

Curriculum/ Vitae


Born on December 18, 1974 in Zürich/ Switzerland.



  • Oct 1994 - Mar 2000: Study in Mathematics, ETH Zürich
  • Oct 1999 - ?? ?? Mar 2000: Diploma thesis at ETH Zürich, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. D. Salamon, Title: Gromov convergence of Pseudo-holomorphic disks
  • Apr 2000: Diploma with distinction in Mathematics at ETH Zürich and Willy Studer Price
  • Apr 2000 - Apr 2003: Teaching assistant and PhD study in Mathematics at ETH Zürich, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. D. Salamon, Title: Floer homology of Symplectic quotients and the Arnold-Givental conjecture
  • Jan 2003: Degree of Doctor of Mathematics at ETH Zürich, Referee: Prof. Dr. D. Salamon, Coreferees: Prof. Dr. K. Ono, Prof. Dr. E. Zehnder
  • Apr 2003 - Mar 2004: Grant from Swiss National Foundation to do research at Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • Apr 2004 - Mar 2005: Fellowship from Japanese Society for Promotion of Science to do research at Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • Apr 2005 - May 2005: Guest at FIM at ETH Zürich
  • June 2005: Research associate at University of Leipzig
  • July 2005: Guest at FIM at ETH Zürich
  • Aug 2005 - Feb 2006: BAT position of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for research at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich
  • Mar 2006 - Apr 2008: Assistant at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich
  • May 2008 - Feb 2009: Junior Professor at Ludwig-Maximilian University
  • Jan 2009: Habilitation at Ludwig-Maximilian University
  • Mar 2009: Appointment as Assistant Professor at Seoul National University
  • Mar 2011: Promotion to Associate Professor at Seoul National University
  • Sep 2012 - Aug 2013: Humboldt fellowship to spent sabbatical leave at University of Munster
  • Since Aug 2014: Professor (W2) at University of Augsburg
  • Since Feb 2020: Association Chairman of the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Verein e.V.
  • Since Apr 2022: Dean of studies of the Institute of Mathematics


Research interests

He is working on...


  • Floer Homology
  • Holomorphic curve theory
  • and its applications to Hamiltonian systems in particular celestial mechanics



You can read more about the Publications of Prof. Frauenfelder here.
