New release: European Company Law
(...) European company law keeps facing the challenge of motivating the competition of national legal orders on the one hand and utilizing harmonization to break up national rigidities and deconstruct intra-European trade barriers on the other. The Commentary undertakes to first outline the objects of European company law and subsequently comments on the individual European norms. The focus of Professor M?llers’ chapter rests on the significant changes in law that occurred since the previous edition was released in 2015. The evaluation of the jurisprudence of the ECJ in the matter “Polbud”, as well as the extensive deliberations on the changes of the shareholder directive (EU) 2017/828, are examples of said focus. The commentary thus provides a comprehensive and conclusive overview of the objectives and means of European company law.
Nomos. ISBN 978-3-8487-6118-0
P. 971 - 1.059