

Welcome to the WIN programme at the University of Augsburg!

On this page we provide all the important information about starting your studies. This is particularly interesting for prospective students and first-semester students of the Master's programme, especially if you are new to Augsburg.

The WIN Master's programme is just right for you if you ...

? ... are passionate about communication and interaction between people and between people and computers.

? ... enjoy interdisciplinary and cross-departmental cooperation.

? ... are interested in solving business problems with the help of computer science.

? ... find the idea of a digital infrastructure and the architecture and optimization of processes exciting.

? ... enjoy mathematics and complex issues.

? ... want to achieve a lot personally, but also have an eye for social responsibility.

Information events about the degree programme

These events provide initial insights into the campus of the University of Augsburg, university life and the WIN degree programme.

Are you looking for an exciting and promising course of study and are still undecided, are you "spoilt for choice"? Then the info event "Meet your future!" is just right for you!


How do you create a resource-efficient future? What does the future of the global information society look like? The degree programmes in Industrial Engineering and Management (WING) and Business & Information Systems Engineering (WIN) at the University of Augsburg focus on crucial questions like these. The information event "Meet your future!" will once again give pupils who are about to take their A-levels and other prospective students well-founded information about the prerequisites, special features and perspectives of a WING or WIN degree programme. In addition to campus tours and a taster lecture by Prof. Dr. Henner Gimpel, there will also be the opportunity to talk in detail with representatives and current students of both degree programmes.

We kindly invite you to gain a deeper insight into the two degree programmes Industrial Engineering and Business Informatics at the University of Augsburg:


  • WING: Experts for resource problems

The industrial engineering programme - the first graduates received their diplomas in December 2014 - is still unique in Germany. In the Bachelor's and Master's programmes, it teaches business management as well as materials science and resource strategy skills. Due to the interdisciplinary orientation of the study programme, students are enabled to competently contribute to an economically and technically efficient handling of rare raw materials and resources as well as to the research and development of new sustainable materials. Practice and research-oriented events such as laboratory practicals and interdisciplinary project seminars are integral parts of the curriculum.


  • WIN: Customised for a highly attractive labour market

The synergetic interaction of research, teaching and practice characterises the Augsburg Bachelor's degree programme in Business & Information Systems? Engineering. In this interaction, all relevant requirements of the highly attractive job market, to which WIN is oriented, are covered. The Business and Information Systems students at the University of Augsburg are very satisfied with this general study situation. This is shown, among other things, by the current CHE ranking, which was published in May 2017. The WIN academics design the methods-based business studies and computer science education in close cooperation with top-class practical partners. In soft skill seminars, students also acquire important competencies for effective collaboration with colleagues and business partners, which is crucial for a successful career.



The programme includes:


  • Presentation of the degree programmes and tips on studying
  • An introductory lecture on WING and WIN by Prof. Dr. Henner Gimpel
  • Guided campus tours
  • A cozy "get-together“ with professors, lecturers and students

Information about studying

It's nice to study in the city of the Fuggers, water and the "Puppenkiste" - Augsburg is neither too big nor too small. But where do you live here? How do you pay for your studies? And what does the city actually have to offer outside of university?

Admission requirements

In principle, an application is possible for students of all disciplines, provided that the following criteria are fulfilled:


  • Proof that at least the following credit points have been acquired (described in more detail in §2 of the Qualification Regulations ("Eignungsordnung") – Appendix 1 of the Examination Regulations):

Credit can be awarded here for academic achievements in areas in which core informatics (fundamentals and methods) is taught and not exclusively individual case-related programming or application. For example: architecture and functioning of computers, operating systems, data structures, databases, algorithms, software design, programming.
This includes subjects such as:


  • Algorithms and data structures
  • Databases / database systems
  • Computer Science (especially the courses "Informatik 1, 2 and 3")

Please note: as eligibility in the area of core informatics, basic computer science courses - analogous to "Informatik 1", "Informatik 2" and "Database Systems" - are required. Courses of the Faculty of Economic Sciences cannot be taken in this area.



Not creditable here are academic achievements from areas in which mathematical methods are generally only applied.
These include subjects such as:


  • Automation Technology

  • Content Management Systeme

  • ERP Systems

  • Design and development of web applications

There is a particular need for examinations in subjects that can be oriented in such a way that methods are both taught and only applied.
This applies, for example, to


  • Databases Application

  • Programming

  • Theoretical computer science


Courses of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Augsburg cannot be claimed in the area of core computer science.

Academic achievements from areas in which mathematical methods are taught as the main subject and not only applied are creditable here.
For example, propositional logic and reasoning, analysis, linear algebra, descriptive statistics, inductive statistics, optimization methods of operations research.
This includes subjects such as:


  • Algebra

  • Analysis

  • Financial mathematics

  • Linear Optimisation

  • Mathematics

  • Econometrics, Econometrics

  • Operations Research (not Operations Management!)

  • Quantitative methods in economics

  • Estimation and test theory

  • Statistics, statistical methods

  • Stochastics

  • Actuarial mathematics

  • Probability theory, probability theory

  • Business Mathematics

  • Time Series Analysis


Not creditable here are achievements in areas in which mathematical methods are generally only applied.
These include subjects such as:


  • Business Intelligence

  • Bookkeeping, accounting

  • Controlling

  • Data processing

  • Investment accounting, cost and performance accounting

  • Market/marketing research

  • Operations Management

  • Business Information Systems

  • Scientific work


There is a particular need for examinations in subjects that may be oriented in such a way that methods are both taught as a core subject and only applied in sub-areas.
This applies, for example, to:


  • Decision theory

  • Empirical Economics

  • Financial economics, financial management

  • Logistics Management

  • Logic and Discrete Structures

  • Planning and Forecasting Systems

  • Risk management

Business Administration with a Focus on Operations and Financial Management


In this area, modules must be proven that can be assigned to business administration with a focus on operations and financial management.
For example, production and logistics management, service management, investment and financing theory, value-oriented corporate management.
This includes subjects such as:


  • Controlling

  • Accounting

  • Finance / financial management

  • Investment and financing

  • Logistcs

  • Production


Not creditable here are academic achievements in areas in which no reference to operations and financial management can be identified.
This includes subjects such as:


  • Consultancy Management

  • Business Communication

  • European Business

  • International Management

  • Tax Law

  • Business Law


There is a special need for examinations in subjects that can be related to operations and financial management.
This concerns for example:


  • Business management procedures

  • Corporate management

Academic achievements from the field of business informatics are creditable here.
For example, process management, data management, information management, knowledge management, development and operation of information systems, core business systems, digital value creation.
This includes subjects such as:


  • Operational Databases

  • Customer Relationship Management

  • Data Mining

  • Data protection and information security

  • Electronic Commerce

  • ERP Systems

  • IT Management

  • Management Support Systems

  • Process Management

  • Supply Chain Management

  • Business Information Systems

  • Knowledge Management


Academic achievements from areas in which the focus is only on economics or (core) computer science are not creditable here.

Based on this information, you can find out whether you have a sufficient number of credit points in the individual areas.


In general, the necessary credit points can be earned through e.g. a previous degree programme, a double or additional degree programme or through additional examinations (which, however, do not necessarily require a degree).

The assignment of credits is made according to the content of the courses. In some cases, courses from different universities may have the same title, but still teach different competences. The assessment of the content is based on the descriptions in the module catalogue ("Modulhandbuch"). It is therefore essential that you enclose the corresponding excerpts of the relevant subjects from the module catalogue with your application (failure to do so will result in formal rejection). Exception: This is not required for courses at the University of Augsburg.


The final decision in the aptitude assessment process is made by the Admissions Committee (see Examination Regulations, Appendix 1). A legally binding statement can therefore only be made AFTER the application documents have been submitted and checked.

The information is therefore not legally binding, but helps with orientation and classification.

Please note:


  • An academic achievement can only be considered once in a competence area.
  • The academic achievements must be available at the time of application. Subsequent submission is not possible.
  • Proof of a procedural grade of a German or foreign Bachelor's degree programme of 2.7 or better. In the case of a completed Bachelor's degree, the procedural grade is equal to the Bachelor's grade. If the Bachelor's degree programme has not yet been completed: See "Special case" ("Sonderfall").


The suitability of the degree programme-specific aptitude is examined in the aptitude procedure according to the "Qualification Regulations" (Appendix 1 of the Examination Regulations).

Special case


The undergraduate Bachelor's programme is not yet completed. We would like to enable committed students to apply for the Master's programme even before completing the Bachelor's programme. There are the following conditions for this, which are carefully designed to make passing as likely as possible in individual cases (see §3 (§4) of the "Qualification Regulations" - Appendix 1 of the Examination Regulations:

  1. The subject-specific suitability can be proven with the academic achievements already completed, i.e. the above-mentioned minimum credit points have already been achieved.
  2. A maximum of 40 credit points are missing until completion of the undergraduate Bachelor's degree programme.
  3. Procedural grade of 2.7 or better is proven (for the calculation of the procedural grade, all missing credit points are included with 4.0). Example: A Bachelor student fulfils the minimum subject-related credit points and has earned 140 credit points (out of 180 credit points for the completed Bachelor) with a grade point average of 2.3 (average in the Business & Information Systems Engineering degree programme). The procedural grade is calculated as (140 * 2.3 + 40 * 4.0) / 180 = 2.68 and would allow the student access to the Master's programme in Business & Information Systems Engineering.
  4. The suitability of the degree programme-specific aptitude in the aptitude procedure according to the "Qualification Regulations" (Appendix 1 of the Examination Regulations).

This is a conditional admission. Please note that the successful completion of the Bachelor's programme must be proven within the first two semesters in the Master's programme in Business & Information Systems Engineering. Otherwise you will be exmatriculated from the Master's programme!


An application is also possible after studying at a university of applied sciences ("Hochschule") or academy of cooperative education ("Berufsakademie").

Application procedure

The Master's programme in Business Information Systems is admission restricted; an application is possible online via the vibs portal of the University of Augsburg for both the winter and summer semester.

Please note:


  • The closing date for applications is 15 June or 15 December, in each case 23:59 (cut-off deadline) for the following semester. Forwarding is only active after the application procedure has been activated by the Student Office.
  • Please note the postal delivery times, the postmark is not decisive.
  • To meet the deadline, the actual receipt of the application at Augsburg University is relevant! No documents can be submitted after the deadline.

  • Please note that the application status listed in your applicant account does not record the receipt of your documents and will only be updated upon enrolment.

  • Incorrect or incomplete applications will lead to exclusion from the admission procedure!


The following steps will help you to submit a formally correct application:





Complete the online application completely ( vibs portal)





Send the following documents in full by post to the address below:


  • Online application

  • Completed application form (you will receive this as an attachment to the online application)

  • Certified copy of the Bachelor's degree certificate or the average grade certificate

  • Proof of higher education entrance qualification (e.g. copy of high school certificate)

  • Module catalogue entries for the courses listed as admission qualifications in the application form (not required for courses at the University of Augsburg)

  • Transcript of Records (= Studis extract, Bachelor's degree certificate or similar, which is suitable as proof of successful participation incl. grade) of the courses which are listed in the application form as admission qualification (not applicable if the courses are already listed in the Bachelor's degree certificate)

  • Proof of sufficient German language skills (not required for applicants with a German university entrance qualification).



Please send the listed documents exclusively to the following address:



Master-Bewerbung Wirtschaftsinformatik

Universit?t Augsburg

Universit?tsstra?e 16

86135 Augsburg


Alternatively, you can drop the documents directly into the mailbox of the University of Augsburg. This is located at the university outside the Pr?sidiumsgeb?ude A1 - it is a blue letterbox. Please make sure that you put your documents in the correct letterbox.


In order to start the first semester informed and prepared, the links to timetables, FAQs, module catalogue and examination regulations are particularly important.

The lecture period usually begins in mid-October/April. Welcome events take place the week before lectures begin. During these events, you will be personally welcomed by the professors, come into contact with students from higher semesters, and have the opportunity to elect the class representative. At these events, you will receive valuable information about the degree programme, which will make your start in the programme easier.

You can find information about the introductory events here.
