

Events, workshops, and calls for applications for November to January 2023/24

  • The Graduate Centre and the Family Service at the University of Augsburg cordially invite you to an informal exchange on ¡°Combining a doctorate and family.¡±

    When:?15th of November from 15:00¨C17:00 pm
    Where:?Seminar room 1201, Building I (Centre for Climate Resilience)

    To register, contact?susanne.wiedemann@praesidium.uni-augsburg.de
    Information flyer
  • Info talks by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

    Prospects: Info talk series on DFG funding opportunities for research careers
    The info talk series presents the DFG funding portfolio for early career researchers, including an overview of central funding opportunities for postdocs and individual funding programmes such as the Walter Benjamin, Emmy Noether, and Heisenberg programmes. The info sessions will take place alternatively in German and English. Interested doctoral candidates and postdocs from all disciplines are invited to participate.

    Dates for the next info talk in the Prospects series:
    10.11.2023, 13:30¨C15:00 pm

    Walter Benjamin Programme (in German)
    13.11.2023, 16:30¨C18:00 pm

    Emmy Noether Programme (in English)
    Alternative date for the cancelled talk on 25.9.2023
    12.12.2023, 14:30¨C16:00 pm

    DFG funding opportunities for research careers (in German)
    10.1.2024, 10:00¨C11:30 am

    DFG funding opportunities for postdocs (in English)
    20.3.2024, 14:30¨C16:00 pm

    Emmy Noether programme
    9.4.2024, 10:00¨C11:30 am

    Heisenberg programme
    16.5.2024, 16:00¨C17:30 pm

    Walter Benjamin programme (in English)
    7.6.2024, 14:00¨C15:30 pm

    DFG funding opportunities for research careers
    29.8.2024, 16:00¨C17:30 pm

    DFG funding opportunities for postdocs (in English)
    24.9.2024, 16:00¨C17:30 pm

    Emmy Noether programme (in English)
    13.11.2024, 10:00¨C11:30 am

    Walter Benjamin programme
    9.12.2024, 10:30 am ¨C 12:00 pm

    Up-to-date information on the info talks can be found a few weeks prior to the respective dates on the DFG¡¯s social media and via the following link:
    German Research Foundation (DFG): Info talks on funding opportunities for research careers ?
  • Digital info talk about the Walter Benjamin programme on the 10.11.2023, 13:30¨C15:00 pm

    Are you about to complete your doctorate or have you recently been awarded a doctorate and are planning the next steps in your academic career? This info talk introduces the Walter Benjamin programme, which provides academics who have completed their doctorate with the opportunity undertake a research project at a location of their choice.
    The info talk includes:
    The aim of the Walter Benjamin programme and what funding is available for research in Germany and abroad.
    Application requirements and special criteria to consider when applying.
    Decision-making process for your application
    There will also be time for questions.
    The info talk is aimed at doctoral candidates and those who have recently completed their doctorate, as well as anyone else who is interested.


  • Online Seminar for doctoral students: "Good Scientific Practice and Reproducible Research" (24 and 25 November 2023 and 19 January 2024)

    The course will clarify what good scientific practice in economics looks like (with a focus on quantitative empirical research). It also discusses how to make your own research reproducible. This is important because economics journals and research funders increasingly require that project-related data and analyses be published. This is to facilitate the verifiability of research results and to enable the subsequent use of the data.

    Contents and dates of the seminar

    In the online seminar, we show how programme codes and research data should be structured and prepared according to the guidelines of renowned journals. We give an overview of the requirements of the most important funders, various journals and publishers as well as learned societies in economics. Last but not least, you are invited to perform a reproduction or replication yourself.

    The event is organised by the University of Hamburg as part of the WiSo doctoral programme in cooperation with the ZBW?(Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft).

    The dates of the seminar are as follows:

    ?Fr., 24.11.23, 10:00-16:00 CET
    ?Sat., 25.11.23, 10:00-14:00 CET

    The Graduate Centre at the University of Augsburg invites all doctoral candidates who began their doctorate in 2022 and 2023 to a networking event:

    Fr., 19.01.24, 09:00-max 18:00 CET

    Please register via?https://eveeno.com/311090958

UniA-GradZ Workshops August- Oktober 2023 - Januar 2024


Workshops for doctoral candidates and those interested in pursuing a doctorate


  • 9th and 10th of November 2023
    Training on how to defend your doctorate (Disputationstraining) (in German)

    Target group: Doctoral candidates in the final phase of their doctorate. In person
    Info and registration
  • 16th of November 2023
    Safely navigating a doctorate: How to handle research data and supervision (in German)
    Target group: doctoral candidates. In person
    Info and registration
  • 6th of December 2023
    Expos¨¦ workshop (in German)
    Target groups: Doctoral candidates and those interested in pursuing a doctorate. In person.

    Info and registration
  • 8th and 9th of January 2024
    Mastering the Disputation (in German)
    Target groups: Doctoral candidates in the final phase of their doctorate. Online

    Info and registration
  • 15th and 16th of January 2024
    Training on how to approach scholarship applications (in English)
    Target groups: Doctoral candidates and those interested in pursuing a doctorate. Online

    Info and registration
  • 23rd and 25th of January, 1st of February 2024
    Staying healthy during a doctorate: workshops on strengthening mental health (in German)
    Target group: Doctoral candidates. Online

    Info and registration


Workshops for doctoral candidates and postdocs



  • 13th and 14th of November 2023
    Effective academic presentations: From preparation to delivery (in German)

    Target groups: doctoral candidates and postdocs. Online
    Info and registration
  • 20th of November 2023
    Science Slams ¨C Communicating science (in German)
    Target groups: Doctoral candidates and postdocs. In person

    Info and registration
  • 21st and 22nd of November 2023
    Academic career planning and development (in English)
    Target groups: Doctoral candidates and postdocs. Online

    Info and registration
  • 28th and 29th of November 2023
    Academic writing with ease and organisation (in German)
    Target groups: Doctoral candidates and postdocs. Online
    Info and registration

  • 1st of December 2023
    Academic Poster Design (in English)
    Target groups: Doctoral candidates and postdocs. Online

    Info and registration
  • 11th of December 2023
    Visualising research?(in German)
    Target groups: Doctoral candidates and postdocs. Online

    Info and registration
  • 18th and 19th of January 2024?
    Digital self-marketing for starting a career ¨C Profile optimisation for LinkedIn and Xing (in German)

    Target groups: Doctoral candidates and postdocs. Online
    Info and registration
  • 29 th?of January 2024
    Being present through voice (in German)
    Target groups: Doctoral candidates and postdocs. In person
    Info and registration


Faculty events and workshops




  • Information about current events at the Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Materials Engineering (MNTF) can be found via the link:


Other workshops:



Courses at the university library


Conferences and current calls for applications




  • Save the Date: University:Future Festival 2024: Tales of Tomorrow (5¨C7 June 2024)
    The ¡°University:Future Festival (U:FF)¡± on the digitalisation of teaching and learning offers orientation, networking, and inspiration.

    The fourth ¡°University:Future Festival¡± on the future of higher education will take place from the 5th to the 7th of June 2024. The festival is a hybrid festival, which will take place in person in Berlin, in digital spaces, and in several stages organised by partners. The motto of the U:FF 2024 is ¡°Tales of Tomorrow.¡± The event is aimed at anyone involved in the present and future of higher education: university staff and students, research and politics, civil society, and artists. The ¡°University:Future Festival 2024¡± is organised by the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung and the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre and is supported by the Stifterverband.

    You can find more information here:
    University:Future Festival 2024 | University:Future Festival 2024 (hfd.digital)



Current calls for applications:?


Doctoral candidates

  • ERA Fellowships ¨C Green hydrogen 2023: DAAD research scholarships and short-term scholarships for internships for doctoral candidates from Germany (Applications are possible at any time.)

    DAAD has established the new scholarship programme ¡°ERA Fellowships ¨C Green Hydrogen¡± to accompany the implementation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the European Agenda Process on Green Hydrogen, a pilot initiative of the European Research Area (ERA). The programme will enable young scientific experts to do research at universities and research institutes in Germany and the ERA. They will then be integrated into international expert networks, supported by scientific conferences and events involving DAAD alumni. Four working groups focussing?on the following key topics of the agenda process will be established: production,?transport and infrastructure,?market stimulation,?cross-cutting issues.

    Funding is available for research projects and self-organised internships in the extended European Research Area (ERA) that are part of a doctorate being undertaken in Germany. The research projects can be undertaken at universities or non-university research institutions. Internships in the field of green hydrogen (GH2) can also be undertaken at companies, research organisations, or other institutions.

    A research stay in other non-European countries can also be funded.

    Funding is for a period of between 1 to 12 months for research stays and 2 to 3 months for internships.

    You can apply if you are undertaking a doctorate at a German university or university of applied sciences, are working in the field of green hydrogen (GH2) and would like to remain actively involved in one of the four international working groups of the fellowship programme after the end of the fellowship.


Doctoral candidates and postdocs


  • Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies Fellowships 2024-2025
    Deadline: 15th?of November 2023

    The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC offers fellowships to support significant research and writing about the Holocaust and related topics for projects that will benefit from a period of residence at the Museum and access to its resources. Proposals from all relevant academic disciplines including, but not limited to, anthropology, archaeology, art history, comparative genocide studies, film studies, geography, history, Jewish studies, law, material culture, philosophy, political science, and psychology are welcome. Fellowships are designed for scholars at all levels of career, starting with PhD candidates (ABD). A principal focus of the fellowship programme is to ensure the development of a new generation of scholars and those early in their careers are especially encouraged to apply.

    Further information on the call for applications can be found via the link:
    Annual Fellowships - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (ushmm.org)


  • DAAD funding for participation in international academic conferences?
    (Applications are possible at any time.)
  • The university competition for the academic year 2024 ¨C Freedom
    Deadline: 30th of November 2023

    As part of the university competition (Hochschulwettbewerb) for the academic year 2024, Wissenschaft in Dialogue (WiD) invites doctoral candidates and early-career researchers from all disciplines to submit their creative and interactive communication ideas on the topic of freedom. The twelve best ideas will be awarded €10,000 each to realise the idea, with the winners supported for an entire year by WiD for the implementation of the project.

    The university competition is a project of Wissenschaft in Dialogue and has been held annually since 2013 for students, doctoral candidates, postdocs, and early-career researchers in the context of each respective academic year. It is supported by the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz and the Bundesverband Hochschulkommunikation and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


    Digital appointments and FAQs about the call for applications:
    MON, 20th of NOVEMBER 2023
    Online via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89155250745
    Further information about the call for applications and about how to apply can be found via the link:

    ?The university competition 2024 | Der Hochschulwettbewerb


  • Augsburg academic prize for intercultural studies 2024
    Deadline: 8th of December 2023

    The University of Augsburg, the Forum Interkulturelles Leben und Lernen (FiLL e.V.), and the City of Augsburg jointly award the Augsburg academic prize for intercultural studies. The call for applications is open to all academic disciplines and aims to recognise interdisciplinary and innovative research completed as part of an academic qualification. Academic theses that were submitted to a German university no more than two years before the current application deadline can be submitted. The main prize of €5000 is awarded to theses written as part of a doctorate or habilitation. Applications must be submitted by one of the supervising professors.

    Further information on the call for applications and about how to apply can be found via the link:

    Call for applications for the Augsburg academic prize for intercultural studies 2024 (uni-augsburg.de

  • Roman Herzog Research Prize for Social Market Economy 2024
    Deadline: 31.12.2023
    The Roman Herzog Institute recognises early-career researchers who have addressed key questions of regulation in the twenty-first century in their doctoral thesis or habilitation. Each year up to three prizes to the amount of €20,000, €10,000, and €5,000 are awarded. Applications can be submitted by the author or on the recommendation of professors, faculties, or institutes.

    Further information on the call for applications and on how to apply can be found via the link:
    Research prize | Roman Herzog Institut


  • Friedwart Bruckhaus Prize 2023/2024?
    Deadline: 28th?of February 2024

    Europe in the 21st century: the beginning of a new era? Prizes will be awarded for scholarly and journalistic work on this topic. The competition is open to academics who have conducted relevant noteworthy research, as well as media professionals who have distinguished themselves by their presentation of academic findings and practical experience. Up to three prizes of €5,000 each are to be awarded, which can be shared. Works that have been published in German or English since the 1st of January 2022 will be considered for selection. Applicants must be under 40 years of age by the application deadline.

    Further information on the call for applications and on how to apply can be found via the link:
    Bruckhaus call for applications - Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung


Doctoral candidates


  • German Thesis Award 2024 of the K?rber Stiftung
    Deadline: 1st?of March 2024

    Every year, the?K?rber Stiftung?presents the German Thesis Award to the best doctoral candidates in Germany from all disciplines. In addition to academic excellence, the award primarily focuses on the broader social relevance of a particular piece of research. As such, the award encourages young scientists to highlight the value of their research to society and to discuss their work in public. Prizes totalling more than €100,000 are awarded for significant and innovative research, including three top prizes of €25,000 in each of the three disciplinary areas of social sciences, natural and technical sciences, and humanities and cultural studies. Two second prizes of €5000 each are also awarded. This makes the German Thesis Award one of the most highly endowed prizes awarded to young scientists in the country.

    Information on conditions for participation can be found via the link:
    German Thesis Award ? K?rber-Stiftung (koerber-stiftung.de)


  • Fulbright fellowship for academics with a doctorate?(professors, lecturers, as well as academic assistants)
    Applications must be submitted at least nine months before the planned research stay.


  • ERA future fellowships ¨C Green hydrogen 2023: DAAD fellowships for researchers with a doctorate from Germany?(Applications are possible at any time.)

    DAAD has established the new fellowship programme ¡°ERA Future Fellowships ¨C Green Hydrogen¡± to accompany the implementation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the European Agenda Process on Green Hydrogen, a pilot initiative of the European Research Area (ERA). The programme will enable young scientific experts to do research at universities and research institutes in Germany and the ERA. They will be integrated into international expert networks, supported by scientific conferences and events involving DAAD alumni. Four working groups focussing?on the following key topics of the agenda process will be established: production,?transport and infrastructure,?market stimulation,?cross-cutting issues.

    Funding is available for a research stay in the European Research Area (ERA). Funding is not available for participation in courses, workshops or similar. A stay in other non-European countries can also be funded. The duration of funding is 1 to 12 months for research stays.

    You can apply if you have completed a doctorate, are conducting research in Germany on the topic of green hydrogen (GH2), would like to continue working in the field of green hydrogen (GH2) after the end of the fellowship, and would also like to remain actively involved after the end of the fellowship in one of the four international working groups of the fellowship programme.
  • Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024-2025 for Research at Israeli Universities in STEM, Humanities, and Social Sciences?
    New deadline: 9th?of May 2024

    The?Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Azrieli Foundation supports up to 24 international early-career researchers for a period of two years in the undertaking of research in all academic disciplines at selected Israeli research institutes. Applicants must be able to provide evidence of having an academic sponsor (a faculty member at an eligible Israeli institute) at the time of application.
    The Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship - Call for Applications - The Azrieli Foundation
  • Researching academic research: Summer schools and workshops

    Funding from the Volkswagen Foundation to hold a summer school or workshop for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers on academic research (Deadline: 1st of January 2024)


Recently tenured professors (from the third until the fifth year following the beginning of your first tenured professorship)


  • Momentum?¨C Funding from the Volkswagen Foundation for recently tenured professors?
    Deadline: 24th?of April 2024

    This funding programme is aimed at professors who are in their first three to five years of their first tenured professorship. It is open to all disciplines as well as researchers of all nationalities. Consisting of various funding measures, the funding programme will fund concepts that will lead to the strategic and content-related further development of the professorship. Research projects are excluded from funding. Successful?Momentum?concepts will be funded in two phases: Following an initial implementation phase of four years, the concepts will be evaluated and, if successful, then established at the home institution (faculty/university) for a second consolidation phase of two years. A maximum of €800,000 (1st?phase) and €200,00 (2nd?phase) (plus 10% in overhead costs in each phase) can be applied for. The aim of the initiative is to provide opportunities for academics to further develop their professorship in strategic and content-related ways in the early phases of their tenure.

    Further information on the conditions of funding and the application and selection process can be found via the link

    Momentum ¨C Funding for recently tenured professors | Volkswagen Foundation

