

Nathalie Neuendorf M.A.

Researcher and PhD candidate
Digital Health Communication
Phone: n/a
Room: 7021 (BCM)
Open hours: upon request
Address: Alter Postweg 101 (Büro Center Messe), 86159 Augsburg


  • Health Communication
  • Risk Communication
  • Political Communication


Hase, V., Ozornina, N., Lechner, M., Schmidbauer, E., Neuendorf, N. L., & Haim, M. (2023, September 11-12). How Do Audiences Engage with News on Social Media? Employing Data Donations to Advance Multi-Platform Perspectives on News Engagement. Paper presented at the Data Donation Symposium, Zürich, Switzerland.


Neuendorf, N. L. (2023). § 192a StGB als Mittel zum Schutz der inneren Sicherheit?. Kriminalpolitische Zeitschrift Junges Publizieren 2/2023, 1-18. https://kripoz.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/JuP-Neuendorf_8.5.2023.pdf


Leiner, D. J., & Neuendorf, N. L. (2022). Does Streaming TV Change Our Concept of Television?. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 66 (1), 153-175. https://doi.org/10.1080/08838151.2021.2013221 ?


Leiner, D. J., Neuendorf, N. L., Jungblut, M., & Wurst, A.-K. (2022, October 5-7). Anwendung eines einheitlichen Datenformats für Semantik zur Framing-Analyse. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the methods group (Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Methoden) of the DGPuK, Munich, Germany.



Nathalie Laura Neuendorf is a Researcher and PhD Candidate?in Digital Health Communication?at the University of Augsburg, Germany.


Nathalie's primary research centers on health and risk communication, with a specific emphasis on mental health. She also delves into political communication topics, including freedom of speech, and actively participates in research related to automated semantic coding. Her research primarily employs quantitative methods, such as surveys and content analysis.


Nathalie holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Communication from Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich, Germany. Additionally, she double majored in law and completed the university law examination ('juristische Universit?tsprüfung') in 2023.


During her academic journey, she acquired experience as a research assistant in Health Communication (Prof. Rossmann, LMU Munich) and in Political Communication (Prof. Reinemann, LMU Munich). As a research assistant, she made notable contributions to the 'Semantic Coding' project led by Dr. Leiner (LMU Munich), which focused on the future of quantitative content analysis. Additionally, she expanded her expertise through freelance editorial work, thereby accumulating valuable journalistic experience.

