


Project overview

The pulse wave carries wide information on the cardiovascular system and the general patient state. Single site pulse wave measurement allows far-reaching diagnostic statements, multi-site pulse wave assessment adds another dimension and even more information.


The project Flow-A-Wave directs at multi-site pulse wave acquisition and analysis. Flow-A-Wave pursues the central idea that the relation of signals from multiple body sites allows detailed statements on different vascular compartments and, thus, a detailed assessment of the patient state.


Within Flow-A-Wave, DSENS works on the acquisition of signals by using mechanical transducers at different body sites and the preparation of highly distorted sensor data by modern analysis tools.



Project Icon Flow-a-wave ? University of Augsburg

Project facts


Project title Intelligente Pulswellenanalyse: Erm?glichung einer neuen h?modynamischen ?berwachungsmethode für die An?sthesie
Acronym Flow-A-Wave
Run time 2023 - 2025
Funding body Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Call Zentrales Innovationsprogramm MIttelstand (ZIM)
Partner(s) Carité, Industrial partners



Contact person

Professur für Diagnostische Sensorik
  • Room F2 120 (Building Standort "Alte Universit?t")
