


In cooperation with our partner university in Rennes, Brittany, we offer you the opportunity to obtain a German-French double degree in Business and Economics. Our Bachelor’s program in DFM is a Track as part of the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Economics, or Global Business Management.


??... are very interested in finding out more about our economically and culturally very important neighboring country France.
? ... you enjoy dealing with people and like to take international and intercultural perspectives.
? ... you are interested in solving complex problems and would like to prepare for international leadership tasks.
? ... want to achieve a lot personally, but also have an eye for social responsibility.

??... aim to take a business and economics program leading to two full degrees.

German-French Management (DFM)


Program facts
Name: German-French Management (DFM)
Degree:?Bachelor of Science of the University of Augsburg as well as Licence Economie et Gestion of the University of Rennes
Form of study:?Full-time
Program begins:?Winter term
Standard period of study:?6 terms?(of which four terms belong to the Business Administration, Economics, or Global Business Management program as well as two terms at the University of Rennes) ?
Admissions mode:?The application is subject to specific conditions and is only possible if certain requirements are met.* ?
Course languages:?German, French, English
Grant:?Financial support from the DFH equal to 350 EUR/month during the phase abroad
Application deadline for the summer term:?May 01 of each year*
Application deadline for the winter term:?May 01 of each year*


*More detailed information on the admission requirements as well as the application process and documents required can be found? here.



The Bachelor’s degree in DFM is divided into two sections. The first two years are spent at the University of Augsburg. The final third year of the degree is spent at our partner university in Rennes.



First section of the degree at the University of Augsburg (Terms 1-4)


The German-French double degree is possible within the scope of the following undergraduate Bachelor’s degree programs:

The content taught during the first four terms in Augsburg varies depending on the basic undergraduate degree selected.


To prepare for the phase abroad, from the first term on you attend Business French courses. In addition, you attend DFM-specific courses given by visiting French professors.


Important note:?For the DFM program, the Business French 1 course (Fran?ais économique 1) must be taken in the 1st term of your studies. It is absolutely necessary to pass a placement test for acceptance to the course! This test takes place in the first week of lectures. You will find the respective date on the Language Center?website.



Second section of the degree at the University of Rennes (terms 5-6)


In the third year at the University of Rennes, students specialize on a so-called L3 Parcours. The course content varies depending on the parcours selected.


A minimum two-month business internship is undertaken in France, during which you write your Bachelor’s thesis.


Detailed information on the program in the Business Administration/Economics and DFM combination can be found here. Information on the Global Business Management and DFM combination can be found? here.

DFM Studentin Zitat gespiegelt
Le double-dipl?me m’a apporté beaucoup plus qu’un simple dipl?me. C’est professionnellement et socialement parlant très enrichissant. Que du bonheur!

Juliette Damay, Bachelor’s in DFM graduate and Master’s in DFM student

Jan Ba?ler
Due to the numerous practical lectures, especially during the study period in France and the intensive intercultural exchange, among others through lectures in the respective national language, the DFM program provides very good preparation of graduates for career challenges in an international environment.

Jan Ba?ler, Bachelor’s and Master’s DFM degree graduate

Anja Kefer
A great program, which teaches intercultural competence, technical knowledge, and practical experience through business internships.

Anja Kefer, Bachelor’s and Master’s DFM degree graduate

Dr. Christina Manthei-Geh
DFM provides very good preparation for all kinds of different career routes and enables great career prospects, not only in practice but also in research. For example, following my degree in DFM, I decided to do a doctorate and am now working as a post-doc at the University of Augsburg.

Dr. Christina Manthei-Geh, Master’s in DFM Alumna and Assistant Professor at the University of Augsburg


Augsburg Business Administration, Economics, and Global Business Management students, who are interested in the DFM program have the opportunity to take part in a two-week language course in Rennes?after?the 2nd term. As part of the language course, it is also possible to attend lectures at the University of Rennes and to get a foretaste of the DFM degree.?(No beginner's course, level B2 in accordance with CEF required.)


Dr. Nadine Zbiegly M.Sc. with honors
Program coordinator (Augsburg)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schultze: Chair of Accounting & Controlling
  • Room 2219 (Building J)
