

Welcome to our website!

The pages on equal opportunities at the University of Augsburg ...
want to address, in German and English, the many international issues and mother tongues that come together in a university: during studies, in a worldwide exchange with other universities, in research, but also in everyday life together. These pages are just the beginning and are intended to provide suggestions, information, inspiration, but of course also support and guidance. We invite you to discover the various sub-pages, to use them and perhaps also to help shape them with your own contributions.


Waiting for you is...
... information on backgrounds and activities in the areas of gender equality, diversity and inclusion, presentation of related projects and players, contact options, support services and much more.

Let us know if you have any requests or suggestions! We are working towards a future that fully utilises, supports and develops the potential of all students, academics and staff.?


Gender Equity

Here you can find out more about gender equality at the University of Augsburg and the work of its women’s representative.

Gender Schuhe


Here you can find information on dealing with diversity at the University of Augsburg and the work of the Office for Equal Opportunities.



This page is still under construction.

zwei Arme, die sich die Hand geben, eine ist stark t?towiert
