

Short description of completed projects

Prof. Dr. Reiner Keller & Prof. Dr. Angelika Poferl

Sociological Cultures of Knowledge. The development of qualitative social research in German and French sociology since the 1960s.

[Soziologische Wissenskulturen. Die Entwicklung qualitativer Sozialforschung in der deutschen und franz?sischen Soziologie seit den 1960er Jahren]

Duration: 2012-2013


From a comparative perspective, the project analyzed the development of qualitative social research in German and French sociology since the 1960s. It thus aimed to gain differentiated empirical insights into the dynamics of national knowledge cultures of sociological research. First,? as a working hypothesis, we assumed that the establishment of qualitative social research in both countries was characterized by very different starting points in the respective sociological fields and subsequently took a distinctly different course. In Germany, a high concentration on the connection between theory, methodology, and method and the scientificity of the evaluation procedures emerged. In France, the delineation of theory, methodology, and methods, as well as the juxtaposition of quantitative and qualitative approaches, played a lesser role; instead, issues of the interrelationship of questions and data collection dominated. As a second hypothesis, we assumed that there is no common 'vanishing point' of developments in qualitative research but that existing differences are updated in specific ways. The empirical bases of the project were document analyses and expert interviews.


Publications (selection):


  • Keller, Reiner & Poferl, Angelika (2020). Epistemic Cultures in Sociology Between Individual Inspiration and Legitimization by Procedure: Developments of Qualitative and Interpretive Research in German and French Sociology Since the 1960s [97 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 17(1), Art. 14, http://dx.doi.org/10.17169/fqs-17.1.2419
  • Keller, Reiner/Poferl, Angelika (Eds.) (2018): Wissenskulturen der Soziologie. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
  • Keller, Reiner & Poferl, Angelika (2018): Soziologie der Wissenskulturen - Wissenskulturen der Soziologie. Eine Einführung. In: Keller, Reiner/Poferl, Angelika (Eds.) (2018): Wissenskulturen der Soziologie. Weinheim: BeltzJuventa, pp. 7-17.
  • Keller, Reiner & Poferl, Angelika (2017): Wissenskulturen und Soziologiegeschichte. In: S. Moebius und A. Ploder (Eds.): Handbuch Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Soziologie. Bd. 2: Forschungsdesign, Theorien und Methoden. Wiesbaden: SpringerVS 2017, pp. 81-92.
  • Keller, Reiner & Poferl, Angelika (2016). Soziologische Wissenskulturen zwischen individuali-sierter Inspiration und prozeduraler Legitimation. Zur Entwicklung qualitativer und interpretativer Sozialforschung in der deutschen und franz?sischen Soziologie seit den 1960er Jahren [76 Abs?tze]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 17 (1), Art. 14, http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1601145
  • Keller, Reiner & Poferl, Angelika (2015): Wie und wozu forschen? Vom Sinn soziologischer Erkenntnisproduktion. In: Brosziewski, A./Maeder, Chr./Nentwich, J. (Hrsg) (2015): Vom Sinn der Soziologie. Festschrift für Thomas Eberle. Wiesbaden: SpringerVS, pp. 137-152.
  • Keller, Reiner & Poferl, Angelika (2015): Soziologische Wissenskulturen. Zur Generierung wissenschaftlichen Wissens durch die Praxis der Auslegung. In: Hitzler, R. (Eds.) (2015): Hermeneutik als Lebenspraxis. Weinheim: BeltzJuventa, pp. 177-191.
  • Keller, Reiner (2014): Zukünfte der qualitativen Sozialforschung [31 Abs?tze]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 2014, 15(1), Art. 16, http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1401165


Doctorate & Habilitation

completed Dissertation- and Habilitationprojects

Block mit Stift


Chair of Sociology
Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences


