

Honorary professors

  • Friedhofen Andrea, Honorary Professor for elementary Musicpedagogy
  • Klemm Ulrich, Dr. phil., Honorary Professor for Adult Education
  • Suttner Kurt, Honorary Professor for Music Education

Honorary doctors

  • 1981: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dr. phil. h. c. Eric Voegelin, em. Professor at Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich [? am 19. Januar 1985]
  • 1983: Prof. Dr. theol. Dr. theol. h. c. Dr. phil. h. c. Helmuth Kittel, em. Professor at Westf?lischen Wilhelms-University Münster [? am 20. Januar 1984]
  • 1985: Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. phil. h. c. Theodor Eschenburg, em. Professor for Scientific Politics at Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen [? am 10. Juli 1999]
  • 1988: Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. jur. h. c. Dr. phil. h. c. Hans Maier, former Bavarian Minister of State for education and culture, em. Professor for Christian world view, religious and cultural theory
  • 1992: Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. h. c. mult. Jens Walter, em. ord. Professor for?rhetoric at University Tübingen [? am 9. Juni 2013]
  • 1994: Prof. Dr. phil. h. c. John G. H. Halsted , B. sc., Professor at Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa; former ambassador [? am 9. Februar 1998]
  • 2002: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Rita Süssmuth, em. Professor for Educational Science at University Dortmund and former President of the German Federal Parliament
  • 2002: Dr. h. c. Erhard Eppler, former Federal Minister [? am 19. Oktober 2019]
  • 2005: Dr. Hans Zehetmair, former Bavarian Minister of State for Science, Research and Art
  • 2005: Dr. h. c. Joachim Gauck, former President of the Federal Republic of Germany (2012-2017) and former "Bundesbeauftragter für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen DDR“
  • 2016: Prof. Dr. John Hattie, Professor at Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne
