



2019 |2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998


▲ Top

? Design and comparison of the Cs ovens for the test facilities ELISE and SPIDER
? Cristofaro S., Fr?schle M., Mimo A., Rizzolo A., De Muri M., Barbisan M., Fantz U.
? Paper Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 113504 (2019)
? Formation of large negative deuterium ion beams at ELISE
? Wünderlich D., Riedl R., Mario I., Mimo A., Fantz U., Heinemann B., Kraus W.
? Paper Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 113504 (2019)
? Influence of the excitation frequency on the RF power transfer efficiency of low pressure hydrogen ICPs
? Rauner D., Briefi S., Fantz U.
? Paper Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28, 095011 (2019)
? The particle tracking code BBCNI for large negative ion beams and their diagnostics
? Hurlbatt A., Den Harder N., Wünderlich D., Fantz U, and the NNBI-Team
? Paper Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61, 105012 (2019)
? Achievements of the ELISE test facility in view of the ITER NBI
? Heinemann B., Wünderlich D., Kraus W., Bonomo F., Fantz U., Fr?schle M., Mario I., Riedl R., Wimmer C.
? Paper Fusion Engineering and Design 146, 455-459 (2019)
? Advanced NBI beam characterization capabilities at the recently improved test facility BATMAN Upgrade
? Fantz U., Bonomo F., Fr?schle M., Heinemann B., Hurlbatt A., Kraus W., Schiesko L., Nocentini R., Riedl R., Wimmer C.
? Paper Fusion Engineering and Design 146, 212-215 (2019)
? SPIDER in the roadmap of the ITER neutral beams
? Serianni G., Toigo V., Bigi M., Boldrin M., Chitarin G., Dal Bello S., Grando L., Luchetta A., Marcuzzi D., Pasqualotto R., Pomaro N., Zaccaria P., Zanotto L., Agostinetti P., Agostini M., Antoni V., Aprile D., Barbisan M., Battistella M., Brombin M., Cavazzana R., Dalla Palma M., Dan M., De Lorenzi A., Delogu R., De Muri M., Denizeau S., Fadone M., Fellin F., Ferbel L., Ferro A., Gaio E., Gambetta G., Gasparini F., Gnesotto F., Jain P., Maistrello A., Manduchi G., Manfrin S., Marchiori G., Marconato N., Moresco M., Patton T., Pavei M., Peruzzo S., Pilan N., Pimazzoni A., Piovan R., Poggi C., Recchia M., Rizzolo A., Rostagni G., Sartori E., Siragusa M., Sonato P., Spada E., Spagnolo S., Spolaore M., Taliercio C., Tinti P., Ugoletti M., Valente M., Zamengo A., Zaniol B., Zaupa M., Baltador C., Cavenago M., Boilson D., Rotti C., Veltri P., Bonicelli T., Paolucci F., Muriel S., Masiello A., Chakraborty A., Patel H., Singh N.P., Fantz U., Heinemann B., Kraus W., Kashiwagi M., Tsumori K.
? Paper Fusion Engineering and Design 146, 2539-2546 (2019)
? Overview of physics studies on ASDEX Upgrade
? Meyer, H. et al
? Paper Nuclear Fusion 59, 112014 (2019)
? Progress in the ITER neutral beam test facility
? Toigo V. et al
? Paper Nuclear Fusion 59, 86058 (2019)
? Achievement of ITER-relevant accelerated negative hydrogen ion current densities over 1000 s at the ELISE test facility
? Wünderlich D., Riedl R., Bonomo F., Mario I., Fantz U., Heinemann B., Kraus W., NNBI Team
? Paper Nuclear Fusion 59, 53404 (2019)
? Multidiagnostics investigation of the role of the magnetic field profile in a simple mirror trap
? Castro G., Mascali D., Mazzaglia M., Briefi S., Fantz U., Miracoli R.
? Paper Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 22, 053404 (2019)
? 3D-PIC modelling of a low temperature plasma sheath with wall emission of negative particles and its application to NBI sources
? Montellano I.M., Wünderlich D., Mochalskyy S., Fantz U.
? Paper Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52, 235202 (2019)
? A conceptual system design study for an NBI beamline for the European DEMO
? Hopf C., Starnella G., den Harder N., Heinemann B., Fantz U.
? Paper Fusion Engineering and Design 146, 705-708 (2019)
? A new tungsten wire calorimeter for the negative ion source testbed BATMAN Upgrade
? Nocentini R., Bonomo F., Fantz U., Fr?schle M., Heinemann B., Mario I., Riedl R., Schiesko L.
? Paper Fusion Engineering and Design 146, 433-436 (2019)
? A locked mode indicator for disruption prediction on JET and ASDEX upgrade
? Sias G. et al
? Paper Fusion Engineering and Design 138, 254-266 (2019)






▲ Top

? Latest achievements of the negative ion beam test facility ELISE
? B. Heinemann, U. Fantz, W. Kraus, D. Wünderlich, F. Bonomo, M. Froeschle, I. Mario, R. Nocentini, R. Riedl, C. Wimmer
? Paper Fusion Engineering and Design 136 (2018) 569–574
? Technology Developments for a Beam Source of a NNBI Systems for DEMO
? U. Fantz, C. Hopf, R. Friedl, S. Cristofaro, B. Heinemann, S. Lishev, A. Mimo
? Paper Fusion Engineering and Design 136 (2018) 340–344
? Deuterium results at the negative ion source test facility ELISE
? W. Kraus, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, F. Bonomo, and R. Riedl
? Paper Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (2018) 052102 (5pp)
? Laboratory Experiment for the Development of a Laser Neutralizer in view of DEMO NNBI
? R. Friedl, F. Merk, C. Hopf and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 2011 (2018) 060006 (3pp)
? Work Function of Cs-Free Materials for Enhanced H? Surface Production
? R. Friedl, S. Cristofaro and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 2011 (2018) 050009 (3pp)
? Overview Of The Beam Physics Investigation at the ELISE Test Facility
? F. Bonomo, M. Barbisan, U. Fantz, A. Hurlbatt, I. Mario, D. Wünderlich and the NNBI-Team
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 2011 (2018) 060011 (3pp)
? Improved Understanding of the Cs Dynamics in Large H? Sources by Combining TDLAS Measurements and Modeling
? C. Wimmer, A. Mimo, M. Lindauer, U. Fantz and the NNBI-Team
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 2011 (2018) 060001 (5pp)
? Plasma diagnostics update and consequences on the upgrade of existing sources
? G. Castro, D. Mascali, G. Torrisi, M. Mazzaglia, R. Miracoli, E. Naselli, S. Briefi, U. Fantz, L. Celona, O. Leonardi, F. Leone, A. Miraglia, L. Neri, R. Reitano, F. P. Romano, G. Sorbello, and S. Gammino
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 2011 (2018) 040001 (5pp)
? Determination of the Cs distribution along a line of sight by the Zeeman splitting in an inhomogeneous magnetic field
? C. Wimmer, M. Lindauer and U. Fantz
? Paper J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 395203 (7pp)
? Neutron measurements at the ELISE neutral beam test facility and implications for neutron based diagnostics at SPIDER
? S. Feng, M. Nocente, D. Wünderlich, F. Bonomo, G. Croci, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, I. Mario, A. Muraro, R. Pasqualotto, M. Rebai, M. Tardocchi, and G. Gorini
? Paper Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (2018) 10I139 (5pp)
? Study of the influence of magnetic field profile on plasma parameters in a simple mirror trap
? M. Mazzaglia, G. Castro, D. Mascali, S. Briefi, U. Fantz, L. Celona, R. Miracoli, E. Naselli, R. Reitano, G. Torrisia and S. Gammino
? Paper 2018 Journal of Instrumentation (JINST) 13 C11014 (7pp)
? Focus on sources of negatively charged ions
? U. Fantz and J. Lettry
? Paper New J. Phys. 20 (2018) 060201 (4pp)
? Evaluation of power transfer efficiency for a high power inductively coupled radiofrequency hydrogen ion source
? P. Jain, M. Recchia, M. Cavenago, U. Fantz, E. Gaio , W. Kraus, A. Maistrello and P. Veltri
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60 (2018) 045007 (10pp)
? Initial caesium conditioning in deuterium of the ELISE negative ion source
? D. Wünderlich, R. Riedl, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus and the NNBI team
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60 (2018) 085007 (7pp)
? First beam extraction experiments at BATMAN upgrade
? W. Kraus, L. Schiesko, F. Bonomo, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, A. Hurlbatt, and the NNBI Team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 2052, 040004 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5083738
? Long pulse operation at ELISE: Approaching the ITER parameters
? D. Wünderlich, R. Riedl, F. Bonomo, I. Mario, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, and the NNBI team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 2052, 040001 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5083735
? Spectroscopic investigations of the ion source at BATMAN Upgrade
? S. Briefi, U. Fantz, and the NNBI Team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 2052, 040005 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5083739
? Linac4 H?source R&D: Cusp free ICP and magnetron discharge
? J. Lettry, S. Bertolo, U. Fantz, R. Guida, K. Kapusniak, F. Di Lorenzo, C. Machado, C. Mastrostefano, T. Minea, M. O’Neil, H. Neupert, D. Noll, D. Steyaert, and N. Thaus
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 2052, 050008 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5083762
? Studies of Cs dynamics in large ion sources using the CsFlow3D code
? A. Mimo, C. Wimmer, D. Wünderlich, and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 2052, 040009 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5083743
? The particle tracking code BBCNI for negative ion beams and its application to BATMAN upgrade
? A. Hurlbatt, F. Bonomo, N. den Harder, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, and the NNBI Team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 2052, 040007 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5083741
? Langmuir probe investigations of different magnetic filter field configurations at BATMAN upgrade
? L. Schiesko, C. Wimmer, and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 2052, 040006 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5083740
? Influence of external magnets and the potential rods on the plasma symmetry in the ELISE ion source
? C. Wimmer, I. Mario, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, and the NNBI-Team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 2052, 040003 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5083737
? Uniformity of the large beam of ELISE during Cs conditioning
? F. Bonomo, I. Mario, R. Nocentini, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, and the NNBI-Team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 2052, 040002 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5083736



▲ Top

? Investigations on Cs-free alternatives for negative ion formation in a low pressure hydrogen discharge at ion source relevant parameters
? U. Kurutz, R. Friedl, and U. Fantz
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59 (2017) 075008 (11pp) (doi: 10.1088/1361-6587/aa7120)
? Influence of H2 and D2 plasmas on the work function of caesiated materials
? R. Friedl and U. Fantz
? Paper J. Appl. Phys. 122 (2017) 083304 (7pp) (doi: 10.1063/1.5000373)
? Experimental benchmark of the NINJA code for application to the Linac4 H? ion source plasma
? S. Briefi, S. Mattei, D. Rauner, J. Lettry, M. Q. Tran, and U. Fantz
? Paper New J. Phys. 19 (2017) 105006
? Towards powerful negative ion beams at the test facility ELISE for the ITER and DEMO NBI systems
? U. Fantz, C. Hopf, D. Wünderlich, R. Friedl, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, U. Kurutz, R. Riedl, R. Nocentini, and L. Schiesko
? Paper Nucl. Fusion 57 (2017) 116007 (12pp) (doi: 10.1088/1741-4326/aa778b)
? RF power transfer efficiency of inductively coupled low pressure H2 and D2 discharges
? D. Rauner, S. Briefi, and U. Fantz
? Paper Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 26 (2017) 095004 (9pp)
? Massive parallel 3D PIC simulation of negative ion extraction using ONIX code
? A. Revel, S. Mochalskyy, I. Montellano, D. Wünderlich, and U. Fantz
? Paper J. Appl. Phys. 122 (2017) 103302
? Towards large and powerful radio frequency driven negative ion sources for fusion
? B. Heinemann, U. Fantz, W. Kraus, L. Schiesko, C. Wimmer, D. Wünderlich, F. Bonomo, M. Fr?schle, R. Nocentini, and R. Riedl
? Paper New J. Phys. 19 (2017) 015001 (23pp)
? The PRIMA Test Facility: SPIDER and MITICA test-beds for ITER neutral beam injectors
? V. Toigo, R. Piovan, S. Dal Bello, E. Gaio, A. Luchetta, R. Pasqualotto, P. Zaccaria, M. Bigi, G. Chitarin, D. Marcuzzi, N. Pomaro, G. Serianni, P. Agostinetti, M. Agostini, V. Antoni, D. Aprile, C. Baltador, M. Barbisan, M. Battistella, M. Boldrin, M. Brombin, M. Dalla Palma, A. De Lorenzi, R. Delogu, M. De Muri, F. Fellin, A. Ferro, C. Finotti, A. Fiorentin, G. Gambetta, F. Gnesotto, L. Grando, P. Jain, A. Maistrello, G. Manduchi, N. Marconato, M. Moresco, E. Ocello, M. Pavei, S. Peruzzo, N. Pilan, A. Pimazzoni, M. Recchia, A. Rizzolo, G. Rostagni, E. Sartori, M. Siragusa, P. Sonato, A. Sottocornola, E. Spada, S. Spagnolo, M. Spolaore, C. Taliercio, M. Valente, P. Veltri, A. Zamengo, B. Zaniol, L. Zanotto, M. Zaupa, D. Boilson, J. Graceffa, L. Svensson, B. Schunke, H. Decamps, M. Urbani, M. Kushwah, J. Chareyre, M. Singh, T. Bonicelli, G. Agarici, A. Masiello, F. Paolucci, M. Simon, L. Bailly-Maitre, E. Bragulat, G. Gomez, D. Gutierrez, G. Mico, J-F. Moreno, V. Pilard, M. Kashiwagi, M. Hanada, H. Tobari, K. Watanabe, T. Maeshima, A. Kojima, N. Umeda, H. Yamanaka, A. Chakraborty, U. Baruah C. Rotti, H. Patel, M.V. Nagaraju, N.P. Singh, A. Patel, H. Dhola, B. Raval, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, S. Hanke, V. Hauer, S. Ochoa, P. Blatchford, B. Chuilon, Y. Xue, H. P. L. De Esch, R. Hemsworth, G. Croci, G. Gorini, M. Rebai, A. Muraro, M. Cavenago, M. D’Arienzo, and S. Sandri
? Paper New J. Phys. 19 (2017) 085004 (26 pp)
? Spectroscopic characterization of H2 and D2 helicon plasmas generated by a resonant antenna for neutral beam applications in fusion
? C. Marini, R. Agnello, B.P. Duval, I. Furno, A.A. Howling, R. Jacquier, A.N. Karpushov, G. Plyushchev, K. Verhaegh, Ph. Guittienne, U. Fantz, D. Wünderlich, S. Béchu, and A. Simonin
? Paper Nucl. Fusion 57 (2017) 036024 (9pp)
? Conceptual design of the DEMO neutral beam injectors: main developments and R&D achievements
? P. Sonato, P. Agostinetti, T. Bolzonella, F. Cismondi, U. Fantz, A. Fassina, T. Franke, I. Furno, C. Hopf, I. Jenkins, E. Sartori, M.Q. Tran, J. Varje, P. Vincenzi, and L. Zanotto
? Paper Nucl. Fusion 57 (2017) 056026 (9pp)
? The ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility toward SPIDER operation
? V. Toigo, S. Dal Bello, E. Gaio, A. Luchetta, R. Pasqualotto, P. Zaccaria, M. Bigi, G. Chitarin, D. Marcuzzi, N. Pomaro, G. Serianni, P. Agostinetti, M. Agostini, V. Antoni, D. Aprile, C. Baltador, M. Barbisan, M. Battistella, M. Boldrin, M. Brombin, M. Dalla Palma, A. De Lorenzi, R. Delogu, M. De Muri, F. Fellin, A. Ferro, G. Gambetta, L. Grando, P. Jain, A. Maistrello, G. Manduchi, N. Marconato, M. Pavei, S. Peruzzo, N. Pilan, A. Pimazzoni, R. Piovan, M. Recchia, A. Rizzolo, E. Sartori, M. Siragusa, E. Spada, S. Spagnolo, M. Spolaore, C. Taliercio, M. Valente, P. Veltri, A. Zamengo, B. Zaniol, L. Zanotto, M. Zaupa D. Boilson, J. Graceffa, L. Svensson, B. Schunke, H. Decamps, M. Urbani, M. Kushwah, J. Chareyre, M. Singh, T. Bonicelli, G. Agarici, A. Garbuglia, A. Masiello, F. Paolucci, M. Simon, L Bailly-Maitre, E. Bragulat, G. Gomez, D. Gutierrez, G. Mico, J-F. Moreno, V. Pilard, A. Chakraborty, U. Baruah, C. Rotti, H. Patel, M.V. Nagaraju, N.P. Singh, A. Patel, H. Dhola, B. Raval, U. Fantz, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, R. Nocentini, R. Riedl, L. Schiesko, C. Wimmer, D. Wünderlich, M. Cavenago, G. Croci, G. Gorini, M. Rebai, A. Muraro, M. Tardocchi, and R. Hemsworth
? Paper Nucl. Fusion 57 (2017) 086027
? Beam characterization by means of emission spectroscopy in the ELISE test facility
? M. Barbisan, F. Bonomo, U. Fantz and D. Wünderlich
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59 (2017) 055017 (11pp)
? Comment on ‘Issues in the understanding of negative ion extraction for fusion’
? S. Mochalskyy, T. Minea, A. Revel, I. Montellano, D. Wünderlich, and U. Fantz
? Paper Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 26 (2017) 058001 (4pp)
? ONIX Results: Comparison of Grid Geometry (BATMAN - ELISE - Flat Grid)
? A. Revel, S. Mochalskyy, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, and T. Minea
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 020004
? CERN’s Linac4 Cesiated Surface H? Source
? J. Lettry, D. Aguglia, S. Bertolo, S. Briefi, A. Butterworth, Y. Coutron, A. Dallocchio, N. David, E. Chaudet, U. Fantz, D. Fink, M. Garlasche, A. Grudiev, R. Guida, J. Hansen, M. Haase, A. Hatayama, A. Jones, T. Kalvas, I. Koszar, J.-B. Lallement, A. Lombardi, F. di Lorenzo, C. Machado, C. Mastrostefano, S. Mathot, S. Mattei, P. Moyret, K. Nishida, M. O’Neil, M. Paoluzzi, U. Raich, F. Roncarolo, R. Scrivens, D. Steyaert, N. Thaus, and G. Voulgarakis
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030002
? Long pulse, high power operation of the ELISE test facility
? D. Wünderlich, W. Kraus, M. Fr?schle, R. Riedl, U. Fantz, and B. Heinemann
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030003
? Operation of large RF sources for H?: lessons learned at ELISE
? U. Fantz, D. Wünderlich, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, R. Riedl, and the NNBI Team
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030004
? Performance of the BATMAN RF Source with a Large Racetrack Shaped Driver
? W. Kraus, L. Schiesko, C. Wimmer, U. Fantz, and B. Heinemann
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030006
? Influence of the cusp field on the plasma parameters of the Linac4 H? ion source
? S. Briefi, S. Mattei, J. Lettry, and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030016
? Modelling of caesium dynamics in the negative ion sources at BATMAN and ELISE
? A. Mimo, C. Wimmer, D. Wünderlich, and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030019
? Investigation of Plasma Parameters at BATMAN for Variation of the Cs Evaporation Asymmetry and Comparing Two Driver Geometries
? C. Wimmer, U. Fantz, E. Aza, J. Jovovic, W. Kraus, A. Mimo, L. Schiesko, and the NNBI-Team
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030021
? Efficiency of Cs-free Materials for Negative Ion Production in H2 and D2 Plasmas
? R. Friedl, U. Kurutz, and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030022 (9pp) (doi: 10.1063/1.4995742)
? Influence of the magnetic filter field topology on the beam divergence at the ELISE test facility
? M. Barbisan, U. Fantz and D. Wünderlich
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030030
? Investigation of the RF-efficiency of inductively coupled hydrogen plasmas at 1 MHz
? D. Rauner, S. Mattei, S. Briefi , U. Fantz, A. Hatayama, J. Lettry, K. Nishida, and M.Q. Tran
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030035
? Simultaneous Measurements of Work Function and H? Density Including Caesiation of a Converter Surface
? S. Cristofaro, R. Friedl, and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030036 (8pp) (doi: 10.1063/1.4995756)
? Beam Characterization at BATMAN for Variation of the Cs Evaporation Asymmetry and Comparing Two Driver Geometries
? E. Aza, L. Schiesko, C. Wimmer, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, and the NNBI Team
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030037
? Experimental investigation of plasma impedance in Linac4 H? source
? K. Nishida, S. Mattei, S. Briefi, A. Butterworth, A. Grudiev, M. Haase, A. Jones, M. M. Paoluzzi , G.Voulgarakis, A. Hatayama, and J. Lettry
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030038
? Influence of the Configuration of the Magnetic Filter Field on the Discharge Structure in the RF Driven Negative Ion Source Prototype for Fusion
? S. Lishev, L. Schiesko, D. Wünderlich, and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030042
? Characterisation of the SNIF Ion Source
? J. Zacks, U. Fantz, T. Farley, I. Turner, R. McAdams, and D. Wünderlich
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 030047
? Code-to-Code benchmark tests for 3D simulation models dedicated to the extraction region in negative ion sources
? S. Nishioka, S. Mochalskyy, F. Taccgona, A. Hatayama, U. Fantz, and P. Minelli
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1869 (2017) 050006
? Preparation of the ELISE test facility for long-pulse extraction of negative ion beams
? R. Nocentini, U. Fantz, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, R. Riedl, and D. Wünderlich
? Paper Fus. Eng. Design 123 (2017) 263–267
? A substantial step forward in the realization of the ITER HNB system: The ITER NBI Test Facility
? V. Toigo, R. Piovan, S. Dal Bello, E. Gaio, A. Luchetta, R. Pasqualotto, P. Zaccaria, M. Bigi, G. Chitarin, D. Marcuzzi, N. Pomaro, G. Serianni, P. Agostinetti, M. Agostini, V. Antoni, D. Aprile, C. Baltador, M. Barbisan, M. Battistella, M. Boldrin, M. Brombin, M. Dalla Palma, A. De Lorenzi, R. Delogu, M. De Muri, F. Fellin, A. Ferro, C. Finotti, A. Fiorentin, G. Gambetta, F. Gnesotto, L. Grando, P. Jain, A. Maistrello, G. Manduchi, N. Marconato, M. Moresco , E. Ocello, M. Pavei, S. Peruzzo, N. Pilan, A. Pimazzoni, M. Recchia, A. Rizzolo, G. Rostagni, E. Sartori, M. Siragusa, P. Sonato, A. Sottocornola, E. Spada, S. Spagnolo, M. Spolaore, C. Taliercio, M. Valente, P. Veltri, A. Zamengo, B. Zaniol, L. Zanotto, M. Zaupa, D. Boilson, J. Graceffa, L. Svensson, B Schunke, H. Decamps, M. Urbani, M.Kushwah, J. Chareyre, M. Singh, T. Bonicelli, G. Agarici, A. Masiello, F. Paolucci, M. Simon, L Bailly-Maitre, E. Bragulat, G. Gomez, D. Gutierrez, G. Mico, J-F Moreno, V. Pilard, M. Kashiwagi, M. Hanada, H. Tobari, K. Watanabe, T. Maeshima, A. Kojima, N. Umeda, H. Yamanaka, A. Chakraborty, U. Baruah C. Rotti, H. Patel, M.V. Nagaraju, N.P.Singh, A. Patel, H. Dhola, B. Raval, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, S. Hanke, V. Hauer, S. Ochoa, P. Blatchford, B. Chuilon, Y. Xue, H. P. L. De Esch, R. Hemsworth, G. Croci, G. Gorini, M. Rebai, A. Muraro, M. Cavenago, M. D’Arienzo, and S. Sandri
? Paper Fus. Eng. Design 123 (2017) 32–39
? Experimental investigation of beam-target neutron emission at the ELISE neutral beam test facility
? M. Nocente, S. Feng, D. Wünderlich, F. Bonomo, G. Crocia, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, R. Pasqualotto, M. Tardocchi, and G. Gorinia
? Paper Fus. Eng. Design 123 (2017) 843–846
? Quantification of UV/VUV photon fluxes of hydrogen plasmas by spectroscopy and by collisional radiative modelling
? U. Fantz, S. Briefi, R. Friedl, C. Fr?hler, D. Rauner, and D. Wünderlich
? Paper 33rd International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), 9.-14. Juli 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal



▲ Top

? Enhancing the accuracy of the Fowler method for monitoring non-constant work functions
? R. Friedl
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2016) 043901 (10pp) (doi: 10.1063/1.4945261)
? Towards powerful negative ion beams at the test facility ELISE for the ITER and DEMO NBI systems
? U. Fantz, C. Hopf, D. Wünderlich, R. Friedl, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, U. Kurutz, R. Riedl, R. Nocentini, and L. Schiesko
? Paper 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC), 17-22 October 2016, Kyoto, Japan
? Evaluation of State-Resolved Reaction Probabilities and Their Application in Population Models for He, H, and H2,
? D. Wünderlich and U. Fantz
? Paper Atoms 4 (2016) 1-21
? Beam calorimetry at the large negative ion source test facility ELISE: Experimental setup and latest results
? R. Nocentini, F. Bonomo, M. Ricci, A. Pimazzoni, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, R. Riedl, and D. Wünderlich
? Paper Fusion Engineering and Design 109-111, Pt. A (2016) 673-677
? Heating Neutral Beams for ITER: Present Status
? M. J. Singh, D. Boilson, R. Hemsworth, J. Chareyre, H. Decamps, F. Geli, J. Graceffa, B. Schunke, L. Svensson, D. Shah, A.s El Ouazzani, M. Urbani, H. P. L. de Esch, E. Delmas, V. Antoni, G. Chitarin, G. Serianni, D. Marcuzzi, V. Toigo, P. Zaccaria, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, M. Kashiwagi, M. Hanada, H. Tobari, M. Kuriyama, A. Masiello, and T. Bonicelli
? Paper IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 44 (2016) 1496-1503
? Extraction of negative charges from an ion source: Transition from an electron repelling to an electron attracting plasma close to the extraction surface
? C. Wimmer, U. Fantz, and the NNBI-Team
? Paper Journal of Applied Physics 120 (2016) 073301
? Determination of the rotational population of H2 and D2 including high-N states in low temperature plasmas via the Fulcher-alpha transition
? S. Briefi, D. Rauner, and U. Fantz
? Paper Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 187 (2017) 135–144
? Conceptual design of the beam source for the DEMO Neutral Beam Injectors
? P. Sonato, P. Agostinetti, U. Fantz, T. Franke, I. Furno, A. Simonin, and M.Q. Tran
? Paper New J. Phys. 18 (2016) 125002
? Characterisation of the properties of a negative hydrogen ion beam by several beam diagnostic techniques
? R. Maurizio, U. Fantz, F. Bonomo, and G. Serianni
? Paper Nuclear Fusion 56 (2016) 066012
? Progress of the ELISE test facility: towards one hour pulses in hydrogen
? D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, R. Riedl, C. Wimmer, and the NNBI Team
? Paper Nuclear Fusion 56 (2016) 106004
? Comparison of ONIX simulation results with experimental data from the BATMAN testbed for the study of negative ion extraction
? S. Mochalskyy, U. Fantz, D. Wünderlich, and T. Minea
? Paper Nuclear Fusion 56 (2016) 106025
? Influence of the magnetic field topology on the performance of the large area negative hydrogen ion source test facility ELISE
? D. Wünderlich, W. Kraus, M. Fr?schle, R. Riedl, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, and the NNBI team
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 58 (2016) 125005
? Comparison of the B field dependency of plasma parameters of a weakly magnetized inductive and Helicon hydrogen discharge
? S. Briefi, P. Gutmann, D. Rauner, and U. Fantz
? Paper Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (2016) 035015
? Quantification of the VUV radiation in low pressure hydrogen and nitrogen plasmas
? U. Fantz, S. Briefi, D. Rauner, and D. Wünderlich
? Paper Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (2016) 45006
? Determination of discharge parameters via OES at the Linac4 H? ion source
? S. Briefi, D. Fink, S. Mattei, J. Lettry, and U. Fantz
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2016) 02B104
? Installation of spectrally selective imaging system in RF negative ion source
? K. Ikeda, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, M. Kisaki, K. Nagaoka, H. Nakano, M. Osakabe, K. Tsumori, S. Geng, O. Kaneko, and Y. Takeiri
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2016) 02B113
? Linac4 H? ion sources
? J. Lettry, D. Aguglia, J. Alessi, P. Andersson, S. Bertolo, S. Briefi, A. Butterworth, Y. Coutron, A. Dallocchio, N. David, E. Chaudet, D. Faircloth, U. Fantz, D. A. Fink, M. Garlasche, A. Grudiev, R. Guida, J. Hansen, M. Haase, A. Hatayama, A. Jones, I. Koszar, J.-B. Lallement, A. M. Lombardi, C. Machado, C. Mastrostefano, S. Mathot, S. Mattei, P. Moyret, D. Nisbet, K. Nishida, M. O’Neil, M. Paoluzzi, R. Scrivens, T. Shibata, D. Steyaert, N. Thaus, and G. Voulgarakis
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2016) 02B139
? Towards 20 A negative hydrogen ion beams for up to 1 h: Achievements of the ELISE test facility (invited)
? U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, D. Wünderlich, R. Riedl, W. Kraus, R. Nocentini, and F. Bonomo
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2016) 02B307
? Investigation of the boundary layer during the transition from volume to surface dominated H? production at the BATMAN test facility
? C. Wimmer, L. Schiesko, and U. Fantz
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2016) 02B310
? Concepts of magnetic filter fields in powerful negative ion sources for fusion
? W. Kraus, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, and D. Wünderlich
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2016) 02B315
? First hydrogen operation of NIO1: Characterization of the source plasma by means of an optical emission spectroscopy diagnostic
? M. Barbisan, C. Baltador, B. Zaniol, M. Cavenago, U. Fantz, R. Pasqualotto, G. Serianni, L. Vialetto, and D. Wünderlich
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2016) 02B319
? Erratum: "Concepts of magnetic filter fields in powerful negative ion sources for fusion"
? W. Kraus, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, and D. Wünderlich
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2016) 059901



▲ Top

? BATMAN Beam Properties Characterization by the Beam Emission Spectrocopy Diagnostic
? F. Bonomo, B. Ruf, M. Barbisan, S. Cristofaro, L. Schiesko, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, R. Pasqualotto, R. Riedl, G. Serianni, D. Wünderlich, and the NNBI Team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015) 060009
? Alternative RF coupling configurations for H? ion sources
? S. Briefi, U. Fantz, and P. Gutman
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015) 040003
? Size Scaling of Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources for Fusion
? U. Fantz, P. Franzen, W. Kraus, L. Schiesko, C. Wimmer, and D. Wünderlich
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015) 040001
? Status of the ELISE Test Facility
? P. Franzen, D. Wünderlich, R. Riedl, R. Nocentini, F. Bonomo, U. Fantz, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, C. Martens, W. Kraus, A. Pimazzoni, B. Ruf, and the NNBI Team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015) 060001
? Temperature Dependence of the Work Function of Caesiated Materials under Ion Source Conditions
? R. Friedl and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015) 020004 (6pp) (doi: 10.1063/1.4916413)
? Upgrade of BATMAN test facility for H? source development
? B. Heinemann, M. Fr?schle, H.-D. Falter, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, W. Kraus, R. Nocentini, R. Riedl, and B. Ruf
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015) 060003
? Investigations on Caesium-free Alternatives for H? Formation at Ion Source Relevant Parameters
? U. Kurutz and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015) 020005
? Spatial Distribution of the Plasma Parameters in the RF Negative Ion Source Prototype for Fusion
? S. Lishev, L. Schiesko, D. Wünderlich, and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015) 040010
? Advanced Ion Beam Calorimetry for the Test Facility ELISE
? R. Nocentini, F. Bonomo, A. Pimazzoni, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, R. Pasqualoto, R. Riedl, B. Ruf, and D. Wünderlich
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015) 060006
? Comparison of Measured and Modelled Negative Hydrogen Ion Densities at the ECR-Discharge HOMER
? D. Rauner, U. Kurutz, and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015) 020017
? Cs-Doped Mo as Surface Converter for H? / D? Generation in Negative Ion Sources: First Steps and Proof of Principle
? L. Schiesko, G. Cartry, C. Hopf, C. H?schen, G. Meisl, O. Encke, P. Franzen, B. Heinemann, K. Achkasov, and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015) 020003
? Negative Ion Beam Characterisation in BATMAN by mini-STRIKE: Improved Design and New Measurements
? G. Serianni, F. Bonomo, M. Brombin, V. Cervaro, G. Chitarin, S. Cristofaro, R. Delogu, M. De Muri, D. Fasolo, N. Fonnesu, L. Franchin, P. Franzen, R. Ghiraldelli, F. Molon, A. Muraro, R. Pasqualotto, B. Ruf, L. Schiesko, M. Tollin, and P. Veltri
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015) 060007
? A collisional radiative model for caesium and its application to an RF source for negative hydrogen ions
? D. Wünderlich, C. Wimmer, and R. Friedl
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015) 020006 (8pp) (doi: 10.1063/1.4916415)
? Correlation of size, velocity, and autonomous phase of a plasmoid in atmosphere with the dissipated energy
? U. Fantz, R. Friedl, and S. Briefi
? Paper Journal of Applied Physics 117 (2015) 173301 (9pp) (doi: 10.1063/1.4919607)
? First experiments with Cs doped Mo as surface converter for negative hydrogen ion sources
? L. Schiesko, G. Cartry, C. Hopf, T. H?schen, G. Meisl, O. Encke, B. Heinemann, K. Achkasov, P. Amsalem, and U. Fantz
? Paper Journal of Applied Physics 118 (2015) 073303
? Progress of the ELISE test facility: results of caesium operation with low RF power
? P. Franzen, U. Fantz, D. Wünderlich, B. Heinemann, R. Riedl, W. Kraus, M. Fr?schle, B. Ruf, R. Nocentini, and the NNBI Team
? Paper Nuclear Fusion 55 (2015) 053005
? Towards a realistic 3D simulation of the extraction region in ITER NBI relevant ion source
? S. Mochalskyy, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, and T. Minea
? Paper Nuclear Fusion 55 (2015) 033011
? Progress in the realization of the PRIMA neutral beam test facility
? V. Toigo, D. Boilson, T. Bonicelli, R. Piovan, M. Hanada, A. Chakraborty, G. Agarici, V. Antoni, U. Baruah, M. Bigi, G. Chitarin, S. Dal Bello, H. Decamps, J. Graceffa, M. Kashiwagi, R. Hemsworth, A. Luchetta, D. Marcuzzi, A. Masiello, F. Paolucci, R. Pasqualotto, H. Patel, N. Pomarao, C. Rotti, G. Serianni, M. Simon, M. Singh, N. P. Singh, L. Svensson, H. Tobari, K. Watanabe, P. Zaccaria, P. Agostinetti, M. Agostini, R. Andreani, D. Aprile, M. Badyopadhyay, M. Barbisan, M. Battistella, P. Bettini, P. Blachford, M. Boldrin, F. Bonomo, E. Bragulat, M. Brombin, M. Cavenago, B. Chuilon, A. Coniglio, G. Croci, M. Dalla Palma, M. D'Arienzo, R. Dave, H. P. L. De Esch, A. De Lorenzi, M. De Muri, R. Delogu, H. Dhola, U. Fantz, F. Fellin, L. Fellin, A. Ferro, A. Fiorentin, N. Fonnesu, P. Franzen, M. Fr?schle, E. Gaio, G. Gambetta, G. Gomez, F. Gnesotto, G. Gorini, L. Grando, V. Gupta, D. Gutierrez, S. Hanke, C. Hardie, B. Heinemann, A. Kojima, W. Kraus, T. Maeshima, A. Maistrello, G. Manduchi, N. Marconato, G. Mico, M. Moresco, A. Muraro, V. Muvvala, R. Nocentini, E. Ocello, S. Ochoa, D. Parmar, A. Patel, M. Pavei, S. Peruzzo, N. Pilan, V. Pilard, P. Recchia, R. Riedl, A. Rizzolo, G. Roopesh, G. Rostagni, S. Sandri, E. Sartori, P. Sonato, A. Sottocornola, S. Spagnolo, M. Spolaore, C. Taliercio, M. Tardocchi, A. Thakkar, N. Umeda, M. Valente, P. Veltri, A. Yadav, H. Yamanaka, A. Zamengo, B. Zaniol, L. Zanotto, and M. Zaupa
? Paper Nuclear Fusion 55 (2015) 083025
? Solid state generator for powerful radio frequency ion sources in neutral beam injection systems
? W. Kraus, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, and P. Franzen
? Paper Fusion Engineering and Design 91 (2015) 16-20
? Spektroskop, Bausatz zu dessen Herstellung und Kombination des Spektroskops mit einer Kameraeinrichtung
? M. Müller, R. Friedl, U. Fantz
? Gebrauchsmusterschutz DE 20 2015 006 402 U1



▲ Top

? Simulation of the A?X and B?X transition emission spectra of the InCl molecule for diagnostics in low pressure plasmas
? S. Briefi and U. Fantz
? Paper Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 133 (2014) 551–558
? Ways to improve the efficiency and reliability of radio frequency driven negative ion sources for fusion
? W. Kraus, S. Briefi, U. Fantz, P. Gutmann and J. Doerfler
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85 (2014) 02B309
? 3D Numerical Simulations of Negative Ion Extraction Using Realistic Plasma Parameters, Geometry of the Extraction Aperture and Full 3D Magnetic Field Map
? S. Mochalskyy, D. Wünderlich, B. Ruf, P. Franzen and U. Fantz
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85 (2014) 02B301
? First Results of the ITER-Relevant Negative Ion Beam Test Facility ELISE
? U. Fantz, P. Franzen, B. Heinemann and the NNBI Team
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85 (2014) 02B305
? Modeling of neutrals in the Linac4 H? ion source plasma: Hydrogen atom production density profile and Ha intensity by collisional radiative model
? T. Yamamoto, T. Shibata, M. Ohta, M. Yasumoto, K. Nishida, A. Hatayama, S. Mattei, J. Lettry, K. Sawada, and U. Fantz
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85 (2014) 02B118
? Tomography feasibility study on the optical emission spectroscopy diagnostic for the negative ion source of the ELISE test facility
? F. Bonomo, M. Agostini, M. Brombin, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, R. Pasqualotto, D. Wünderlich and the NNBI Team
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 56 (2014) 015006 (14pp)
? Towards a large RF ion source for the ITER neutral beam injector: overview of the ELISE test facility and first results
? R. Nocentini, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, R. Riedl and the NNBI Team
? Paper IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 42 (2014) 616-623
? Modeling the Ion Source for ITER NBI: from the Generation of Negative Ions to Their Extraction
? D. Wünderlich, S. Mochalskyy, U. Fantz, P. Franzen and the NNBI Team
? Paper Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 23 (2014) 015008 (11pp)
? On the Electron Extraction in a Large RF-driven Negative Hydrogen Ion Source for the ITER NBI System
? P. Franzen, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz and the NNBI Team
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 56 (2014) 025007 (12pp)
? Plasma expansion across a transverse magnetic field in a negative hydrogen ion source for fusion
? U. Fantz, L. Schiesko and D. Wünderlich
? Paper Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 23 (2014) 044002 (11pp)
? Initial Phase of a Large Atmospheric Plasmoid Generated above a Water Surface
? U. Fantz, S. Briefi, R. Friedl, M. Kammerloher, J. Kolbinger and A. Oswald
? Paper IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 42 (2014) 2624-2625 (doi: 10.1109/TPS.2014.2310128)
? On the meniscus formation and the negative hydrogen ion extraction from ITER NBI relevant ion source
? S. Mochalskyy, D. Wünderlich, B. Ruf, U. Fantz, P. Franzen and T. Minea
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 56 (2014) 105001 (11pp)
? On the NBI system for substantial current drive in a fusion powerplant: Status and R&D needs for ion source and laser neutralizer
? P. Franzen and U. Fantz
? Paper Fus. Eng. Des. 89 (2014) 2594–2605
? A collisional radiative model for low-pressure hydrogen–caesium plasmas and its application to an RF source for negative hydrogen ions
? D. Wünderlich, C. Wimmer and R. Friedl
? Paper JQSRT 149 (2014) 360-371 (doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2014.09.002)
? Experimental investigations on the caesium dynamics in H2/D2 low temperature plasmas
? R. Friedl
? Report IPP-Report 4/293



▲ Top

? Fundamental studies on the Cs dynamics under ion source conditions
? R. Friedl and U. Fantz
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85 (2014) 02B109 (doi: 10.1063/1.4830215)
? Optical Emission Spectroscopy at the Large RF Driven Negative Ion Test Facility ELISE: Instrumental Setup and First Results
? D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, R. Riedl and F. Bonomo
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84 (2013) 093102
? Generation of an atmospheric plasmoid from a water discharge: An analysis of the dissipated energy
? U. Fantz, S. Kalafat, R. Friedl and S. Briefi
? Paper J. Appl. Phys. 114 (2013) 043302 (doi: 10.1063/1.4816311)
? Workshop on performance variations in H? ion sources 2012: PV H? 12
? M. P. Stockli, D. Faircloth, W. Kraus, A. Ando, D. S. Bollinger, S. Briefi, U. Fantz, R. Friedl, M. Kashiwagi, D. King, H. Koivisto, B. X. Han, J. Lettry, Y. Takeiri, O. Tarvainen, K. Tsumori, R. F. Welton and Ch. Wimmer
? Paper AIP Conf. Proc. 1515 (2013) 594-597 (doi: 10.1063/1.4792832)
? Implementation of a cold spot setup for controlled variation of vapor pressures and its application to an InBr containing discharge lamp
? S. Briefi
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 026106 (2013)
? Spectroscopic characterization of the PSI-2 plasma in the ionizing and recombining state
? A. Pospieszczyk, M. Reinhart, B. Unterberg, S. Brezinsek, A. Kreter, U. Samm, G. Sergienko, B. Schweer, C. Salmagne, D. Reiter, and M. Baelmans, D.Wünderlich, U. Fantz
? Paper J. Nucl. Mater. 438 (2013) S1249-S1252
? A comparison of hydrogen and deuterium plasmas in negative hydrogen ion sources for fusion
? U. Fantz, L. Schiesko, D. Wünderlich and NNBI Team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1515 (2013) 187-196
? Cesium Dynamics and H?-Density in the Extended Boundary Layer of Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources for Fusion
? C. Wimmer, U. Fantz and NNBI-Team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1515 (2013) 246-254
? Commissioning of the negative ion testbed ELISE
? W. Kraus, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, C. Martens, R. Riedl and D. Wünderlich
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1515 (2013) 129-138
? Influence of cesium on the plasma parameters in front of the plasma grid in sources for negative hydrogen ions
? R. Friedl and U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1515 (2013) 255-262 (doi: 10.1063/1.4792792)
? Investigation of Helicon discharges as RF-coupling concept for negative hydrogen ion sources
? S. Briefi, U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1515 (2013) 278-283
? Modeling the Particle Transport and Ion Production in a RF Driven Negative Hydrogen Ion Source for ITER NBI
? D. Wünderlich, P. McNeely, L. Schiesko, U. Fantz, P. Franzen and NNBI-Team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1515 (2013) 12-21
? Negative Ion Test Facility ELISE – Status and First Results
? B. Heinemann, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Froeschle, M. Kircher, W. Kraus, C. Martens, R. Nocentini, R. Riedl, B. Ruf, C. Wimmer, D. Wuenderlich and the NNBI-Team
? Paper Fusion Eng. Design 88 (2013) 512-516
? Beam Diagnostic Tools for the Negative Hydrogen Ion Source Test Facility ELISE
? R. Nocentini, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Froeschle, B. Heinemann, R. Riedl, B. Ruf, D. Wuenderlich, and the NNBI team
? Paper Fusion Eng. Design 88 (2013) 913-917
? Magnetic Filter Field for ELISE - Concepts and Design
? M. Fr?schle, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, W. Kraus, R. Nocentini, L. Schiesko, D. Wünderlich and the NNBI Team
? Paper Fusion Eng. Design 88 (2013) 1015-1019
? Using the Radiation of Hydrogen Atoms and Molecules to Determine Electron Density and Temperature in the Linear Plasma Device PSI-2
? M. Reinhart, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Unterberg, S. Brezinsek, A. Kreter, U. Samm, G. Sergienko, B.Schweer, D. Reiter, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz
? Paper Fusion Science and Technology 63 (2013) 201-204
? Diagnostics of low pressure discharges containing InBr studied for lighting applications
? S. Briefi and U. Fantz
? Paper Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 22 (2013) 055003 (8pp)
? Development of a large RF ion source for the ITER neutral beam injector: project overview and first results of ELISE
? R. Nocentini, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, C. Martens, R. Riedl, B. Ruf, L. Schiesko, C. Wimmer, D. Wünderlich and the NNBI-Team
? Paper IEEE Fusion Engineering (25th SOFE) (2013) 6pp
? Commissioning and First Results of the ITER-Relevant Negative Ion Beam Test Facility ELISE
? P. Franzen, B. Heinemann, U. Fantz, D. Wünderlich, W. Kraus, M. Fr?schle, C. Martens, R. Riedl, R. Nocentini, A. Masiello, B. Ruf, L. Schiesko, C. Wimmer and NNBI Team
? Paper Fus. Eng. Des. 88 (2013) 3132-3140



▲ Top

? Controllable evaporation of alkali metals from a dispenser oven
? U. Fantz, R. Friedl and M. Fr?schle
? Technologieangebot Max-Planck-Innovation 1801-4523-WT-JK
? Controllable evaporation of cesium from a dispenser oven
? U. Fantz, R. Friedl and M. Fr?schle
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 (2012) 123305 (doi: 10.1063/1.4771967)
? Development of Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources for Fusion: Experiments and Modelling
? U. Fantz, P. Franzen, D. Wünderlich
? Paper Chem. Phys. 398 (2012) 7–16
? Cesium dynamics in long pulse operation of negative hydrogen ion sources for fusion
? U. Fantz, C. Wimmer and NNBI Team
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 (2012) 002B110-1 – 3
? Optical emission spectroscopy of the Linac4 and superconducting proton Linac plasma generators
? J. Lettry, U. Fantz, M. Kronberger, T. Kalvas, H.Koivisto, J. Komppula, E. Mahner, C. Schmitzer, J. Sanchez, R. Scrivens, O. Midttun, P. Myllyperki?, M. O’Neil, H. Pereira, M. Paoluzzi, O. Tarvainen, D. Wünderlich
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 (2012) 02A729-1 – 3
? The development of the radio frequency driven negative ion source for neutral beam injectors
? W. Kraus, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann et al.
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 (2012) 02B104-1
? Spectral intensity of the N2 emission in argon low-pressure arc discharges for lighting purposes
? R. Friedl and U. Fantz
? Paper New Journal of Physics 14 (2012) 043016 (22p) (doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/14/4/043016)
? Correction factors for saturation effects in white light and laser absorption spectroscopy for application to low pressure plasmas
? S. Briefi, C. Wimmer, and U. Fantz
? Paper Phys. Plasmas 19 (2012) 053501-1 – 10
? Magnetic field dependence of the plasma properties in a negative hydrogen ion source for fusion
? L. Schiesko, P. McNeely, P. Franzen, U. Fantz and the NNBI Team
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54 (2012) 105002 (8pp)
? On the proton flux towards the plasma grid in a RF-driven negative hydrogen ion source for ITER NBI
? D. Wünderlich, L. Schiesko, P. McNeely, U. Fantz, P. Franzen and the NNBI-Team
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54 (2012) 125002 (9pp)
? Investigation of the magnetic field influence on the plasma parameters homogeneity in a large H? /D? RF ion source relevant for ITER
? L. Schiesko, P. Franzen, U. Fantz and the NNBI Team
? Paper Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 21 (2012) 065007 (8pp)



▲ Top

? Low-pressure discharge lamp
? U. Fantz, R. Friedl, H. Hein, A. Hilscher and P. Starke
? Patent WO 2011032592 A1
? The Negative Ion Source Test Facility ELISE
? B. Heinemann, H.-D. Falter, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Froeschle, W. Kraus, C. Martens, R. Nocentini, R. Riedl, E. Speth, A. Staebler
? Paper Fusion Eng. Design 86 (2011) 768–771
? Franck–Condon factors for molecule–ion reactions of H2 and its isotopomers
? D. Wünderlich and U. Fantz
? Paper Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 97 (2011) 152–185
? Work function measurements during plasma exposition at conditions relevant in negative ion sources for the ITER neutral beam injection
? R. Gutser, C. Wimmer, U. Fantz
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82 (2011) 023506 (7pp)
? Simulation of the A ? X and B ? X transition emission spectra of the InBr molecule for diagnostics in low pressure plasmas
? S. Briefi and U. Fantz
? Paper J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44 (2011) 155202 (12pp)
? Performance of multi-aperture grid extraction systems for an ITER-relevant RF-driven negative hydrogen ion source
? P. Franzen, R. Gutser, U. Fantz, W. Kraus, H. Falter, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, P. McNeely, R. Nocentini, R. Riedl, A. St?bler, D. Wünderlich
? Paper Nucl. Fusion 51 (2011) 073035 (13pp)
? Dependence of the Performance of the Long Pulse RF Driven Negative Ion Source on the Magnetic Filter Field
? W. Kraus, U. Fantz, D. Wünderlich and the NNBI Team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1390 (2011) 303-309
? Beam Homogeneity Dependence on the Magnetic Filter Field at the IPP Test Facility MANITU
? P. Franzen, U. Fantz and the NNBI Team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1390 (2011) 310-321
? Quantification of Cesium in Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
? U. Fantz, C. Wimmer and the NNBI Team
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1390 (2011) 348-358
? Cavity Ring-Down System for Density Measurement of Negative Hydrogen Ion on Negative Ion Source
? H. Nakano, K. Tsumori, K. Nagaoka, M. Shibuya, U. Fantz, M. Kisaki, K. Ikeda, M Osakabe, O. Kaneko, E. Asano, T. Kondo, M. Sato, S. Komada, H. Sekiguchi, Y. Takeiri
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1390 (2011) 359-366
? Comparison of Optical Emission Spectroscopy and Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy in Large-Scaled Negative Ion Source
? K. Ikeda, H. Nakano, K. Tsumori, U. Fantz, O. Kaneko, M. Kisaki, K. Nagaoka, M. Osakabe, Y. Takeiri
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1390 (2011) 367-373
? RF - Plasma Source Commissioning in Indian Negative Ion Facility
? M.J. Singh, M. Bandyopadhyay, G. Bansal, A. Gahlaut, J. Soni, S. Kumar, K. Pandya, K.G. Parmar, J. Sonara, R. Yadava, A.K. Chakraborty, W. Kraus, B. Heinemann, R. Riedl, S. Obermayer, C. Martens, P. Franzen, U. Fantz
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1390 (2011) 604-613
? Atomic and Molecular Collisional Radiative Modelling for Spectroscopy of Low Temperature and Magnetic Fusion Plasmas
? U. Fantz and D. Wünderlich
? Paper AIP Conference Proceedings 1344 (2011) 204-216
? Caesium Influence on Plasma Parameters and Source Performance during Conditioning of the ITER Neutral Beam Injector Negative Ion Source
? L. Schiesko, P. McNeely, U. Fantz, P. Franzen and the NNBI Team
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 53 (2011) 985029 (12pp)
? A study on backstreaming positive ions on a high power negative ion source for fusion
? L. Schiesko, C. Hopf, P. Franzen, W. Kraus, R. Riedl, U. Fantz and NNBI Team
? Paper Nuclear Fusion 51 (2011) 113021 (7pp)
? Dynamics of the Transport of Ionic and Atomic Cesium in Radio Frequency-driven Ion Sources for ITER neutral beam injection for ITER NBI
? R. Gutser, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz and the NNBI Team
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 53 (2011) 105014 (18pp)
? Magnetic Filter Field Dependence of the Performance of the RF Driven IPP Prototype Source for Negative Hydrogen Ions
? P. Franzen, L. Schiesko, M. Fr?schle, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz and the NNBI Team
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 53 (2011) 115006 (14pp)
? Fundamental Data of Diatomic Molecules Relevant for Fusion
? U. Fantz D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report IAEA Vienna, APID (Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion) Series 16 (2011), article in press
? Optimizing the Laser Absorption Technique for Quantification of Caesium Densities in Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources
? U. Fantz and C. Wimmer
? Paper J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44 (2011) 335202 (12pp)
? Relaunch of the Water Plasmoid Experiment for Investigations of Ball Lightning Phenomena
? U. Fantz, S. Briefi, R. Friedl, M. Kammerloher, A. Oswald, D. Rauner
? Paper Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), 29 August - 2 September, 2011, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
? Investigation of low-pressure dicharges containing a defined amount of InBr
? S. Briefi and U. Fantz
? Paper Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), 29 August - 2 September, 2011, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
? Experimental investigation and modelling of the spectral intensity of the N2-emission in argon low-pressure arc discharges
? D. Ertle, R. Friedl, F. Vogel, U. Fantz
? Paper Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), 29 August - 2 September, 2011, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
? Investigation of the plasma parameters and homogeneity on a negative ion
? L. Schiesko, P. Franzen, U. Fantz and the NNBI Team
? Paper Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), 29 August - 2 September, 2011, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK



▲ Top

? Modelling the radiation of diatomic molecules in low pressure discharges
? U. Fantz, S. Briefi, R. Friedl
? Paper Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Light Sources, July 11-16, 2010, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (ISBN 978-0-9555445-2-1)
? Investigation of low pressure discharges containing InBr
? S. Briefi and U. Fantz
? Paper Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Light Sources, July 11-16, 2010, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (ISBN 978-0-9555445-2-1)
? Spectral intensity of the N2 emission in rare gas low-pressure arc discharges
? R. Friedl, U. Fantz, F. Vogel
? Paper Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Light Sources, July 11-16, 2010, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (ISBN 978-0-9555445-2-1)
? Long pulse H?/D? beam extraction with an RF driven ion source on a high power level
? W. Kraus, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, P. McNeely
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81 (2010) 02B110 (3pp)
? Simulation of Cesium Injection and Distribution in RF-driven Ion Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ion Generation
? R. Gutser, U. Fantz, D. Wünderlich
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81 (2010) 02A706 (3pp)
? Fundamental Experiments on Evaporation of Cesium in Ion Sources
? U. Fantz, R. Gutser, C. Wimmer
? Paper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81 (2010) 02B102 (4pp)
? Transport of negative hydrogen and deuterium ions in RF-driven ion sources
? R. Gutser, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz and the NNBI-Team
? Paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 52 (2010) 045017 (9pp)



▲ Top

? Recent developments at IPP on evaporation and control of caesium in negative ion sources
? M. Fr?schle, R. Riedl, H. Falter, R. Gutser, U. Fantz and the IPP NNBI Team
? Paper/Report Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2009) 788- 792
? Physical Performance Analysis And The Progress Of The Development Of The Negative Ion RF Source For The ITER NBI System
? U. Fantz, P. Franzen, W. Kraus, M. Berger, S. Christ-Koch, H. Falter, M. Fr?schle, R. Gutser, B. Heinemann, C. Martens, P. McNeely, R. Riedl, E. Speth, A. St?bler, D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report IAEA, Nuclear Fusion 49 (2009) 125007 (9pp)
? Development of a RF-driven ion source for the ITER NBI system
? A. Staebler, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Berger, S. Christ-Koch, H. D. Falter, M. Froeschle, R. Gutser, B. Heinemann, D. Holtum, W. Kraus, C. Martens, P. McNeely, R. Nocentini, S. Obermayer, R. Riedl, E. Speth, D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2009) 265- 268
? Design of the "half-size" ITER Neutral Beam Source for the Test Facility ELISE
? B. Heinemann, H. Falter, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Fr?schle, R. Gutser, W. Kraus, R. Nocentini, R. Riedl, E. Speth, A. St?bler, D. Wünderlich, P. Agostinetti, T. Jiang
? Paper/Report Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2009) 915-922
? Application of a Collisional Radiative Model to Hydrogen for Diagnostic Purposes
? D. Wünderlich, S. Dietrich and U. Fantz
? Paper/Report J. Quant. Spec. Radiat. Transfer 110 (2009) 62-71
? A Langmuir Probe System for High Power RF-driven Negative Ion Sources on High Potential
? P. McNeely, S. V. Dudin, S. Christ-Koch, U Fantz and the NNBI Team
? Paper/Report Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 18 (2009) 014011 (17pp)
? A Langmuir probe system incorporating the Boyd–Twiddy method for EEDF measurement applied to an inductively coupled plasma source
? B. Crowley and S. Dietrich
? Paper/Report Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 18 (2009) 014010 (7pp).
? Laser Photodetachment on a High Power, Low Pressure RF-Driven Negative Hydrogen Ion Source
? S. Christ-Koch, U. Fantz, M. Berger and NNBI Team
? Paper/Report Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 18 (2009) 025003 (12pp)
? Cavity-Ringdown-Spectroscopy on a High-Power RF-Driven Source for Negative Hydrogen Ions
? M. Berger, U. Fantz, S. Christ-Koch and NNBI Team
? Paper/Report Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 18 (2009) 025004 (8pp)
? Negative Hydrogen Ion Transport in RF-driven Ion Sources for ITER NBI
? R. Gutser, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz and the NNBI-Team
? Paper/Report Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 51 (2009) 045005 (14pp)



▲ Top

? Low Pressure and High Power RF Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions for Fusion Applications (ITER Neutral Beam Injection)
? U. Fantz, P. Franzen, W. Kraus, H. D. Falter, M. Berger, S. Christ-Koch, M. Fr?schle, R. Gutser, B. Heinemann, C. Martens, P. McNeely, R. Riedl, E. Speth, and D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79 (2008) 02A511-1 - 6
? Long Pulse Large Area Beam Extraction with an RF-driven Hˉ/Dˉ Source
? W. Kraus, H.-D. Falter, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, B. Heinemann, M. Fr?schle, Ch. Martens, P. McNeely, M. Berger, R. Riedl, E. Speth
? Paper/Report Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79 (2008) 02C108-1 - 3
? Behavior of the Cs emission in Large Negative Ion Sources
? K. Ikeda, K. Nagaoka, Y. Takeiri, U. Fantz, O. Kaneko, M. Osakabe, Y. Oka, and K. Tsumori
? Paper/Report Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79 (2008) 02A518-1 - 4
? Long-living Plasmoids from an Atmospheric Water Discharge
? A. Versteegh, K. Behringer, U. Fantz, G. Fussmann, B. Jüttner, S. Noack
? Paper/Report Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 17 (2008) 024014-1-8
? The IPP RF Source: A High Power, Low Pressure Negative Ion Source for the Neutral Beam Injection System of ITER
? P. Franzen, U. Fantz, W. Kraus, M. Berger, S. Christ-Koch, M. Froeschle, R. Gutser, B. Heinemann, C. Martens, F. Maisberger, P. McNeely, R. Riedl, E. Speth, D. Wünderlich, T. Zacharias
? Paper/Report AIP Conf. Proc. 993 (2008) 51-54.
? Development of RF driven H?/D? sources for ITER
? W. Kraus, M. Berger, H.-D. Falter, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, C. Martens, P. McNeely, R. Riedl, E. Speth, A. St?bler
? Paper/Report 35th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, June 9-13, 2008, Crete, Greece, Conference CD (2008)
? Modeling of Negative Ion RF Sources for ITER NBI: Current Status and Recent Achievements
? D. Wünderlich, R. Gutser, S. Christ-Koch, U. Fantz, M. Berger, P. Franzen, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, C. Martens, P. McNeely, R. Riedl, E. Speth
? Paper/Report 35th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, June 9-13, 2008, Crete, Greece, Conference CD (2008)
? Physical and Experimental Background of the Design of the ELISE Test Facility
? P. Franzen, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, R. Nocentini and the NNBI Team
? Paper/Report AIP Conf. Proc. 1097 (2008) 451-460
? Simulations for the Generation and Extraction of Negative Hydrogen Ions in RF-driven Ion Sources
? R. Gutser, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, B. Heinemann, R. Nocentini and the NNBI Team
? Paper/Report AIP Conf. Proc. 1097 (2008) 297-306
? Long Pulse H?/D? Beam Extraction with Effective Electron Suppression from a RF Driven Ion Source
? W. Kraus, M. Berger, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, R. Riedl, E. Speth, A. St?bler
? Paper/Report AIP Conf. Proc. 1097 (2008) 275-281
? Plasma And Beam Homogeneity Of The RF Driven Negative Hydrogen Ion Source For ITER NBI
? U. Fantz, P. Franzen, W. Kraus, D. Wünderlich, R. Gutser, M. Berger, and the NNBI Team
? Paper/Report AIP Conf. Proc. 1097 (2008) 265-274
? Spectroscopic Studies on Positive Ion Based Neutral Beam Injection Systems
? A. Manhard, U. Fantz, A. St?bler, H. Greuner, B. Crowley
? Paper/Report IPP Report, IPP 4/289
? Untersuchungen der Eigenschaften c?sierter Oberfl?chen in Wasserstoffplasmen
? S. K?nig, U. Fantz
? Paper/Report IPP Report, IPP 4/288
? Profile der Plasmaparameter und Dichte negativer Wasserstoffionen mittels Laserdetachmentmessungen in HF-angeregten Ionenquellen
? S. Christ-Koch, U. Fantz
? Paper/Report IPP Report, IPP 4/287



▲ Top

? Study of Volume and Surface Effects in Pure Hydrogen Discharges
? F. Taccogna, R. Schneider, U. Fantz, S. Longo and M. Capitelli
? Paper/Report AIP Conf. Proc. 925 (2007) 20-30
? Development of a RF Negative Ion Source for the ITER Neutral Beam System
? W. Kraus, S. Christ, H. D. Falter, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, D. Holtum, S. Leyer, P. McNeely, R. Riedl, E. Speth and D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report Conf. Proc. 925 (2007) 224-237
? Influence of Magnetic Fields and Biasing on the Plasma of a RF Driven Negative Ion Source
? D. Wünderlich, R. Gutser, U. Fantz
? Paper/Report AIP Conf. Proc. 925 (2007) 46-57
? Status of the IPP RF negative ion source development for the ITER NBI system
? P. Franzen, H. D. Falter, U. Fantz, W. Kraus, M. Berger, S. Christ, M. Fr?schle, R. Gutser, B. Heinemann, S. Hilbert, S. Leyer, C. Martens, P. McNeely, R. Riedl, E. Speth, D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report SOFT conference 24th Warschau 2006 -> NOT PUBLISHED
? Technical Overview and First Results of the Half-Size ITER NNBI Source
? M. Fr?schle, S. Leyer, P. Franzen, Ch. Martens, Dr. E. Speth, B. Heinemann, H. D. Falter, U. Fantz, W. Kraus, R. Riedl and the IPP NNBI team
? Paper/Report Fusion Engineering and Design 82 (2007) 887-896
? Progress of the Development of the IPP RF Negative Ion Source for the ITER Neutral Beam System
? P. Franzen, H. D. Falter, U. Fantz, W. Kraus, M. Berger, S. Christ-Koch, M. Fr?schle, R. Gutser, B. Heinemann, S. Hilbert, S. Leyer, C. Martens, P. McNeely, R. Riedl, E. Speth, D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report Nuclear Fusion 47 (2007) 264-270
? RADI - A RF Source Size-Scaling Experiment Towards the ITER Neutral Beam Negative Ion Source
? P. Franzen, H. Falter, B. Heinemann, Ch. Martens, U. Fantz, M. Berger, S. Christ-Koch, M. Fr?schle, D. Holtum, W. Kraus, S. Leyer, P. McNeely, R. Riedl, R. Süss, S. Obermayer, E. Speth, D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report Fusion Engineering and Design 82 (2007) 407-423
? Observation of Hydrogen and Cesium Spectra in a Negative Ion Source for a Neutral Beam Injector using a Multi-Channel Spectrometer
? K. Ikeda, U. Fantz, K. Nagaoka, Y. Takeiri, M. Osakabe, K. Tsumori, O. Kanekoand Y. Oka
? Paper/Report Plasma and Fusion Research 2 (2007) S1047-1 – S1047-4
? Molecular Contribution to the Dα Emission in the Divertor of the ASDEX Upgrade Experiment
? S. Menmuir, E. Rachlew, U. Fantz, R. Pugno, R. Dux and the ASDEX Upgrade team
? Paper/Report J. Quant. Spec. Radiat. Transfer 105 (2007) 425-437
? Negative Ion RF Sources for ITER NBI: Status of the Development and Recent Achievements
? U. Fantz, P. Franzen, W. Kraus, M. Berger, S. Christ-Koch, M. Fr?schle, R. Gutser, B. Heinemann, C. Martens, P. McNeely, R. Riedl, E. Speth, D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 49 (2007) B563-580
? Rechnungen zur Extraktion negativer Wasserstoffionen aus einem HF-Plasma
? R. Gutser, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, P. Franzen
? Paper/Report IPP Report, IPP 4/286, Februar 2007
? Effective Rate Coefficients for Molecular Processes of Hydrogen and Hydrocarbons in Edge Plasmas
? U. Fantz, D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion, IAEA Vienna, APID Series 14 (2008) 56-63
? Hydrocarbon Injection for Quantification of Chemical Erosion Yields in Tokamaks
? S. Brezinsek, A. Pospieszczyk, D. Borodin, M.F. Stamp, R. Pugno, A. G. McLean, U. Fantz, A. Manhard, A. Kallenbach, N. H. Brooks, M.Groth, Ph. Mertens, V. Philipps, U. Samm, TEXTOR, ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D Teams and JET-EFDA
? Paper/Report J. Nucl. Mat. 363-365 (2007) 1119-1128
? Determination of photon efficiencies and hydrocarbon influxes in the detached outer divertor plasma of ASDEX Upgrade
? S. Brezinsek, R. Pugno, U. Fantz, A. Manhard, H.W. Müller, A. Kallenbach, Ph. Mertens, and the ASDEX Upgrade team
? Paper/Report Physica Scripta T128 (2007) 40-44
? High-Power Negative Ion Sources for Neutral Beam Injectors in Large Helical Device
? Y. Takeiri, O. Kaneko, K. Tsumori, U. Fantz, K. Ikeda, K. Nagaoka, M. Osakabe, Y. Oka, E. Asano, T. Kondo, M. Sato, M. Shibuya, and S. Komada
? Paper/Report AIP Conf. Proc. 925 (2007) 211-223
? Electron Energy Distribution Function Measurements by Langmuir Probe in ITER Like Negative Ion Sources
? B. Crowley, D. Homfray, U. Fantz, D. Boilson and R. S. Hemsworth
? Paper/Report AIP Conf. Proc. 925 (2007) 193-207
? Hydrocarbon Injection for Quantification of Chemical Erosion Yields in Tokamaks
? S. Brezinsek, A. Pospieszczyk, D. Borodin, M.F. Stamp, R. Pugno, A. G. McLean, U. Fantz, A. Manhard, A. Kallenbach, N. H. Brooks, M.Groth, Ph. Mertens, V. Philipps, U. Samm, TEXTOR, ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D Teams and JET-EFDA Contributors
? Paper/Report Nucl. Mat. 363-365 (2007) 1119-1128
? Determination of photon efficiencies and hydrocarbon influxes in the detached outer divertor plasma of ASDEX Upgrade
? S. Brezinsek, R. Pugno, U. Fantz, A. Manhard, H.W. Müller, A. Kallenbach, Ph. Mertens, and the ASDEX Upgrade team
? Paper/Report Physica Scripta T128 (2007) 40-44
? Cavity-Ringdown-Spektroskopie an Wasserstoff- Niederdruck?plasmen
? M. Berger, U. Fantz
? Paper/Report IPP Report, IPP 10/33, April 2007
? Rechnungen zur Extraktion negativer Wasserstoffionen aus einem HF-Plasma
? R. Gutser, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, P. Franzen
? Paper/Report IPP Report, IPP 4/286, Februar 2007



▲ Top

? Caesium and Tungsten Behaviour in the Filamented Arc Driven Kamaboko-III Negative Ion Source
? A. Krylov, D. Boilson, U. Fantz, R.S. Hemsworth, O. Provitina, S. Pontremoli, and B. Zaniol
? Paper/Report Nucl. Fusion 46 (2006) S324-S331
? Spectroscopy – A Powerful Diagnostic Tool in Source Development
? U. Fantz, H. Falter, P. Franzen, D. Wünderlich, M. Berger, A. Lorenz, W. Kraus, P. McNeely, R. Riedl, E. Speth
? Paper/Report Nucl. Fusion 46 (2006) S297-S306
? Plasma Diagnostic Tools for Optimising Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources
? U. Fantz, H.D. Falter, P. Franzen, E. Speth, D. Boilson, R. Hemsworth, and A. Krylov
? Paper/Report Rev. Sci. Instr. 77 (2006) 03A516-1 - 03A516-4
? Basics of Plasma Spectroscopy
? U. Fantz
? Paper/Report Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 15 (2006) S137-S147
? Franck-Condon Factors, Transition Probabilities and Radiative Lifetimes for Hydrogen Molecules and Their Isotopomeres
? U. Fantz, D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 92 (2006) 853-973
? A Novel Diagnostic Technique for H?(D?) Densities in Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources
? U. Fantz, D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report New Journal of Physics 8 (2006) 301
? Ortsaufgel?ste Hα – Dopplerspektroskopie an einem Wasserstoffstrahl aus einer negativen Ionenquelle
? A. Lorenz, U. Fantz, P. Franzen
? Paper/Report IPP Report, IPP 4/285, April 2006
? High-Power Negative Ion Sources for Neutral Beam Injectors in Large Helical Device
? Y. Takeiri, O. Kaneko, K. Tsumori, U. Fantz, K. Ikeda, K. Nagaoka, M. Osakabe, Y. Oka, E. Asano, T. Kondo, M. Sato, M. Shibuya, and S. Komada
? Paper/Report 11th International Symposium on the Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams, PNNIB-11 (2006), Santa Fe, New Mexico, AIP Conference Proceedings
? Influence of Magnetic Fields and Biasing on the Plasma of a RF Driven Negative Ion Source
? D. Wünderlich, R. Gutser, U. Fantz and the NNBI Team
? Paper/Report 11th International Symposium on the Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions PNNIB-11 (2006), Santa Fe, New Mexico, AIP Conference Proceedings
? Electron Energy Distribution Function Measurements by Langmuir Probe in ITER Like Negative Ion Sources
? B. Crowley, D. Homfray, U. Fantz, D. Boilson and R. S. Hemsworth
? Paper/Report 11th International Symposium on the Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions PNNIB-11 (2006), Santa Fe, New Mexico, AIP Conference Proceedings



▲ Top

? Spatial Structure of Detached Plasmas in the ULS Divertor Simulator,
? P.K. Browning, U. Fantz, K.J. Gibson, B. Mihaljcic and D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report J. Nucl. Mat. 337-339 (2005) 232
? Investigations of Chemical Erosion of Carbon Materials in Hydrogen and Deuterium Low Pressure Plasmas
? P. Starke, U. Fantz, M. Balden
? Paper/Report J. Nucl. Mat. 337-339 (2005) 1005
? Correlation of the Intensity Ratio of C2/CH Molecular Bands with the Flux Ratio of C2Hy/CH4Particles
? U. Fantz, S. Meir and ASDEX Upgrade Team
? Paper/Report J. Nucl. Mat. 337-339(2005) 1087
? Molecular Diagnostics of Cold Edge Plasmas
? U. Fantz, Editors: R. Clark, D. Reiter,
? Paper/Report in Nuclear Fusion Research, Springer Series in Chem. Physics 78, Springer Verlag Berlin (2005)



▲ Top

? Basics of Plasma Spectroscopy
? U. Fantz
? Paper/Report European Marie Curie Training Course on ‘Low Temperature Plasma Physics: Basics and Applications’, Bad Honnef , 2004
? Franck-Condon Factors, Transition Probabilities and Radiative Lifetimes for Hydrogen Molecules and Their Isotopomeres
? U. Fantz, D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report IAEA Report, INDC(NDS)-457
? Optical Phenomena in the Open Air
? U. Fantz
? Paper/Report Contemporary Physics 45 (2004) 93
? Chemical Erosion Behaviour of Doped Graphites under Hydrogen Impact: A Comparison of Ion Beam Experiments and Planar Inductively Coupled RF Plasmas
? M. Balden, E. de Juan Pardo, H. Maier, P. Starke, U. Fantz
? Paper/Report Physica Scripta T111 (2004) 123-128
? Emission Spectroscopy of Molecular Low Pressure Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Paper/Report Contrib. Plasma Phys. 44 (2004) 508-515



▲ Top

? Influence of Different Wall Materials on the Vibrational Population of Molecular Hydrogen
? U. Fantz, S. Meir, B. Heger
? Paper/Report Proceedings of the 16th ISPC (2003)
? Photon Efficiency (S+D)/XB of Hydrogen Molecules at Low Electron Temperatures
? U. Fantz, B. Heger, D. Wünderlich, R. Pugno, ASDEX Upgrade Team
? Paper/Report J. Nucl. Mater. 313-316 (2003) 743
? Modeling of Hydrocarbon Species in ECR Methane Plasmas
? K. Matyash, R. Schneider, A. Bergmann, W. Jacob, U. Fantz, P. Pecher
? Paper/Report J. Nucl. Mater. 313-316 (2003) 434



▲ Top

? Emission Spectroscopy of Hydrogen Molecules in Technical and Divertor Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Paper/Report Contr. Plasma Phys. 42 (2002) 675
? Discussion on Data Needs for Molecular Hydrogen Modelling
? U. Fantz, P. T. Greenland
? Paper/Report Contr. Plasma Phys. 42 (2002) 694
? Atomic Data for Modelling Fusion and Astrophysical Plasmas
? H. P. Summers, N. R. Badnell, M. G. O'Mullane, A. D. Whiteford, R. Bingham, B. J. Kellett, J. Lang, K. Behringer, U. Fantz, K. D. Zastrow, S. D. Loch, C. P. Balance
? Paper/Report Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 44 (2002) B323
? Modelling of ECR Methane Plasmas
? K. Matyash, R. Schneider, A. Bergmann, W. Jacob, U. Fantz, P. Pecher
? Paper/Report Czech. J. Phys. 52 (2002) 515
? Optical Diagnostics of Molecular Carbon Densities in Methane Plasmas and Their Correlation with Higher Hydrocarbons
? U. Fantz, S. Meir, M. Berger
? Paper/Report 16th ESCAMPIG Conference Proceedings II (2002) 123
? Atomic and Molecular Emission Spectroscopy in Low Temperature Plasmas Containing Hydrogen and Deuterium
? U. Fantz
? Paper/Report IPP-Report 10/21
? Blitze zum Anfassen
? U. Fantz, A. Lotter
? Paper/Report Physik in unserer Zeit 33 (2002) 16



▲ Top

? Diagnostics of Hydrocarbons and Their Influence on Hydrogen Plasmas
? U. Fantz, S. Meir
? Paper/Report ECA 25A (2001) 273
? Modification of the Ground State Vibrational Population of Molecular Hydrogen and Deuterium by Different Wall Materials in Low Temperature Plasmas
? B. Heger, U. Fantz
? Paper/Report ECA 25A (2001) 261
? Anwendung und Erweiterung eines Sto?-Strahlungsmodells für H2 und H
? D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz
? Paper/Report IPP-Report 10/18
? Diagnostics of Electron Distribution Functions in Planar ICP Sources
? U. Fantz, P. Starke, T. Ondak
? Paper/Report XXV ICPIG, Proceedings 4 (2001) 201
? Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of an ICP Source
? P. Scheubert, U. Fantz, P. Awakowicz, H. Paulin
? Paper/Report J. Appl. Phys. 90 (2001) 587
? Using the Radiation of Hydrogen Molecules for Electron Temperature Diagnostics of Divertor Plasmas
? U. Fantz, B. Heger, D. Wünderlich
? Paper/Report Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 43 (2001) 907
? Chemical Erosion of Carbon at Low Temperatures and Low Ion Energies
? U. Fantz, H. Paulin
? Paper/Report Physica Scripta T91 (2001) 43
? Characterization of an ICP source: Electron Density Profiles in He, Ar and H2/He
? P. Scheubert, P. Awakowicz, U. Fantz
? Paper/Report 'Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics', Proceedings IV (2001)
? Hydrogen Molecules in the Divertor of ASDEX Upgrade
? U. Fantz, D. Reiter, B. Heger, D. Coster
? Paper/Report J. Nucl. Mater. 290-293 (2001) 367
? Vibrational Population of the Ground State of H2 and D2 in the Divertor of ASDEX Upgrade
? B. Heger, U. Fantz, K. Behringer, ASDEX Upgrade Team
? Paper/Report J. Nucl. Mater. 290-293 (2001) 413



▲ Top

? The Influence of Opacity on Hydrogen Excited State Population and Applications to Low-Temperature Plasmas
? K. Behringer and U. Fantz
? Paper/Report New Journal of Physics 2 (2000) 23.1
? Calculation and Interpretation of the Continuum Radiation of Hydrogen Molecules
? U. Fantz, B. Schalk, K. Behringer
? Paper/Report New Journal of Physics 2 (2000) 7.1



▲ Top

? Some Basic Physics Results for Plasma Spectroscopy and Modelling
? K. Behringer, U. Fantz
? Paper/Report Contrib. Plasma Phys. 39 (1999) 411
? Molecular Enhanced Recombination in the Divertor of ASDEX Upgrade
? U. Fantz, K. Behringer, R. Schneider, D. Coster, D. Reiter, ASDEX Upgrade Team
? Paper/Report ECA 23J (1999) 1549
? Optical Emission Measurements of H2- and D2-Molecules in the Divertor Region of ASDEX Upgrade
? U. Fantz, K. Behringer, J. Gafert, D. Coster, ASDEX Upgrade Team
? Paper/Report J. Nucl. Matter 266-269 (1999) 490
? Spectroscopic Diagnostics and Modelling of Particle Densities in Low Temperature Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Paper/Report 12th SAPP, Proceedings (1999) 28



▲ Top

? Spectrocsopic Diagnostics and Modelling of Silane-Microwave Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Paper/Report Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 40 (1998) 1035
? Spectroscopic Diagnostics of the H2 and D2 Ground State Vibrational Population in Microwave Discharges
? U. Fantz, B. Heger, B. Schalk
? Paper/Report ECA 22H (1998) 382
? Spectrocsopic Diagnostics of the Vibrational Population in the Ground State of H2 and D2 Molecules
? U. Fantz, B. Heger
? Paper/Report Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 40 (1998) 2023
