

Digital winter workshops on Provence

Archaeological research insights on Southern France


Workshop schedule:




Florian Milesi (freelance excavation technician), Commercial archeology in France : Prevent, save and research. General presentations and case studies.


10.30-12.30 CET

Prof. Dr. Ian Armit (University of York), Head-hunting in the southern?French Iron Age.


Since the Provence excursion is currently not possible in winter, Classical Archaeology is bringing southern France to Augsburg. Dr. Lisa G?tz and Dr. Annalize Rheeder cordially invite interested students to two digital workshops. They offer a condensed insight into current research work. In an interactive format, participants can discuss various topics directly with the researchers and take part in ongoing debates: for example, on the research of the Oppidum Entremont, the phenomenon of the skull cult and head-hunting in southern France, and also on the everyday life of French excavations.


The digital workshops will be held in English via Zoom. If you are interested, please register directly with the contact person Dr. Lisa G?tz up to three days before the respective workshop.


? University of Augsburg
Reconstruction of a headhunting warrior from Entremont ?Libby Mulqueeny and Ian Armit
View of the oppidum at Entremont. CC BY-NC-ND
