

Welcome to the chair for Public Economics at the University of Augsburg


March 12, 2024

DSGE book by Heer and Mau?ner (3nd edition)

The 3rd edition of "Dynamic General Equilibrium Modelling" by Alfred Mau?ner and Burkhard Heer is now available: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-51681-8

Oct. 12, 2022

Explaining the decline in the US labor share: taxation and automation

According to a new study by B. Heer, A. Irmen and B. Süssmuth in ‘International Tax and Public Finance’ (Oct 2022), taxes and robots are the main explanatory factors for the strong decline in the US labor share during 1980-2020.

July 19, 2021

Sustainability of pension systems (video)

Heer, Polito, and Wickens (JEDC, 2020) show that continental European pension systems (D, I, FR, ESP) will be fiscally unsustainable from 2030.

Jan. 1, 2020

Institute of Economics/Cluster Economics

Here you find all activities of the institute of economics as well as information on the courses offered by the Cluster Economics.


All members of the Chair for Public Economics

Fünf American Football-Spieler in der Grundstellung


All information regarding current and past courses

Hand h?lt Kreide und schreibt an Tafel

Final Thesis

Here you will find all neccessary information regarding your final thesis

Bücher im Regal


The research topics of the Chair for Public Economics includes Optimal Taxation, Social Security Systems, Distributional Economics, Business Cycle Theory and Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models.

Schreibtisch Szene

Contact information:

University of?Augsburg

Faculty of Business Administration and?Economics

Chair for Public Economics

Building J
Universit?tsstr. 16
86159 Augsburg

Phone: +49 821 598 -4180?(Office)

Fax: +49 821 598 -4229

E-Mail: anja.erdl@wiwi.uni-augsburg.de?(Office)


Building: J

? University of Augsburg
