

Prof. Dr. Bernhard M?ller

Professor, Extraordinarius im Ruhestand
Professur für Programmiermethodik und Multimediale Informationssysteme
Telefon: +49 821 598 - 2164
Fax: +49 821 598 - 2274
Raum: 2048 (N)
Adresse: Universit?tsstra?e 6a, 86159 Augsburg

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Bernhard M?ller studied informatics and mathematics at the Technical University Munich and Cornell University. He holds an M.S. degree from Cornell and completed his doctorate and habilitation at TU Munich.


He has been involved in the project??CIP - Computer Aided, Intuition-Guided Programming?at TU Munich, where he worked on the design of the language CIP-L and of the transformation system CIP-S, as well as on the methodology of deductive design.


Since 1990 he has been Professor of Informatics at the University of Augsburg.


He is a member of IFIP WG 2.1 on?Algorithmic Languages and Calculi?and of the informal international working group?RelMiCS - Relational Methods in Computer Science. From 1994-1998 he has been the coordinator of Esprit WG 8533?NADA - New Hardware Design Methods. Currently he is involved the DFG project?InopSys - Interoperable Calculi for System Modelling, performed together with M. Broy and T. Nipkow (TU Munich), W. Reif (U Augsburg) and M. Wirsing (LMU Munich).


His main interests lie in the formal description and derivation of systems, in particular using algebraic methods. To this end he is currently investigating the theory and applications of Modal Kleene Algebra, an extension of Kleene algebra with tests developed in collaboration with J. Desharnais (Quebec) and G. Struth (Munich).

Research Interests

  • Formal semantics
  • Algebraic and logical specifications (theory and applications)
  • Higher-order functions (theory and applications)
  • Infinite objects (theory and applications)
  • Theory of parallelism and nondeterminacy
  • Transformational program development
    • finding and formalizing strategies
    • formal specification development of
      • machine-level programs
      • hardware descriptions
      • algorithms for non-conventional machines
      • parallel algorithms
    • data type transformations
    • system support
  • Design of high-level language concepts
  • Relational programming
