



Graduation type: Master of Science

Teaching language: englisch

Start of studies: winter semester

Standard period of study: 4 semester

Restriction: yes

End of application winter semester: 15. Juni


Further information is available on the website of the elite course: "Global Change Ecology"


Elite course of study in “Global Change Ecology" (M. Sc.) in the Elite Network of Bavaria

Course contents


The elite course in “Global Change Ecology" of the universities of Bayreuth (lead university), Augsburg and Würzburg addresses the most consequential environmental problem of the 21st century: the new types of global environmental changes. The objective is to train highly qualified and motivated managers for science, environmental protection, politics and management consulting.
The Chair for Physical Geography and Quantitative Methods of the University of Augsburg (Prof. Dr. J. Jacobeit) is involved in the elite course with various teaching events and is represented on the management committee (Prof. Dr. J. Jacobeit).

Teaching events of the Chair for Physical Geography and Quantitative Methods as part of the elite course in "Global Change Ecology":



  • Lecture: Natural Climate and Human Impacts on Climate (J. Jacobeit)
  • Seminar: Climatic Variability and Change - Natural and Man-made (J. Rathmann, C. Beck)
  • Seminar: Extreme Events (J. Jacobeit, J. Rathmann, C. Beck)
  • Lecture and exercise: Advanced Geostatistical Methods (J. Jacobeit, J. Rathmann, C. Beck)


