

Biographical Note (CV)

Biographical Note (CV)

?Biographical Note (CV) - pdf


Current Position. In 2011, Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger (* 1976) was appointed professor at the University of Augsburg (Germany), Faculty of Law, after having been offered professorships at the universities of Augsburg, Mainz, Saarbrücken and Würzburg. In Augsburg, he holds a chair for Public Law, European Law and Public Economic Law. From 2021 to 2023 he served as dean of the Law Faculty, since 2023 he has been serving as vice dean. He also acts as Director of the Institute of Public Law and as Co-Director of the Institute for Bio, Health and Medical Law. In 2018, Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger was offered a professorship at the Helmut-Schmidt-Universit?t Hamburg which he declined; in 2019, he received another offer from the Georg-August-Universit?t G?ttingen which he also declined.


Judge at the Bavarian Constitutional Court. In January 2024, Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger was elected as a Member of the Bavarian Constitutional Court for the period 2024/2028 (stellvertretendes, nichtberufsrichterliches Mitglied des Bayerischen Verfassungsgerichtshofs).


Studies.?He studied law at Munich and Oxford (Brasenose College) Universities and is a fully qualified German lawyer (1st and 2nd State Examination, 2002 and 2004 respectively). During his studies, he received scholarships by the Stiftung Maximilianeum (Munich), the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e.V. (German National Merit Foundation), the State of Bavaria and the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).


Doctorate. In 2006, he received a Ph.D. from Munich University with a dissertation entitled “Grundfreiheit ohne Markt. Die Herausbildung der Unionsbürgerschaft im unionsrechtlichen Freizügigkeitsregime“ (A New Fundamental Freedom beyond Market Integration. The Emergence of European Union Citizenship in the regime of the free movement of persons). His Ph.D. thesis was awarded with the Faculty prize of Munich Law Faculty and with the Ph.D. prize of the Munich law society (Münchner Juristische Gesellschaft) and has been republished recently. During his doctoral studies, Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger spent a period as research scholar with Prof. Joseph H. H. Weiler at the Jean Monnet Center for Regional and International Economic Law and Justice at New York University, School of Law.


Habilitation. In 2010, Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger completed his “Habilitation” (second Ph.D.) on “Verteilungsverfahren” (Distributing Scarce Goods as a Task of the Administration: Parameters of Constitutional and European Union Law, Administrative Procedures in Specific Areas & the Emer-gence of a New Type of Administrative Procedure), again at the Faculty of Law of Munich University. Both, Ph.D. and Habilitation, were supervised by Professor Peter M. Huber, Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court.


Research/teaching. Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger has taught various courses on European Union, constitutional as well as administrative law – areas in which also his main research interests lie.

Besides his dissertation (2007/reprint 2017) and Habilitation (2010) he is author of further monographs on freedom of information (Multiplikatoren als Herausforderung für die Informationsfreiheit und das Verbraucherportal ?Topf Secret“, 2021), parliamentary law (Parlamentarische Redezeitordnung und fraktionslose Abgeordnete, 2022 and 2023) and health law (Krankenhausreform und Grundgesetz, 2023; Pflegeberufe in der grundgesetzlichen Kompetenzordnung, 2024 forthcoming); moreover, he has co-authored monographs on contracts in planning law (Einheimischenmodelle. St?dtebauliche Zielverwirklichung an der Schnittstelle von europ?ischem und nationalem, ?ffentlichem und privatem Recht, 2008), health law (Biobankgesetz, 2015; Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen einer Weiterentwicklung der Unabh?ngigen Patientenberatung (UPD), 2021) and and on same-sex marriage (Ehe für Alle. Die ?ffnung der Ehe für gleichgeschlechtliche Paare aus verfassungsrechtlicher und rechtsvergleichender Perspektive, 2018).
He also co-edited books on Public Economic Law (Kompendium ?ffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht, 2015 and 2019; new edition 2024 forthcoming), the Public Law of Bavaria (Landesrecht Bayern, 2019 and 2021, new edition 2024 forthcoming) and comparatives issues of German and Italian Public Law (2016, 2019 and 2023). Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger is also editor of a book on EU free movement, citizenship and migration law (Europ?ischer Freizügigkeitsraum – Unionsbürgerschaft und Migrationsrecht, vol. 10 of the Enzyklop?die Europarecht, 2020).

Moreover, he published articles namely on EU Fundamental Rights, Union Citizenship, the Internal Market (Free Movement of Persons, Public Procurement) and further issues of EU and national economic law, European and national administrative law, federalism-related issues of German Constitutional Law, constitutional issues of Germany’s participation in European integration, the COVID-19-pandemic, health law and on the conflict of fundamental rights regimes in the European multi-level system. Finally, he contributes to commentaries on the German constitution, notably on the general right to equality (v. Mangoldt/Klein/Starck/Huber/Vo?kuhle, 2018/2024), to free movement and to professional freedom (both Dreier, 2023), Germany’s participation in European and international integration (Dreier, 2013–2018) and on the concurrent legislation (Bonner Kommentar, 2018), the Bavarian constitution (notably right to vote and local authorities), the code of administrative court procedure, state aid law and EU primary law including the Charter of Fundamental Rights.


Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger has lectured at various universities and conferences in Germany as well as abroad. He is also co-editor of the Europ?ische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (European Review for Economic Law), of the Review of European Administrative Law (REALaw) and of the book series “Beitr?ge zum Verwaltungsrecht” (Contributions to Administrative Law, Mohr Siebeck) as well as member of the scientific committee of the forum vergabe e.V. (public procurement law). For the XXVI FIDE Congress (Fédération Internationale pour le Droit Européen) held in Copenhagen in May 2014, Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger has been appointed national rapporteur on Public Procurement law. In 2015, he was invited to give a lecture at the 75th annual conference of the Vereinigung der deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer on “Verfassung im Allgemeinen Verwaltungsrecht: Bedeutungsverlust durch Europ?isierung und Emanzipation” (also published in English and Portugese).


During the academic year 2012/2013, Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger was visiting professor at the University of Leiden, Faculty of Law, and has continued to teach at Leiden Law School since then. He is also co-speaker of the German-Italian conference of Public Lawyers and member of the European Group of Public Law.


Expert activities. Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger has been regularly invited as legal expert on constitutional, administrative and EU law issues by the European Parliament, European Commission, the German Bundestag, the German Bundesrat and various Parliaments of the German L?nder, most recently, for instance, in the context of the COVID-19-pandemic. Moreover, he has been preparing advisory opinions in these areas for various public bodies at national and EU level and acted as representative in constitutional and acted as representative in constitutional and administrative litigations before the Federal Constitutional Court, the Federal Supreme Administrative Court and Constitutional Courts of the L?nder.



More specifically, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy appointed Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger as a member of the Expert Commission on the Implementation of EU Public Procurement Law in Germany (2014/2016). Since 2014, he has also been serving as expert for issues related to the free movement of workers in the context of the European Commission’s expert networks FreSsco and MoveS, and in 2016 he was member of the European Commission’s expert group on the “EU Social Pillar”. In 2018, the German government appointed Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger as a member of the expert group on reforming the payment for medical treatments in the private and public sectors (2018/2019). Moreover, he has advised and represented a variety of public institutions in legal issues related to fighting the COVID-19 pandemic (since 2020).


11 March 2024
