

M.Sc. Felix Büsching

Research and Teaching Assistant
Faculty of Business and Economics
Phone: +49 821 598 - 4407
Fax: +49 821 598 - 4432
Room: 1404 (J)
Open hours: Tue. 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.; please register via e-mail
Address: Universit?tsstra?e 16, 86159 Augsburg

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Curriculum Vitae

Felix Büsching studied Business Studies at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and completed his Master of Science in Business Administration, with a major in Strategy and Information, at the University of Augsburg.


During his studies at the University of Augsburg, Büsching was introduced to Information Systems Research through Professor Veit’s lectures. He later completed his master’s thesis at?Professor Veit’s chair. Since February 2021, he has been a research assistant at the Chair of Information Systems and Management.


In his research, he is interested in digital business strategies and models that enable digital ventures to design and scale offerings to serve both present and future generations. Methodologically, he relies primarily on qualitative approaches and techniques.




Article | Conference Proceeding


Buesching, Felix B., Steininger, Dennis M., & Veit, Daniel J. (2023). Governing digital crisis responses: platform standards and the dilemma of COVID-19 contact tracing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11573-022-01118-4
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Conference Proceeding

Buesching, Felix B., Bruckner, Moritz T., Frenzel-Piasentin, Adeline, Muench, Jan C., Kwon, Youngjin, Thatcher, Jason B., & Veit, Daniel J. (2023). "Jane sent me this article, so it must be true!" - How tie strength and emotional tone influence information behavior.
BibTeX | RIS | URL

Review Services

Conference Reviews:

  • International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
  • European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)

PhD Courses

  • Writing Research Papers for FT50 Outlets (7 sessions), University of Augsburg
    Lecturer: Professor Jason B. Thatcher, Ph.D., Temple University, USA
    Fall 2023

  • Phenomenon-Driven Theory Development?(3?days), University of Augsburg
    Lecturer: Professor Robert W. Gregory, Ph.D., University of Miami, USA
    Summer 2023

  • Designing Online Experiments (6 days), University of Augsburg

    Lecturer: Professor Jason B. Thatcher, Ph.D., Temple University, USA
    Summer 2022

  • Quantitative Measurement and Analysis (6 days), online
    Lecturer: Professor Chee-Wee Tan, Ph.D., Copenhagen Business School, DK
    Summer 2021



  • Digital Government Management, Lecture
    Preparation and realization of the exercise, assistance in the preparation and realization of the lecture
  • Information Systems and Business Modelling, Lecture
    Preparation and realization of the exercise, assistance in the preparation and realization of the lecture
  • Management Information Systems, Lecture
    Preparation and realization of the exercise
  • Digital Transformation Research, Seminar
    Seminar advisor
  • IT Innovation Research, Seminar
    Seminar advisor
  • Online User Behavior Research, Seminar
    Seminar advisor
  • Bachelor Theses
    Supervision of bachelor theses


  • Advanced Management Information Systems, Seminar
    Seminar advisor
  • Artificial Intelligence in Business, Lecture and project
    Lecturer, supervision of project groups
  • Information Systems Research, Seminar
    Seminar advisor
  • Master Theses
    Supervision of master theses


  • Association for Information Systems (AIS)
  • Institute for Digitization Research e.V. (idr)
