


January 11th?2022, 18:30 pm

Lecture: Objective Idealism and Theism

Online-Lecture via Zoom



January 18th?2022, 18:30 pm
Lecture: Global centrifugal forces

Online-Lecture via Zoom



January 12th?and 19th?2022, 4:00 pm

Workshop-series for graduate and doctoral students:

Critique of Reason and Ovid's Encyclopedia of Love

Online-Lecture via Zoom


About the speaker

Vittorio H?sle

is a professor of philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. While there, he founded the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study. He is one of the most distinguished representatives of objective idealism. His dissertation at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen was on "Wahrheit und Geschichte. Studien zur Struktur der Philosophiegeschichte unter paradigmatischer Analyse der Entwicklung von Parmenides bis Platon." His habilitation was devoted to "Subjektivit?t und Intersubjektivit?t. Untersuchungen zu Hegels System." He taught at the New School for Social Research in New York, at the University of Essen, and at the Research Institute for Philosophy in Hannover. Vittorio H?sle's research focuses on political ethics in modernity, religion, and literature. His major works include ?Philosophy of the Ecological Crisis“ (1991), now translated into eight languages, and ?Morality and Politics“ (1997). Visiting professorships and fellowships have taken him to Italy, Russia, Norway, Brazil, and South Korea, among other places. In 2013, he was appointed by Pope Francis to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Most recently, the books ?Globale Fliehkr?fte. Eine geschichtsphilosophische Kartierung der Gegenwart“ (2019) and ?Gott als Vernunft. Zentrale religionsphilosophische Fragestellungen auf Grundlage eines objektiven Idealismus" (2021).

