

Call for applications for the conference format “Ladenburg Roundtable” of the Daimler and Benz Foundation (no application deadline)

With its “Ladenburg Roundtable” conference format, the Daimler and Benz Foundation offers scientists who are active in leading positions at German universities and non-university research institutes a free space for interdisciplinary reflection on research topics of scientific and social relevance. The Foundation makes a venue on its premises available where scientists and experts from practical disciplines can discuss a freely chosen, interdisciplinary topic of research with an open outcome. The roundtables are open to all disciplines and have no fixed expectations on the part of the Foundation regarding an outcome. A Ladenburg Roundtable can conclude with a publication, for example, or give rise to a more extensive research project with an application to another research-funding organization. The results of a Ladenburg Roundtable are published in the Annual Report and on the website of the Foundation.

The Foundation invites applications from independent research group leaders (professors, junior professors or “Habilitanden” [candidates for lecturing positions]) from all disciplines in leading positions at German universities or not-for-profit non-university research institutes.

Applicants may select up to 20 participants, who as a rule work at academic institutions, and act themselves as Scientific Managers at the conference. In consultation with the applicant, the gatherings can be of either one or two days’ duration. Both the organization of the meeting and the participants’ travel and accommodation expenses are covered by the Foundation.

More information on the program, the application procedure, and the funding by the Foundation can be found here:



