

Awards and Honors

Awards and Honors

2001 Colloquium Ehrenfestii, Lorentz Institute of Theoretical Physics, Leiden University, Netherlands
2006 Europhysics Prize of the European Physical Society
"For the development and application of the dynamical mean field theory"
(together with A. Georges, G. Kotliar, W. Metzner)
2010 Max?Planck-Medaille der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
"In recognition of his significant contributions to the derivation of a new mean-field theory of correlated quantum systems and to the understanding of many-body problems in the quantum theory of condensed matter"
2011 Elected to the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2011 Ernst Mach Honorary Medal of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
"For Merit in the Physical Sciences"
2011 Dvo?ák Lecture, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
2012 Einstein Lecture of the Annalen der Physik
2020 Elected Fellow?of the American Physical Society
"For pioneering contributions in condensed matter theory, in particular on strongly correlated electron systems, on disordered quantum systems, and on the superfluid phases of helium-3"
2022 Eugene Feenberg Memorial Medal in Many-Body Physics
"For their groundbreaking development of a novel quantum many-body theory of correlated electron systems, the dynamical mean-field theory, and in particular for their application of this approach to explain and predict the properties of correlated electron materials"
(together with A. Georges, G. Kotliar)
2024 Honorary Doctorate of the University of Warsaw, Poland
