISBN:? 978-3-510-49207-7.
  • BREUNIG, Martin / BROSCHEIT, Bj?rn / REINHARDT, Wolfgang / ORTLIEB, Eva / M?S, Stephan / BOLEY, Conrad / TRAUNER, Franz-Xaver / WIESEL, Joachim / RICHTER, Daniela / ABECKER, Andreas / GALLUS, Dominik / KAZAKOS, Wassilios / BARTELS, Andreas [2008]: Development of suitable information systems for early warning systems (EGIFF), In: Early Warning Systems in Earth Management. Status-Seminar, October, 8-9, 2008, University Osnabrück, Abstracts. R&D Programme Geotechnologien. Universit?t Osnabrück, Osnabrück, S. 113-130.
  • TRAUNER, Franz-Xaver / MEYER, Friederike / BOLEY, Conrad / ORTLIEB, Eva [2008]: Neue innovative Methoden zur Frühwarnung auf Basis von gekoppelten Informations- und Simulationssystemen am Beispiel gravitativer Massenbewegungen, In: SCHAD, Hermann (Hrsg.): Bauen in Boden und Fels – 6. Kolloquium, 22. und 23. Januar 2008. Technische Akademie Esllingen, Ostfildern, S. 433-439, ISBN:? 978-3-924813-71-0.
  • ORTLIEB, Eva / M?S, Stephan / REINHARDT, Wolfgang / TRAUNER, Franz-Xaver [2008]: Coupling Simulations of Landslides with Geoinformation Systems for Decision Support and Early Warning, In: BERNARD, Lars / FRIIS-CHRISTENSEN, Anders / PUNDT, Hardy / COMPTE, Irene (Hrsg.): Proceedings 2008. The 11th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Girona, Spain, 5-8 May, 2008. The European Information Society. Poster Abstracts, doc_83, 3 S., ISBN: 978-3-540-78945-1.


  • BREUNIG, Martin / REINHARDT, Wolfgang / ORTLIEB, Eva / M?S, Stephan / BOLEY, Conrad / TRAUNER, Franz-Xaver / WIESEL, Joachim / RICHTER, Daniela / ABECKER, Andreas / GALLUS, Dominik / KAZAKOS, Wassilios [2007]: Development of suitable information systems for early warning systems, In: GEOTECHNOLOGIEN “Science Report” No.10. Early Warning Systems in Earth Management – Kick-Off-Meeting, 10 October 2007, Technical University Karlsruhe, Programm & Abstracts, S. 113-123, ISSN: 1619-7399.



  • Mapping olfactory cues for wayfinding – A theoretical approach and an empirical study, 18th International Conference on Location Based Services, Ghent, Belgium, 22.11.2023.
  • Urban Sound Mapping for Wayfinding – A theoretical Approach and an empirical Study, AGILE conference, Delft, The Netherlands, 14.06.2023.



  • Towards a Geosocial Landmark Identification Model, 17th International Conference on Location Based Services, Munich, Germany, 12.09.2022.
  • "Landmark Route": A Comparison to the Shortest Route, AGILE conference, Vilnius, Litauen, 16.06.2022.









  • Presentation at the?AGILE conference in Wageningen, The Netherlands, May, 10th. Personal Dimensions of Landmarks.






Since 10/2015????????????? Research and teaching assistant at the Geoinformatics Group at the University of Augsburg

01/2014? - 10/2015 ? ? ? IT employee at the Maier Brand und Wasser Schadenmanagement (MBS) in Inning am?

???????????????????????????????????? Ammersee ? ? ? ? ? ??

02/2007 12/2013 ? ? ? ?? Research assistant at the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geoinformationssysteme (AGIS) at the

???????????????????????????????????? University of the Bundeswehr Munich?



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