

General Information on Course Registration

  • Where to find courses: The course offer can be found on our website ?Courses for Exchange Students“
  • Language courses: The Language Centre of the University of Augsburg offers so-called "DaF" courses (German as a Foreign Language) at levels A1 to C2 (European Framework of Reference) to accompany your studies. All interested students must take a placement test to assess their language proficiency, which takes place at the beginning of each semester (winter and summer semesters). You can also learn other foreign languages at the Language Center. Please refer to the pages of the Language Centre for information regarding the courses offered and the placement tests.


1. Before selecting your courses: What you need to consider before choosing courses

In advance, you should clarify whether there are certain requirements regarding the choice of courses on the part of your home university. For example:

  • Are there guidelines specifying the lowest or highest number of courses you
    must take?
  • Are there courses that you are required to take?
  • Which courses are you able to get credits for?
    What requirements must a course meet in order for you to get credits?
    - Content (course title, course description, language of instruction)
    - Type of Examination: written exam / term paper
    - Number of credits / number of contact hours (hours per week)
  • We cannot guarantee access to specific courses.
  • There is no limitation on the number of courses you can take, as long as there are places in the course available.
  • The standard workload for one semester is 30 ECTS. We recommend you to take between 20 and 40 ECTS.
  • You can take courses from various faculties and majors.
  • Requirements:
    - Language skills (s. 2.)
    - You should take courses that correspond to your current study level.

2. Which courses are you allowed to register for?

All exchange students are allowed to take:

  • German language courses at the Language Center (all levels)
  • Language courses in foreign languages at the Language Center

Students with a proficiency of B2 in German are allowed to take:

  • Intercultural courses for exchange students in German
  • Courses offered at the university faculities in German (regular course offering)

Students with a proficiency of B2 in English are allowed to take:

  • Intercultural courses for exchange students in English
  • Courses offered at the university faculties in English

3. Registration Process: How does the course registration work?

  • Courses are organized via the course management system Digicampus. On Digicampus you will be able to register for courses and to manage them.

  • To log in, you need your Login-ID (RZ-Kennung), which you receive after you have enrolled at the university.

  • Link: digicampus.uni-augsburg.de
    User name = your Computer Login-ID (RZ-Kennung)
    Password = password you chose
  • As soon as you have received your Login-ID (RZ-Kennung), you can log in to Digicampus and start choosing your courses, independently or with the help of your tutor.
  • Attention: Each course has its own registration period and registration deadline! These can be found on Digicampus on the course page.
  • For the courses at the Language Center (German language courses and other foreign language courses) there ususally is a fixed time period for registration in the week before the semester starts. Please refer to the website of the Language Center for more information.
  • The tutors can help you with the course registration and familiarize you with Digicampus.


Please note:


  • Final examinations do not take place in every course!
  • Examinations for a course will not be offered every semester. If there are any questions, please contact the lecturer(s) of the course.
  • Course registration is not equal to examination registration!
    You can register for a course but don’t necessarily have to write the exam.
    In the middle of the semester you must additionally register for all examinations to receive a grade.
  • You can register for various courses and then decide within the first few weeks of the lecture period which courses you want to continue taking.
  • In case you cannot register for a course:
    Please write an email to the lecturers and ask whether you can to participate in the course. The tutors may help you with that.
  • After you have finalized your course schedule, please enter the courses you will continue to take into your workflow in Mobility-Online.
