


Course evaluation

Manuel to integrate the course evaluation of the student body of the Institute of Mathematics.

Course list

Automatic generated list of all courses that are connected to the Institute of Mathematics in Digicampus.


Central tool to organize all teaching courses at the University of Augsburg.

Studis for chairs

Overview about important information of the Prüfungsamt includes draft for an exam protocol and some deadlines regarding the Studis-Portal (German only)



There are different accounts with special handling:
- RZ-Accounts for staff members.
- Guest accounts, generated with the linked webportal. A German manual can be fount under Instructions.
- Course accounts that can be use in the cip-pools, for this contact the DV-Betreuer.
- Local e-mail accounts for organization of conferences and applications, for this contact the DV-Betreuer.


Contentmanagementsystem for all websites of Augsburg University. There is a whole bunch of instructions about using this systems, but mostly only in German.

If you do not have the necessary rights contact your chair (professor or secretary), they should forward your request to the DV-Betreuer.


The linked website contains (German only):
- Global data about the configuration.
- Link to the Webportal.
- Help for vacation configuration.
- Information about protection configurations against spam and virus e-mails.


Central entry point for this services:
- e-mail
- Digicampus
- WebAuth
- WLan

There should also be a link for changing the password.

RZ Services

Overview of all services from the Rechenzentrum (mostly German only). This services contain:
- Calendar and address-books
- Storage
- Some more things


Device withdrawal from service

Information about what has to be done to withdraw a device from service.
Best practice is to sent the e-mail with all necessary information to
inventur@zv.uni-augsburg.de, geraetetechnik@zv.uni-augsburg.de and sicherheitspruefungen@zv.uni-augsburg.de

For devices with connection to the LAN you should also inform the DV-Betreuer.
With computers and laptops the included storage devices have to be remove and destroyed. The DV-Betreuer has a place to collect such things.

Department for acquisitions

Central information's about acquisitions at Augsburg University (German only).

Electronic material

Form to order small electronic materials, for example power cables and sockets, cable boxes.
Multimedia cables and adapters, also LAN cables and other things.

Expendable materials for printers

For printers from the frame contract the expendable materials can be found in the webshop.

To search for fitting materials use the type name without the letters, that means for example MX622 instead of MX622ade.

If this doe not lead to a hit, then the material is not connected to a single printer but to a type class, to get the class reduce the search string from the right side (MX62 instead MX622).

Sent the created orders per e-mail to bueromaterial@zv.uni-augsburg.de.

Ger?te- und Informationstechnik (Referat V/3)

Department for:
- Repair services outside guaranty
- Phone system
- Multimedia technique in course room


Webshop for ordering computers, apple devices, printers and laptops. Only reachable within the University network. To connect from extern a VPN is necessary.

The produced offers must be sent per e-mail to the DV-Betreuer who will approve them and after that forward them to the acquisition department.


Overview about all available software which can be bought through the Rechenzentrum.
The software is either available through a web portal or as order that has to be approved by the DV-Betreuer.


The Zebra should have some USB-sticks in stock, the sticks can use usb-3 and usb-c ports.
