

Working Group "Eye Tracking"

Eye Tracking at the University of Augsburg

The working group "Eye Tracking" includes researchers from all disciplinary fields interested in eye-tracking applications in research on learning and instruction. The working group is interdisciplinary; its members come from a number of departments, including education, psychology, teacher education, medical education,?music education, physical education, science education, mathematics education, software engineering education, vocational education,?and?digital media of universities in Germany and worldwide.



Invited Talks

Winter term 2024/2025
  • 20.01.2025: A. Mark Williams, University of Utah, USA: "Title to be announced"
  • 20.01.2025: Alexander Miller, University of Augsburg, Germany: "Development and validation of a video-based training method to improve anticipation skills in American Football"
  • 02.12.2024: Andreas Obersteiner, Technical University of Munich, Germany: "Assessing students’ and teachers’ mathematical thinking with eye tracking: Examples from recent studies"
  • 02.12.2024: Tosca Daltoè, University of Tübingen, Germany: "Eye tracking in research on teaching quality: Connecting observers' gaze behavior and ratings of teaching quality in different video environments"
  • 28.10.2024: Killyam Forge, Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, France: "Investigating the joint effects of signal accessibility and prior knowledge on learning from educational animation: An eye-tracking study"
  • 28.10.2024: Valérie Duvivier, Université de Mons, Belgium: "Eyetracking-based comparative study of professional vision: University trainers and pre-service teachers in secondary education"
Summer term 2024
  • 05.05.2024:?Elizabeth van Es, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA: "Developing awareness of our noticing: Expanding and disrupting teachers' noticing for equitable mathematics instruction"
  • 05.05.2024: Aldin Alijagic, Sylvia Gabel, & ?zün Keskin, University of Augsburg, Germany: "'Ich sehe und fühle was, was du nicht siehst – und das ist messbar'?- Methodische Zug?nge zur Erfassung der Blickbewegung und impliziten Einstellung im Bildungskontext"?(Workshop)


Winter term 2023/2024

  • 22.01.2024: Sarah Mahler & Corinne Wyss,?FHNW Switzerland: "Potentials of different perspectives of classroom videos for fostering teachers’ professional vision"
  • 22.01.2024: Marjaana Puurtinen, University of Turku, Finland: "Eye-tracking applications in studying of visual expertise in music and history"
  • 04.12.2023: Adam Szulewski,?Queen's University, Canada: "Blurred lines:?Learning and performing in medicine – insights from simulated and real environments"
  • 23.10.2023: Lina Kaminskien? & Kateryna Horlenko,?Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania: "Mobile eye tracking evoked teacher self-reflection about teaching practices and behavior towards students in higher education"
  • 23.10.2023:?Ellen Kok,?Utrecht University, the Netherlands: "Do you see me learning? Using gaze displays to support learning"
Summer term 2023
  • 26.06.2023: Jacob L. Orquin,?Aarhus University, Denmark: "Eye?tracking research design"
  • 05.06.2023: Vanessa Gratton,?University of Regensburg, Germany: "Instruction and Expert Behavior in Eye Movement Modeling Examples: An Eye-Tracking Study on Software Engineering Experts and Novices"
  • 05.06.2023: Sylvia Gabel,?University of?Augsburg, Germany: "Lenkung der professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung von Lehramtsstudierenden in Unterrichtssituationen: Eine Eye-Tracking-Studie"
  • 24.04.2023: Roger S?lj?,?University of Gothenburg, Sweden: "Eye-movements as data source: navigating between fossilized behaviours and know-how"
  • 24.04.2023:?Erno Lehtinen, University of Turku, Finland: "Looking for educationally relevant use of eye-tracking"
Winter term 2022/2023
  • 30.01.2023: ?zün Keskin,?University of?Augsburg, Germany: "Der Blick auf die Lernenden: Eine Eye?Tracking-Studie mit Lehramtsstudierenden"
  • 30.01.2023: Florian Hauser,?OTH Regensburg, Germany: "Eye tracking im?Software Engineering"

  • 09.01.2023:?Heather Sheridan, University?at Albany, USA: "Perceptual specificity effects in chess and music reading: Evidence from eye movements"

  • 09.01.2023: Mandy Klatt, University of?Leipzig, Germany: "What are you looking at? Combining experienced and inexperienced teachers' mobile eye-tracking data with self-assessment data - preliminary results from a lab study"

  • 05.12.2022: Saswati Chaudhuri, University of Jyv?skyl?, Finland: "Teachers' psychological stress associates with teachers' visual focus of attention"

  • 05.12.2022: Robin Junker, University of?Münster, Germany: "Examining stressors of teachers while teaching and watching: Results from two psycho-physiological video-studies"

  • 24.10.2022:?Christian Kosel, Technical University of Munich, Germany: "Wissenschaftliche Gütekriterien in Eye-Tracking Studien mit Lehrpersonen:?Zentrale Herausforderungen & m?gliche L?sungsans?tze"
  • 24.10.2022: Ann-Sophie Grub, Saarland University, Germany: "Eye Tracking als prozessbasierte Methode zur Erfassung der professionellen Wahrnehmung (angehender) Lehrkr?fte"
Summer term 2022
  • 20.06.2022:?Ilona S?dervik & Mari Murtonen, University of Helsinki &?University of Turku, Finland: "The interaction between professional vision and conceptual change in higher education teaching"
  • 20.06.2022:?Yizhen Huang, University of?Potsdam, Germany: ?Professional vision in virtual reality: Experimental investigations of preservice teachers' noticing"
  • 09.05.2022: Nora McIntyre, University of Southampton, England: ?Looking forward to the future: Next steps in eye-tracking research for education"
  • 09.05.2022: Markku S. Hannula, University of Helsinki, Finland: ?Reflections on studying eye?movements in a mathematics class during collaborative problem solving"
  • 09.05.2022: Leonie Telgmann, Leibniz Universit?t Hannover, Germany: ?Using mobile eye?tracking to investigate and promote?teachers' situation-specific skills of classroom management
Winter term 2021/2022
  • 17.01.2022: Kenneth Holmqvist, University of?Regensburg, Germany: ?Eye tracking method, some classroom research and a tentative EMME review“
  • 15.11.2021: Patricia Goldberg, University of?Tübingen, Germany: ?Professionelle Unterrichtswahrnehmung: Wie blicken Lehrpersonen auf ihre Schülerinnen und Schüler?“
  • 15.11.2021: Rebekka Stahnke, IPN Kiel, Germany: ?Die professionelle Wahrnehmung von Klassenmanagement: ausgew?hlte Ergebnisse einer Expertisestudie“
