ZEIT Forum Gesundheit - How climate change affects our health
V. l. n. r. Claudia Traidl-Hoffman, Eckart v. Hirschhausen, Luisa Jacobs | Kevin Fuchs für DIE ZEIT
The climate crisis is no longer just a scientific issue. It affects us all, directly and personally. More than a quarter of all Germans experienced health problems due to the heat in the summer of 2022, for example. What happens if we don't reach the 1.5-degree target? What innovative solutions are there to mitigate the health effects of climate change? And what can everyone do personally to curb this crisis?
Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann, director of the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Helmholtz Munich, and Eckart von Hirschhausen, founder of the Healthy Earth - Healthy People Foundation, discussed these and other questions with Luisa Jacobs, editor at ZEIT ONLINE, live at the ZEIT FORUM Health. The discussion was organised by the ZEIT events team.