

Welcome to the website of the Laboratory for Economic Experiments on?Human Behavior?- LEcH.



If you are interested, please register in our database - dates for experiments will follow.



Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions.



What is an experiment?

Experiments serve to study human behaviour in (economic) decision-making situations. The participants make decisions within a predefined framework. The experiments are usually conducted in our computer lab.



Who can participate?

Basically anyone who is interested, regardless of age, profession or course of study. Usually no prior knowledge is required. Currently, however, participation is limited to students of the University of Augsburg.



Why should one participate?

By participating you support research at the University of Augsburg. Of course you will be paid for your participation, the amount of payment depends on your decisions (and possibly on the decisions of the other participants). In any case, you will receive compensation if you show up on time.



How can you participate?

To participate, please register on Digicampus. Your data will be used exclusively for the organization and execution of experiments.



Where can I find the laboratory?

The laboratory is located in room 2436, building J (Faculty of Business and Economics).




If you have further questions about the laboratory or experiments, please contact Simon Binder:


Scientific staff


Scientific director


Prof. Dr. Robert Nuscheler: Finanzwissenschaft, insbesondere Gesundheits?konomik
  • Room 2434 (Building J)


Director of the LEcH


Doctoral Student
Prof. Dr. Robert Nuscheler: Finanzwissenschaft, insbesondere Gesundheits?konomik
  • Room 2438 (Building J)

Contact / Directions

You will find the LEcH in the rooms of the Faculty of Economics (Building J, upper floor, Room 2436) of the University of Augsburg.


Directions by public transport:

From the central station, take tram line 3 in direction of Inninger Stra?e to the stop called "Universit?t". The journey takes about 20 minutes. Further information on public transport in Augsburg can be obtained from the AVV timetable information service.


Arrival by car:

Coming from Munich or Stuttgart on the A8 motorway, take the Augsburg-West exit and continue on the B17 towards Landsberg until the "Messe - UNI - Zoo" exit. There you turn right at the first intersection onto Universit?tsstra?e, which leads directly to the university and several parking lots.


Postal address

Universit?t Augsburg
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakult?t
Lehrstuhl für Finanzwissenschaft, insbesondere Gesundheits?konomik

Universit?tsstra?e 16
D-86159 Augsburg

Telefon: (+49 821) 598 -4200
Telefax: (+49 821) 598 -423



Registrieren und Mitmachen


Bei Interesse registrieren Sie sich in unserer Datenbank - Termine für die Experimente folgen

Zur Datenbank
