

Research Center of Innovation and Legal Studies between China and Europe 中国法律研究中心-中欧创新与法律研究中心 [RICE]

Research centre 研究中心

The Research Center brings together the activities of the research projects on Chinese law and legal culture among its members and partners and aims to organize an annual academic series of events, which can take place either in Augsburg or China. (...)


Forschungsreise China 2019

Research 研究

In recent years, the strategic relationship between the EU, Germany and China as mutual cooperation partners has developed rapidly. The People's Republic and the European association of states are already close partners in the economic and trade sectors. In the last two years, negotiations of the EU-China Investment and Free Trade Agreement have been pushed forward in order to establish a legal system for a common economic and trade area.


Rice Tagung 2017 (5)

Chinese visting professors 中方客座教授

The Research Center of Innovation and Legal Studies between China and Europe (RICE) under the direction of Professor Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers sees itself as a link between German, European and Chinese jurisprudence and legal practice. In addition to its associate members, the Research Center is supported by our Chinese visiting professors.

中欧创新与法律研究中心由托马斯·默勒斯的领导并作为一个德国、欧洲和中国的法学与实践之间的纽带。 本研究中心同时也得到了诸多位中国客座教授的支持。

China Rice


Forschungsreise China 2019
Aufnahme nach einer Vorlesung im Rahmen von Prof. Thomas M.J. M?llers Forschungsreise nach China 2019 Thomas, M?llers, foto: privat
Rice Tagung 2017 (6)
Vortrag von Prof. Thomas M.J. M?llers bei der Tagung zur aktuellen Reform des chinesischen Zivilrechts 2017 ? University of Augsburg
Neujahrsempfang Generalkonsul 2020
Gemeinsames Foto mit dem chinesischen Generalkonsul beim Neujahrsempfang 2020 Thomas, M?llers, foto: privat
Gruppenfoto Tagung 2017
Gruppenfoto im Rahmen der Tagung zur aktuellen Reform des chinesischen Zivilrechts 2017 ? University of Augsburg


Best?tigungsvermerk des Wirtschaftsprüfers und KapMuG (Auditors report and the German Capital Markets Model Case Act) / 审计报告与《投资人示范诉讼法》——“公开的资本市场信息”概念的具体化


The article "Best?tigungsvermerk des Wirtschaftsprüfers und KapMuG - Zur Konkretisierung des Begriffs der ?ffentlichen Kapitalmarktinformation" (Auditors report and the German Capital Markets Model Case Act) published in the Zeitschrift für Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht (BKR 5/2022) was translated into Chinese and has since been published in the Journal of Hangzhou Normal University (Social Sciences Edition): 杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版), 2023 (5), pp. 110-127 .

Journal of Hangzhou

First European-Chinese Forum for Young Lawyers / Conference "New Developments in EU, German and Chinese Law" 首届欧中青年法律人论坛暨“欧盟、德国与中国法的新发展”学术研讨会 在德国奥格斯堡大学法学院成功举办


On December 4, 2023, the first European-Chinese Forum for Young Lawyers took place at the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg. The conference "New Developments in EU, German and Chinese Law" took place at the same time. The event, which was organized by the Research Center of Innovation and Legal Studies between China and Europe (RICE), the editorial office of the journal "Jurisprudence" of the Chinese University of Political Science and Law and the Sino-German Cultural Foundation, attracted over fifty academics from the fields of civil law, civil procedure law, commercial law, criminal law and criminal procedure law, comparative law and international law from China, Germany, Austria, Italy, Great Britain and the Netherlands. (...)

Forum Shen

Scientific exchange in China 奥格斯堡大学法学院默勒斯教授及学术助理参加今年中国九月系列学术活动,深化中德法学交流


A total of seven professors and research assistants from the Faculty of Law at the University of Augsburg and the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich took part in academic events in China in September in order to intensify legal exchange and cooperation between Germany and China. (...)

China Reise 2023 Bild 1




News Archive

contact information

Chair for Civil Law, Commercial Law, European Law, International Private Law and Comparative Law
Faculty of Law



Secretary's office

Phone: +49 (0)821 598-4516

E-Mail: helga.weidenhammer@jura.uni-augsburg.de

Room: 1026 (H)

Office hours: upon consultation




Universit?tsstra?e 24,

86159 Augsburg
