

Chair of Biomedical Informatics, Data Mining and Data Analytics


The Chair of Biomedical Informatics, Data Mining and Data Analytics deals with the development and application of computer-aided methods for the analysis of biomedical data. A key aspect is the analysis of omics data. These are data from innovative high-throughput analyses which can record the entire genome, transcriptome or proteome of cells. Omics analyses enable global, high-resolution molecular profiles of cells and tissues to be created in a short time and thereby give detailed insights into molecular changes in human diseases like cancer. Thereby omics analyses have not only fundamentally changed the research of biological systems but are also increasingly becoming an integral part of medical diagnostics.

Our main interest is to make large biomedical data sets usable for research, diagnostics and patient care through the development and application of computational methods. At the interface between medicine and (molecular) biology on the one hand and bioinformatics / computational biology and data science on the other hand, we use genome or other omics data together with clinical data and phenotypic data to understand various diseases at the molecular level and to improve diagnostic and therapeutic options.




Biomedical?Informatics, Data Mining and Data Analytics

Faculty of Applied Computer Science

Faculty of Medicine

University of?Augsburg?
Alter Postweg 101

86159 Augsburg

Phone: +49 821 598 -5916?



Building: BCM (9th Floor)

? University of Augsburg
