

Preprints am Institut für Mathematik im Jahr 2010

Preprints des Instituts

Alle in Opus erfassten Preprints von Mitgliedern des Instituts für Mathematik aus dem Jahr 2010

Zur Liste im Opus

Optimal Diffeomorphic Matching in Biomedical Image Processing

Robert Azencott, Roland Glowinski, Jiwen He, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Aarti Jajoo, Yipeng Li, Andrey Martynenko, Sagit Benzekry, Stuart H. Little, William A. Zoghbi

A Review of Unified A Posteriori Finite Element Error Control

Carsten Carstensen, Martin Eigel, Caroline L?bhard, Ronald H. W. Hoppe

Numerical Simulation of the Motion and Deformation of Red Blood Cells and Vesicles in Microfluidic Flows

Thomas Franke, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann, Lothar Schmid, Carina Willbold, Achim Wixforth

The 2009 European Parliament Elections: From Votes to Seats in 27 Ways

Kai-Friederike Oelbermann, Antonio Palomares, Friedrich Pukelsheim

Diffeomorphic Matching and Dynamic Deformable Surfaces in 3D Medical Imaging

Robert Azencott, Roland Glowinski, Jiwen He, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Aarti Jajoo, Yipeng Li, Andrey Martynenko, Sagit Benzekry, Stephen H. Little, William A. Zoghbi

Adaptive Hybridized Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for H(curl)-Elliptic Problems

Carsten Carstensen, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Natasha Sharma, Tim Warburton

Abstentions in the German Bundesrat and ternary decision rules

Andreas K?ufl, Friedrich Pukelsheim, Olga Ruff

Projection Based Model Reduction for Optimal Design of the Time-Dependent Stokes System

Thomas Franke, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Christopher Linsenmann, Achim Wixforth
