


Overview of the chair
? University of Augsburg

Research at the Chair of ?Model-based Environmental Exposure Science“ focuses on the links and interactions between environmental factors and human health, and understanding its physical underpinnings. Exposure research is therefore at the nexus of medicinal and environmental research, it connects environmental influences like air quality, temperature or noise with health outcomes, both negative and positive.


Models are our primary tools. We detect links through a combination of environmental simulation and clinical evidence, develop the necessary tools and describe ways to reduce detrimental effects and enhance positive ones. We make sure our results are published appropriately and make our tools available to the scientific community.


The city of Augsburg will be our laboratory, the hospital our anchor in reality. Here we can find the necessary infrastructure, observations, probands and institutional support, which will allow us to determine the complete exposure of single individuals. Linkages we can uncover here will be transferred to other places and tested for their validity.


Embedded in the research focus ?Environmental Health Sciences“ we identify and use a wide range of links to other institutes and researchers, both at the Faculty of Medicine as well as the University Augsburg as a whole.
