

About the CCR

The Centre for Climate Resilience (CCR) at the University of Augsburg was founded at the end of 2020. The centre is dedicated to an interdisciplinary approach to research and scientific communication in the field of climate resilience. The aim is to develop the scientific foundations for adapting to the inevitable consequences of climate change, as well as developing holistic and implementable adaptation strategies for application at regional, national, and international levels.


In the following you can find out more about the development, orientation, and structure of the CCR.

New Professorships

Existing disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and international expertise in the field of climate resilience at the University of Augsburg will be complemented by a total of ten new professorships. Of these, seven new professorships will be established with funding provided by the High-Tech Agenda of Bavaria:??


  1. Chair of Urban Climate Resilience
  2. Chair of Political Science with a Focus on Climate Policy
  3. Chair of Environmental Sociology with a Focus on Socio-Ecological Transformation, Resilience Design and Climate
  4. Chair of Resilient Operations
  5. Chair of Climate Resilience of Human-made Ecosystems
  6. CHair of Environmental Economics
  7. Chair of Public Law and Crisis Resilience

The following chair will be funded by the Faculty of Economics:

  1. Chair of Climate Finance

Finally, two further chairs will be established within the key research area Environmental Health Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine:

  1. Chair for the Research of environment-related Mechanisms of Action on Health (Exposom-Research)

  2. Chair of Climate Change and Global Health

Development of the Centre for Climate Resilience

1st of December 2022


Appointment of Prof. Dr. Sina Fontana, Chair of Public Law and Crisis Resilience (press release from the Faculty of Law: 12/01/2022).


25th of October 2022

Official opening of the Centre for Climate Resilience at a symposium held at the Leopold Mozart Centre of the University of Augsburg; welcoming addresses by the Bavarian State Minister for Science and the Arts and the Bavarian State Minister for Environment and Consumer Protection, Markus Blume and Thorsten Glauber, respectively; keynote address by Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch, LMU Munich (press release: 10/25/2022).


1st of October 2022

19th?of May 2022

Start of the Interdisciplinary Lecture Series?"Climate Resilience - Research and Transfer" in the summer semester 2022 (press release: 05/13/2022).


13th?of May 2022

Advisory board elections at the third general meeting of the CCR.


May ?2022

The centre moves into a newly renovated building (building I) on the campus of the University of Augsburg.


1st of April 2022

Appointment of Prof. Dr. Sebastian Utz as Chair of Climate Finance?(press release: 04/26/2022).


1st of April 2022

Appointment of Prof. Dr. Angela Oels as Chair of? Political Science with a focus on Climate Policy (press release: 04/26/2022).


1st of January 2022

Appointment of Prof. Dr. Manuel Ostermeier as Chair of Resilient Operations (press release: 02/16/2022).


1st of October 2021

Appointment of Prof. Dr. Markus Keck Chair of Urban Climate Resilience (press release: 10/26/2021).


September 2021

Founding of the working group on science communication and transfer.



Appointment of the founding board: Prof. Dr. Harald Kunstmann (director); Prof. Dr. Axel Tuma; Prof. Dr. Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann; Prof. Dr. Elke Hertig; Dr. Anja Kalch (press release: 06/25/2021).


January 2021

Hiring of executive management (Dr. Clemens Heuson and Kathrin Auhuber).


December 2020

Founding of the Centre for Climate Resilience at the University of Augsburg.
