


As an interdisciplinary research group, our focus is on the development of scalable algorithms for large-scale simulations, with a special emphasis on adaptive multi-physics simulations, research software engineering, and scientific machine learning. Among other activities, our lab is currently involved in the following research projects:

  • DFG Research Unit FOR5409 SNuBIC:
    Structure-Preserving Numerical Methods for Bulk- and Interface Coupling of Heterogeneous Models
  • DFG Project ACTRIX:
    Accessible extreme-scale computing with Trixi.jl and the Julia programming language
  • BMBF Project ADAPTEX:
    Adaptive Earth system modelling with strongly reduced computation time for exascale-supercomputers

The HPSC Lab promotes good research software engineering practices and open-source software, and members of the lab are key contributors to the Trixi Framework, especially in the following software projects:

  • Trixi.jl: Adaptive high-order numerical simulations of conservation laws in Julia
  • libtrixi: Interface library for using Trixi.jl from C/C++/Fortran
  • TrixiParticles.jl: Particle-based multiphysics simulations in Julia

Interested in writing a Bachelor/Master thesis or in a hiwi job? Please send an email to Michael Schlottke-Lakemper.
