

ZEIT Forum Gesundheit - How climate change affects our health

V. l. n. r. Claudia Traidl-Hoffman, Eckart v. Hirschhausen, Luisa Jacobs | Kevin Fuchs für DIE ZEIT


The climate crisis is no longer just a scientific issue. It affects us all, directly and personally. More than a quarter of all Germans experienced health problems due to the heat in the summer of 2022, for example. What happens if we don't reach the 1.5-degree target? What innovative solutions are there to mitigate the health effects of climate change? And what can everyone do personally to curb this crisis?

Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann, director of the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Helmholtz Munich, and Eckart von Hirschhausen, founder of the Healthy Earth - Healthy People Foundation, discussed these and other questions with Luisa Jacobs, editor at ZEIT ONLINE, live at the ZEIT FORUM Health. The discussion was organised by the ZEIT events team.

Live Video (in German)
