



  • B. M?ller: WP is WLP. 8th Seminar Relational Methods in Computer Science and 3rd International Workshop on Applications of Kleene Algebra. St. Catharines, Canada, Feb. 2005.




  • B. M?ller: Algebra of Probabilistic Predicative Programming. 59th Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 "Algorithmic Languages and Calculi". Nottingham, UK, Sep. 2004.
  • B. M?ller: Lazy Kleene algebra. 7th International Conference on the Mathematics of Program Construction. Stirling, UK, Juli 2004.
  • B. M?ller: Anwendungen modaler Kleene-Algebra. Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Programmentwicklung. Freiburg, Germany, M?rz 2004.
  • B. M?ller: Modal Kleene Algebra and applications. 58th Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 "Algorithmic Languages and Calculi". Rome, Italy, Jan. 2004.




  • B. M?ller: Modal Kleene Algebra and reactive systems. Microsoft, Redmond, USA, Okt. 2003.
  • B. M?ller: Modal Kleene algebra and applications. Université Laval, Québec, Canada, Sep. 2003.
  • B. M?ller: Modal Kleene algebra. DIMACS Workshop on Applications of Lattices and Ordered Sets to Computer Science. Juli 2003.
  • B. M?ller: Greedy-like algorithms in Kleene algebra. 7th Seminar Relational Methods in Computer Science and 2nd International Workshop on Applications of Kleene Algebra. Malente, Germany, Mai 2003.
  • B. M?ller: Ideal stream algebra. University of Kent at Canterbury, U. K., Jan. 2003.
  • B. M?ller: Ideal streams. Colloquium. Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t Kiel, Germany, Jan. 2003.




  • B. M?ller: Algebraic semantics and algebraic system construction. University of Córdoba, Argentina, Sep. 2002.
  • B. M?ller: A survey of efficiency-increasing transformation techniques. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sep. 2002.
  • B. M?ller: An algebraic treatment of greedy algorithms. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sep. 2002.
  • B. M?ller: Kleene-Algebra und Programmsemantik. Treffen des DFG-Forscherverbunds InopSys. TU München, Juni 2002.
  • B. M?ller: Kleene-Algebra in Semantik und formaler Konstruktion von Programmen. Universit?t Kiel, Mai 2002.
  • B. M?ller: Kleene algebra in system semantics and system construction,. Kestrel Institute, Palo Alto, USA, Mai 2002.




  • B. M?ller: Kleene algebra in formal program semantics and program construction. University of Córdoba, Argentina, Nov. 2001.
  • B. M?ller: Greedy-like algorithms in Kleene algebra. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov. 2001.
  • B. M?ller: Greedy-like algorithms in Kleene algebra. 56th Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi. Hollum, Ameland, Netherlands, Sep. 2001.
  • B. M?ller: Invited talk: Algebraic calculi for system calculation. 10th International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis and Computer Sciences with Applications. Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Aug. 2001.
  • B. M?ller: Kleene-ing up semantics. Dagstuhl-Seminar 01081 Applications of Kleene Algebra. Dagstuhl, Germany, Feb. 2001.
  • B. M?ller: Calculating with pointer structures. Dagstuhl-Seminar 01081 Applications of Kleene Algebra. Dagstuhl, Germany, Feb. 2001.
  • B. M?ller: Undirected graph algebra. 55th Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi,. Cochabamba, Bolivia, Jan. 2001.
  • B. M?ller: Characterizing determinacy in Kleene algebra. 55th Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi. Cochabamba, Bolivia, Jan. 2001.




  • B. M?ller: Algebraische Systementwicklung,. Kolloquiumsvortrag. Universit?t Graz, Austria, Mai 2000.
  • B. M?ller: Kleene-ing up semantics. 54th Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi. London, U. K., April 2000.
  • B. M?ller: Calculating with pointer structures. University of Córdoba, Argentina, Feb. 2000.
  • B. M?ller: A survey of transformational programming. University of Córdoba, Argentina, Feb. 2000.




  • B. M?ller:Invited talk: Algebraic system calculation.WAIT '99 - Argentinian Workshop on Theoretical Computer Science.Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sep. 1999.
  • B. M?ller:Algebraische Strukturen in der semantischen Beschreibung programmiersprachlicher Konzepte.Kolloquium.Universit?t Bonn, Juni 1999.
  • B. M?ller:Algebraische Systementwicklung. Festvortrag anl??lich des 75. Geburtstags von Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. F. L. Bauer.TU München, Juni 1999.
  • B. M?ller:Typed Kleene algebra and demonic semantics.53rd Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi. Potsdam, Germany, Juni 1999.
  • B. M?ller:Systematische Konstruktion korrekter Systeme.Kolloquium. Universit?t Eichst?tt, Juni 1999.
  • B. M?ller: Calculating with pointer structures. Colloquium. Université Laval, Québec, Canada, Mai 1999.




  • B. M?ller: Deductive hardware design: an algebraic approach. Universidad Carlos III Madrid, Spain, Dez. 1998.
  • B. M?ller: Modal and temporal operators on partial orders. 4th International Seminar on Relational Methods in Computer Science. Warschau, Poland, Sep. 1998.
  • B. M?ller: An Algebraic Approach to Systolic Circuits. Workshop on Formal Techniques for Hardware and Hardware-Like Systems. Marstrand, Sweden, Juni 1998.
  • B. M?ller: Are anamorphisms reasonable abstractions?. Workshop on Generic Programming. Marstrand, Sweden, Juni 1998.
  • B. M?ller: Layered Graph Traversals and Hamiltonian Path Problems - An Algebraic Approach. 4th International Conference onthe Mathematics of Program Construction. Marstrand, Sweden, Juni 1998.
  • B. M?ller: Ideal stream algebra. 48th Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi. Oxford, U. K., Jan. 1998.




  • B. M?ller: Towards deductive hardware design. NADA Final Meeting. Lübeck, Germany, Sep. 1997.
  • B. M?ller: Stream algebra. Final NADA Meeting. Lübeck, Germany, Sep. 1997.
  • B. M?ller: Temporal operators on partial orders. 3rd International Workshop on Domains. Munich, Germany, Mai 1997.
  • B. M?ller: Stream algebra. CHDL/VUFE/NADA/LCMQA. Toledo, Spain, April 1997.
  • B. M?ller: Towards deductive hardware design. NADA Tutorial im Rahmen der CHDL/VUFE/NADA/LCMQA. Toledo, Spain, April 1997.
  • B. M?ller: Calculating with pointer structures. IFIP TC2/WG 2.1 Working Conference on Algorithmic Languages and Calculi. Le Bischenberg, France, Feb. 1997.
  • B. M?ller: Calculating with pointer structures. 3rd International Seminar on Relational Methods in Computer Science. Hammamet, Tunesia, Jan. 1997.





  • B. M?ller: Refining ideal behaviours. NADA Meeting. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Okt. 1996.
  • B. M?ller: Deduktiver Entwurf von Graphenalgorithmen. Kolloquium. Universit?t Jena, April 1996.




  • B. M?ller: Deduktiver Entwurf paralleler Systeme. Universit?t Konstanz, Nov. 1995.
  • B. M?ller: Assertions and recursions. 48th Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi. Reisensburg, Germany, Okt. 1995.
  • B. M?ller: Refining ideal behaviours. NADA Meeting on StreamConcepts. Schlo? Elmau, Germany, Okt. 1995.
  • B. M?ller: Assertions and recursions. HOA '95 - Second International Workshop on Higher-Order Logic, Algebra and Term Rewriting. Paderborn, Germany, Sep. 1995.
  • B. M?ller: Refining ideal behaviours. Workshop on Logic, Domains and Programming Languages. Darmstadt, Germany, Mai 1995.
  • B. M?ller: Deduktiver Entwurf von Soft- und Hardware. Universit?t Freiburg, April 1995.
  • B. M?ller: Calculating an asynchronous bounded queue. Colloquium. University of Oxford, U. K., M?rz 1995.
  • B. M?ller: Calculating an asynchronous bounded queue. 1st Annual Meeting of Esprit Working Group 8533 NADA - New Hardware Design Methods. Bridgend, U. K., M?rz 1995.
  • B. M?ller: Calculating an asynchronous bounded queue. MAUT der Informatik-Institute München, Augsburg, Ulm, Tübingen. Tübingen, Germany, M?rz 1995.
  • B. M?ller: Calculating a bounded buffer. 47th Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi. Hong Kong, USA, Jan. 1995.




  • B. M?ller: Experiments in hardware specification and deductive design. Second NADA meeting. Madrid, Spain, Okt. 1994.
  • B. M?ller: Sichere Zeigermanipulation. Kolloquium. Universit?t Karlsruhe, Juni 1994.
  • B. M?ller: Ideal streams. IFIP TC2/WG2.1-2.3 Working Conference PROCOMET '94 - Programming concepts, methods and calculi. San Miniato, Italy, Juni 1994.
  • B. M?ller: Ideal streams. Workshop Deklarative Programmierung und Spezifikation. Bad Honnef, Germany, Mai 1994.
  • B. M?ller: Where we are - where to go from here. Inaugural Meeting of Esprit Working Group 8533 NADA - New Hardware Design Methods. Munich, Germany, April 1994.
  • B. M?ller: Ordered and continuous models of higher-order specifications. MAUT der Informatik-Institute München, Augsburg, Ulm, Tübingen. Augsburg, Germany, April 1994.
  • B. M?ller: Ideal streams. 46th Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi. Renkum, Netherlands, Jan. 1994.




  • B. M?ller: An algebraic approach to streams. MAUT der Informatik-Institute München, Augsburg, Ulm, Tübingen. Ulm, Germany, Okt. 1993.
  • B. M?ller: Ideal streams. Colloquium. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, Okt. 1993.
  • B. M?ller: Ordered and continuous models of higher-order specifications. HOA '93 - First International Workshop on Higher Order Algebra, Logic and Term Rewriting. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sep. 1993.
  • B. M?ller: An algebraic approach to streams. Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sep. 1993.
  • B. M?ller: Anforderungen an die algebraische Programmentwicklung. Treffen MAUT der Informatik-Institute München, Augsburg, Ulm, Tübingen. Ulm, Juli 1993.
  • B. M?ller: Invited talk -?Algebraic calculation of graph and sorting algorithms. International Conference on Formal Methods in Programming and their Applications. Novosibirsk, Russia, Juni 1993.
  • B. M?ller: Localisation and regular algebra. 45th Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi. Winnipeg, USA, Mai 1993.
  • B. M?ller: Sichere Zeigermanipulation. Kolloquium. Universit?t Ulm, Mai 1993.




  • B. M?ller: Pointer algebra. Colloquium. University College of Swansea, U. K., Dez. 1992.
  • B. M?ller: Formal program development over formal languages. Colloquium. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, Okt. 1992.
  • B. M?ller: An algebraic approach to sorting. 44th Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi. Augsburg, Germany, Sep. 1992.
  • B. M?ller: Shorter paths to graph algorithms. 2nd International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction. Oxford International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction, U. K., Juni 1992.
  • B. M?ller: Zur formalen Entwicklung graphentheoretischer Algorithmen. Kolloquium. Universit?t der Bundeswehr München, Mai 1992.
  • B. M?ller: Formale Programmentwicklung über formalen Sprachen. Universit?t Passau, Mai 1992.
  • B. M?ller: Design and proof of multipliers by correctness-preserving transformation. IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Software Engineering CompEuro 92. Den Haag, Netherlands, Mai 1992.
  • B. M?ller: Fixpunkttheorie und Graphenalgorithmen. Kolloquium. Universit?t Hildesheim, Feb. 1992.
  • B. M?ller: Shorter paths to graph algorithms. Colloquium. University of Nijmegen, Netherlands, Feb. 1992.




  • B. M?ller: A relational framework for types and inheritance. Colloquium. University College of Swansea, USA, Okt. 1991.
  • B. M?ller: A relational framework for types and polymorphism. Meeting of IFIP WG 2.2 Formal Description of Programming Concepts. Darmstadt, Germany, Juli 1991.
  • B. M?ller: Relations as a program development language. IFIP TC2/WG 2.1 Working Conference on Constructing Programs from Specifications. Pacific Grove, USA, Mai 1991.
  • B. M?ller: A relational programming style. 42nd Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi. Louvain-la-Neuve WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi, France, Jan. 1991.
