

Another 4 years in the service of sustainable transformation

Prof Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann has been appointed to the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) for the second time in a row. This renewed appointment emphasises the great importance of environmental medicine in scientific policy advice. Over the next four years, Traidl-Hoffmann will work together with the other members of the WBGU to develop a sustainable environmental and health policy and formulate innovative recommendations for action.

The German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), which has been providing scientific advice to the German government on global environmental and climate protection issues since 1992, is made up of high-calibre experts from various disciplines. The aim of the Advisory Council is to analyse current challenges in connection with global environmental change and to develop innovative solutions that contribute to sustainable development and open up long-term prospects for people and the environment. In the past, the much-cited reports ‘World in Transition - Social Contract for a Great Transformation’ (2011) and ‘Healthy Living on a Healthy Earth’ (2023) have been particularly groundbreaking. Both reports advocate a profound socio-ecological transformation. A unique feature is the systemic approach - social, ecological and geopolitical crises are analysed globally and recommendations are developed.

? University of Augsburg

‘It is a great honour and responsibility for me to continue to be involved in the WBGU and to actively shape the scientific discourse on the environment and health policy,’ emphasises Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann. ‘Particularly in times of increasing environmental pollution and climate change, it is essential to continue researching the influence of the environment on human health and to develop practical recommendations for political decision-makers.’
The further appointment will now take place from 1 November 2024 to 31 October 2028. It will be interesting to see which topics the members of the Advisory Board will focus on over the next four years.

Further information on the work of the WBGU and the members of the Advisory Council can be found here.

Press release of the WBGU.
