

Knowledge transfer occurs in various forms at the Faculty of Business and Economics. On the one hand, in an institutional anchored form trough, for example, scientific societies, centers, and lecture series. On the other hand, members of the faculty are involved, for example, in committees and advisory boards of the industry and ministries. The three areas of third-party funded research, expert placement, and student placement form the three basic types of knowledge transfer at the faculty.?Selected examples of the activities concerned are presented below.


Augsburg Healthcare Operations Talents

Student placement

Healthcare Operations Talents (auxHOT) is a support network for outstanding Augsburg University students with an interest in areas such as modeling, analysis, and optimization in the healthcare sector.


Sustainable Finance Science Platform

Third-party funded research

Together with DIW Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research) and other universities, the Chair of Finance and Banking has founded the Sustainable Finance Science Platform, which will be funded by the foundation Mercator from 2020 to 2024.

Stiftung Mercator 2

Scientific Advisory Board for Further Development of the Risk Structure Compensation Scheme

Expert placement

Prof. Dr. Robert Nuscheler is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Further Development of Risk Structure Compensation Scheme. The appointment was made by the Federal Ministry of Health. The tasks of the advisory board are to advise the Federal Office for Social Security on the procedures of the insurance class model and to regularly review the effect of risk structure compensation.

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat 2

StartHub - Innovation and Start-Up Center

Third-party funded research

StartHub is the contact point for entrepreneurship and start-up companies. Students, employees, and graduates of all faculties are advised individually and free of charge. Exciting events and interesting courses on the topic of entrepreneurship are offered.


Advisory Committees of the EU Commission for the Settlement of Cross-Border Tax Disputes

Expert placement

Prof. Dr. Robert Ullmann is a member of the Advisory Committees of the EU Commission according to Article 9 of the EU Dispute Settlement Directive. The appointment was made by the German Federal Ministry of Finance. The tasks of the Advisory Committees are to advise on cross-border tax disputes between EU member states and, if necessary, make final decisions on them.

EU Kommission

PCA - Scientific Society for Auditing and Controlling at the University of Augsburg

Expert placement

The Scientific Society for Auditing and Controlling at the University of Augsburg e.V. (PCA) has the goal of connecting business management practice with research and teaching.


Digital Finance Forum of the Federal Ministry of Finance

Expert placement

Prof. Dr. Jan Muntermann is a member of the Digital Finance Forum for the exchange between the Federal Ministry of Finance and experts in the digital financial market to strenghten Germany as a digital financial center. The appointment was made by the Federal Ministry of Finance. The members regularly discuss issues in expert groups focusing on payments, investment, retail banking, and insurance.

