
About the degree programme
Degree programme: Geoinformatics
Official Designation: Geoinformatik
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Study mode: Full-time
Language of instruction: German
Start of studies: winter semester, summer semester
Standard study duration: 4 semesters
Admission type: Open admission
Minimum German language skills: C 1
Please note: Admission requirements according to § 6 of the exam regulations in der current edition. Introductory events take place closely before the start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…. Start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…
Application deadline for the summer semester: 15. January
Application deadline for the winter semester: 15. July

Course contents

The master’s degree course in geoinformatics has been provided successfully since the WS 2012/13. It was accredited in 2015.?The course is based on the examination regulations for the master’s degree course in geoinformatics?of the Faculty for Applied Informatics, effective from the winter semester 2012/13 and the respective module catalogues published at the start of the semester.


We recommend starting in the winter semester.?It is possible to start the course in the summer semester, but in general this results in lengthening of the study duration.?The standard study period for the master of science degree in Geoinformatics is 4 semesters.



Qualification objectives

  • Acquisition of in-depth competence in the overall field of geographical data storage, processing, analysis and visualisation, as the functionally compatible analogue and digital modelling of geospatial information using graphic and graphic-based means of expression.
  • Knowledge of theories, methods and processes of modern geoinformatics and their continued development within the scope of research projects where they can be applied properly and cost-effectively.
  • Acquisition of the ability to collect, model, manage, analyse and visualise suitable geodata with spatial, issue and time-reference.
  • Learning how to handle databases and geographical information systems as well as rule-based graphic data processing
  • Acquiring the ability to examine critically social points of contact and implications of the various techniques and methods for processing and visualising geodata.
  • The master’s degree course in “Geoinformatics” is aimed at scientific behaviour which, starting from geoinformatics as an independent science with its own object of research and knowledge, as well as close links to geosciences as well as neighbouring information and communication science disciplines, is characterised by skills for systematic analysis and synthesis from the individual through to the whole.
  • Training the awareness of responsibility and the ability to communicate (e.g. through student presentation), in order to classify social processes critically and to develop further subject and personal competencies in order to take on future research and development tasks.

Application notes

Qualification for the master’s course in geoinformatics is demonstrated by completing a bachelor degree course in



  • geoinformatics,
  • Geography with geoinformatics as subsidiary subject (at least 20 credits),
  • Informatics with geography as subsidiary subject (at least 12 credits)
  • or related subject courses in a German university (e.g. cartography, geomatics and geodesy)
  • german language knowledge (at least): C 1


with an overall grade of at least 2.99 according to the general examination regulations of the University of Augsburg or another natural sciences degree equivalent to these courses, taken in Germany or abroad, with an equivalent overall grade.


Successful study of the master’s course in geoinformatics requires knowledge of a modern programming language?(e.g. Java, Scala or C#) as well as skills in English as an international science language, level C1?according to the common European framework of reference for languages. You must demonstrate this knowledge in the application.


Applicants with foreign record of prior learning, please note that, depending on your country of origin, further requirements may have to be met. For information on these, please refer to the information sheet?for bachelor courses, whose regulations count by way of analogy to the master’s degree courses, especially regarding German skills.


Flyer, Studiengangsberatung, Studienverlaufsplan


Course structure


The course is divided into a total of 9 modules, whereby two modules have a selection option (GI3 or GI4 and FO or AN). Fixed content exists in the modules GI1, GI2, GI3 and WA, all other modules contain changing offers with different areas of focus.


? University of Augsburg


The course provides an introduction to scientific work, taking into account the English language as a science language in geoinformatics. Important components are the modelling and simulation module as well as the geodata analysis module, which make a decisive contribution to the profile building of the course. The objective of this course is the intelligent further processing of geographic information in the context of a geographical issue. The database and software engineering modules deepen competencies in the storage of data as well as the creation of good software for processing geographical data. Apart from these compulsory modules, a remove investigation module is imported from the masters in climate and environmental sciences and a module with compulsory optional events is offered. The acquired knowledge and competencies should then be applied in projects before the course is completed with a scientific master’s dissertation.


The diagram to the side shows the distribution of the modules during the course of a 4-semester course starting in the winter semester. If the course is started in the summer semester, it is possible that the course duration is lengthened as a result.

? University of Augsburg
Testbild3: Exkursion Hawaii
? University of Augsburg
Testbild2: Exkursion Hawaii
? University of Augsburg
