

Publications of Bernhard Hanke


  1. Rigidity results for initial data sets satisfying the dominant energy condition (with Ch. B?r, S. Brendle and A. Chow),? arXiv
  2. Torsion obstructions to positive scalar curvature (with M. Gromov),? SIGMA 20 (2024), 069?
  3. K-cowaist of manifolds with boundary (with Ch. B?r), C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris (to appear),? arXiv
  4. Scalar curvature rigidity of warped product metrics?(with Ch. B?r, S. Brendle and Y. Wang), SIGMA 20 (2024), 035
  5. Lipschitz rigidity for scalar curvature (with S. Cecchini and T. Schick), J. Eur. Math. Soc.?(to appear),? arXiv
  6. Boundary conditions for scalar curvature (with Ch. B?r), ? M. Gromov, B. Lawson (eds), Perspectives in Scalar Curvature, vol. II, World Scientific, pp. 325-377 (2023) ? Video abstract? arXiv
  7. Bott-Thom isomorphism, Hopf bundles and Morse theory (with J.-H. Eschenburg), S?o Paulo J. Math. Sci. 15 (2021), pp. 127-174 arXiv
  8. Scalar positive immersions (with L. Florit),? Commun. Contemp.?Math. 24 (8),?2150093 (2022)? arXiv
  9. Positive scalar curvature on manifolds with odd order abelian fundamental groups, Geom. Topol. 25 (2021), pp. 497-546? arXiv
  10. Local flexibiliy for open partial differential relations (with Ch. B?r), Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 75 (6) (2022), pp. 1377-1415 Video abstract arXiv
  11. An equivariant Quillen theorem (with M. Wiemeler), Adv. Math. 340 (2018), pp. 48-75 arXiv
  12. Bott periodicity, submanifolds, and vector bundles, (with J.-H. Eschenburg), Hermitian-Grassmannian Submanifolds (2017) (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics), pp. 295-309 arXiv
  13. Γ-structures and symmetric spaces (with P. Quast), Algebr. Geom. Topol. 18 (2) (2018), pp. 877-895 arXiv
  14. Bordism of elementary abelian groups via inessential Brown-Peterson homology, J. Topol. 9 (3) (2016), pp. 725-746 arXiv
  15. Codimension two index obstructions to positive scalar curvature (with D. Pape und T. Schick), Annales de l'Institut Fourier 65 (6) (2015), pp. 2681-2710 arXiv
  16. The space of metrics of positive scalar curvature (with T. Schick und W. Steimle), Publ. Math. IHES 120 (1) (2014), pp. 335-367 arXiv
  17. Positive scalar curvature, K-area and essentialness, Global Differential Geometry (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics) (2011), pp. 275-302 arXiv
  18. Homotopy groups of the moduli space of metrics of positive scalar curvature (with B. Botvinnik, T. Schick und M. Walsh) Geom. Topol. 14 (2010), pp. 2047-2076 arXiv
  19. Large and small group homology (with M. Brunnbauer), J. Topol. 3 (2010), pp. 463–486 arXiv
  20. The stable free rank of symmetry of products of spheres, Invent. Math. 178 (2) (2009), pp. 265-298 arXiv
  21. Combinatorial Stokes formulas via minimal resolutions (with R. Sanyal, C. Schultz und G. Ziegler), J. Combin. Theory Ser. A. 116 (2) (2009), pp. 404-420 arXiv
  22. Coarse topology, enlargeability, and essentialness (with D. Kotschick, J. Roe und Th. Schick), Ann. Sci. ?c. Norm. Supér. (4) 41 (2008), pp. 471-493 arXiv
  23. The strong Novikov conjecture for low degree cohomology (with Th. Schick), Geom. Dedicata 135 (2008), pp. 119-127 arXiv
  24. Positive scalar curvature with symmetry, J. Reine Angew. Math. 614 (2008), pp. 73-115 arXiv
  25. Enlargeability and index theory: Infinite covers (with Th. Schick), K-Theory 38 (1) (2007), pp. 23-33 arXiv
  26. Enlargeability and index theory (with Th. Schick), J. Differential Geom. 74 (2) (2006), pp. 293-320 arXiv
  27. Equivariant Gysin maps and pulling back fixed points (with V. Puppe), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (2006), pp. 687-702 arXiv
  28. Geometric versus homotopy theoretic equivariant bordism, Math. Ann. 332 (2005), pp. 677-696 arXiv
  29. Realization of equivariant chain complexes, Topology 43 (2004), pp. 717-723
  30. Dissolving four manifolds and positive scalar curvature (with D. Kotschick and J. Wehrheim), Math. Z. 245 (3) (2003), pp. 545-555 arXiv
  31. Inner products and Z/p-actions on Poincaré duality spaces, Forum Math. 15 (3) (2003), pp. 439-454
  32. Poincaré duality in P. A. Smith theory (with Ch. Allday and V. Puppe), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (10) (2003), pp. 3275-3283 arXiv
  33. Cycles, submanifolds, and structures on normal bundles (with Ch. Bohr und D. Kotschick), Manuscripta Math. 108 (2002), pp. 483-494 arXiv
  34. Poincaré duality and deformations of algebras, Contemp. Math. 279 (2001), pp. 129-133
  35. Actions of finite p-groups on homology manifolds, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 131 (3) (2001), pp. 473-486
