

MBEES: Social and scientific

In recent weeks, the Chair of Model-Based Environmental Exposure Science (MBEES) was involved in several social and scientific engagements. This included presenting research at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, hosting a session at the Augsburg Open and the Inaugural lecture of Prof. Dr. Christoph Knote.


The European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly was held in Vienna, Austria between 23 and 28 April 2023. At the event, research from a wide variety of geoscience topics were presented by researchers from around the world. In collaboration with our research partners from the Institute of Environmental Physics at Heidelberg University. David Jean du Preez presented research comparing wind fields in an urban area simulated by two different numerical models. The models used were the Graz Lagrangian Model (GRAL) and the PALM model. This is an important step in the process to model the air quality in the urban atmosphere as meteorological factors impact urban air quality and therefore impact human health.


On 5 May 2023, the Chair of Model-Based Environmental Exposure Science (MBEES) took part in the annual Augsburg Open. The event is an opportunity for ordinary citizens to discover what activities take place at various companies and institutions around the city. The event also allows companies or institutions to demonstrate their unique products or research. To demonstrate, the personal exposure monitor (PEM) and smartphone application being developed by MBEES. The participants from the Augsburg Open used the PEMs and smartphone application to measure the exposure during a short demonstration around the University Hospital of Augsburg. The measured data was visualized for the participants to see how changes in their environment can affect their exposure.


On 25 May 2023, the Inaugural lecture of Prof.Dr. Christoph Knote and Prof.Dr. Verina Wild was held at the University Hospital of Augsburg. At the event, Christoph Knote, outline the importance of the Chair’s research and presented preliminary results to fellow staff of the Medicine Faculty.


Should yohave any questions about the events mentioned in this news article, please contact Prof.Dr. Christoph Knote or Nicole Geier.
