

General information

Thank you for your interest in writing your thesis at the Chair of Public Economics and Health Economics.


When choosing a topic, we will be guided by your interests and the main areas of research at the chair. Topics from the following areas are conceivable:


  • Health financing (selection, risk structure compensation scheme (Risikostrukturausgleich), moral hazard, ...)
  • Service providers (reimbursement, incentives, quality, competition, ...)
  • Health behaviour (prevention, preferences, family, ...)
  • Challenges (demographic change, technical progress, care of the elderly,...)
  • Finance (external effects, public goods,...)

The topics are usually based on current research papers using different economic methods, such as microeconomic theory, empirical analysis or economic laboratory experiments. Theses that deal more with institutions are also conceivable in principle.


Irrespective of whether you want to write a bachelor, master or diploma thesis, you must apply for the corresponding thesis at the Digicampus. You will find the link to the event for the thesis on our homepage under teaching.




Please note the following guidelines:

  • Health economics is a strongly empirical discipline. Therefore, we highly recommend that students attend a methodological course (Empirical Social Research, Econometrics or Microeconometrics for Master students) in advance. It is equally important to attend courses about Health Economics (Introduction to Health Economics or Health Economics-Topics/Health Economics-Financing (Master)) in order to develop an understanding of health economic issues.
  • Each thesis has to be presented before it is handed in at the chair (30 minutes (Bachelor theses), 60 minutes (Master theses)).
  • The instructions for writing scientific papers ( download) should be taken seriously. A sample cover sheet and a LaTeX template can be found here.
  • For Bachelor theses there are two starting dates per semester. Please note the application deadlines. The submission dates for the second deadline are calculated so that the grades are available in?time for a possible enrollment in one of the faculty's Master programs.
  • For Master theses starting dates are flexible. If you are interested in writing a Master theses at our chair, please contact Simon Vaclahovsky and enrol yourself in the corresponding event in the digicampus.



Bachelortheses - Approximate schedule

Dates in the summer semester:




Deadline for applications Date of the preliminary meeting
Preliminary meeting End of April
Starting date End of April
Presentation End of June
Submission Beginning of July











Deadline for applications Date of the preliminary meeting
Preliminary meeting

End of June

Starting date End of June
Presentation End of August
Submission Beginning of September









Dates in the winter semester:




Deadline for applications Date of the preliminary meeting
Preliminary meeting Middle of November
Starting date Middle of November
Presentation Middle of January
Submission End of January











Deadline for applications

Date of the preliminary meeting

Preliminary meeting End of December
Starting date Beginning of January
Presentation Beginning of March

Middle of March





