

Geography is a broad-based discipline and combines social and natural science issues and methods. Accordingly, it is divided into two main branches and deals with human geographical as well as physical geographical content. Especially the interactions between humans and space characterise current geography as an integrative spatial and environmental science, which considers natural and social science aspects equally.


Qualification objectives

  1. Deepening knowledge of geography
    Acquiring the most important scientific fundamentals across the whole width of the subject geography
  2. Extension of knowledge
    Widening and deepening knowledge and understanding beyond the limits of geography by choosing additional subjects from a broad curriculum
  3. Acquisition of strong methodical competence
    Knowledge about the width of the methods used, the acquisition and practising of fundamental methods and the competence of applying these methods in specific projects

    Acquisition of soft skills such as ability to work in a team, sense of responsibility, self-initiative and ability to communicate.

    Ability of critical reflective classification of social processes as cornerstones for subsequent applicability of the acquired knowledge in one’s career.


Geography is offered on several bachelor and master’s degree courses as a subsidiary, optional and application subject:


  • Nebenfach Geographie im Bachelor of Arts [ Info]
  • Nebenfach Geographie im Bachelor Sozialwissenschaften [ Info]
  • Nebenfach Geographie im Bachelor Philosophie [ Info]
  • Nebenfach Geographie im Bachelor Informatik [ Info]
  • Nebenfach Geographie im Bachelor Mathematik [ Info]
  • Nebenfach Geographie im Master Mathematik [ Info]
  • Nebenfach Geographie im Master Physik [ Info]
  • Geographiemodul im Master Umweltethik ?? [Info] pdf muss noch erstellt werden. Infos auf Fiona


The scope of the subsidiary subject (the number of credits) is defined by the respective main subject. Please find out directly from your main subject about the respective conditions for choosing the subsidiary subject.?If you have any questions on the structure of the subsidiary subjects you can contact the dean of studies: studiendekan(at)geo.uni-augsburg.de.

The examination conditions for geography as a subsidiary subject are specified by the geography or responsible examination boards and generally correspond to those of the main courses. In case of doubt, read about the examination forms and conditions in the module catalogue .

The module catalogue names module representatives, who can be contacted in case of questions regarding content.


Testbild3: Exkursion Hawaii
? University of Augsburg
Testbild2: Exkursion Hawaii
? University of Augsburg
