

Free slots available: Online-Workshop ?The best of two worlds? Combining qualitative and quantitative methods in Mixed Methods research“ on 6 & 7 June 2024

KU Eichst?tt-Ingolstadt offers free places in the

Online-Workshop ?The best of two worlds? Combining qualitative and quantitative methods in Mixed Methods research“

Trainer: Andreas Müller, https://www.muellermixedmethods.com/

Date and time: Thursday, June 06, 2024, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm and Friday, June 07, 2024, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm

Format: Zoom (Login credentials will be sent after registration)

Audience: PhD Students and Postdocs

Registration: akademische-karrieren@ku.de (first come, first served)


Course description

This two-day webinar is targeted at beginners who consider Mixed Methods approaches for their research or have recently set out to do so. The combination of qualitative and quantitative methods requires careful considerations: What data should I combine and how? How will I be able to integrate my results? Is this the right approach for me?

This online workshop aims at preparing researchers for the exciting and sometimes challenging journey of becoming a master of more than one method. You will learn what Mixed Methods is, what to use it for and what challenges to expect. In this, the two-day workshop will address both: The initial planning and data collecting, as well as the data analysis and integration of results. In this way, we will simulate the various steps of a Mixed Methods research project with interactive exercises on example data ranging from qualitative interviews to standardized surveys.

? What is Mixed Methods research and why would you want to combine
qualitative and quantitative methods?
? What research questions and projects benefit from a Mixed Methods
? What types of data work for Mixed Methods project?
? What do you need to consider when planning your project and gathering
? What data analysis methods are commonly used in Mixed Methods
? How do you analyze data in a Mixed Methods project?
? How do you integrate the results from your qualitative and quantitative
? What potentials, limitations and hardships await you in Mixed Methods Research?

