


Kathi is a post-doc working in the field of soil erosion and landscape hydrology. Her specific interest is on soil degradation and its impact on ecosystems on landscape-scale. Kathi's research areas are mainly located in Germany, especially Bavaria and the Uckermark (north-eastern Germany). During her PhD she dealt with tillage erosion and its impact on crop growth and carbon dynamics.

since 2025? ? ? Post-doc at University of Augsburg
since 2023? ? ? Working as a freelancer
2018 - 2023? ? PhD at University of Augsburg in cooperation with Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V.
2016 - 2018? ? MSc in Climate & Environmental Research at University of Augsburg
2013 - 2016? ? BSc in Geography at University of Augsburg

Research foci

  • landscape hydrology
  • measures to change or use landscapes for climate change adaption
  • soil degradation?
  • soil erosion?modelling
  • tillage erosion


2025 | 2024 | 2022 | 2021


Ju?icová, Anna, ?ttl, Lena Katharina, Wilken, Florian, Chuman, Tomá?, ?í?ala, Daniel, Mina?ík, Robert, Fiener, Peter (2025): Tillage erosion as an underestimated driver of carbon dynamics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2024.106287
BibTeX | RIS | DOI


?ttl, Lena Katharina, Wilken, Florian, Ju?icová, Anna, Velloso Gomes Batista, Pedro, Fiener, Peter (2024): A millennium of arable land use – the long-term impact of tillage and water erosion on landscape-scale carbon dynamics. https://doi.org/10.5194/soil-10-281-2024
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?ttl, Lena Katharina (2024): Tillage erosion - An important driver of yield variability and carbon dynamics in a hummocky arable landscape in Northeast Germany.
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?ttl, Lena K., Wilken, Florian, Hupfer, A., Sommer, M., Fiener, Peter (2022): Non-inversion conservation tillage as an underestimated driver of tillage erosion. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-24749-7
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Quinton, John N., ?ttl, Lena K., Fiener, Peter (2022): Tillage exacerbates the vulnerability of cereal crops to drought. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43016-022-00533-8
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?ttl, Lena Katharina, Wilken, Florian, Auerswald, Karl, Sommer, Michael, Wehrhan, Marc, Fiener, Peter (2021): Tillage erosion as an important driver of in‐field biomass patterns in an intensively used hummocky landscape. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.3968
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