Associated Publications
The following publications are by scholars associated with the RECODE network:
Bader, Veit, 2012.
"Moral, ethical, and realist dilemmas of transnational governance of migration." American Behavioral Scientist published online 7 May 2012.
Bader, Veit, 2011.
"Beyond secularisms of all sorts." Immanent Frame (blog), October 11. Retrieved September 2012 (
Bader, Veit, 2010.
"Complex legitimacy in compound politics: The EU as example." Representation, 46(3): 261-279.
Bader, Veit, 2010. "Constitutionalizing secularism, alternative secularisms or liberal democracy? A critical reading of some Turkish, ECtHR and Indian supreme court cases on 'secularism'." Utrecht Law Journal, 6/3, 8-35.
Bader, Veit, 2007.
"Defending differentiated policies of multiculturalism." National Identities, 9(3): 197-215.
Banting, Keith and Will Kymlicka, 2012.
"Is there really a backlash against multiculturalism policies? New evidence from the Multiculturalism Policy Index." Queen's University.
Colom González, Francisco, 2013.
"Cultures, Norms and Beliefs in the Legal Arena. The Normative Problems of Legal Pluralism in a Context of Ethno-religious Diversity". Pp. 125-142 in Cultural Challenges of Migration in Canada, edited by K.-D. Ertler, P. Imbert. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Colom González, Francisco, 2013.
"Intercultural Justice. Cutting Across the Cultural Boundaries of Legal Norms". Pp. 217-226 in Spheres of Global Justice, edited by L. Foisneau, C. Hiebaum, J.-C. Merle, J. C. Velasco. Dordrecht: Springer.
Colom González, Francisco, 2012.
"Entre el Credo y la Ley. Procesos de ‘interlegalidad’ en el pluralismo jurídico de base religiosa." Revista de Estudios Políticos, 72(152): 83-103.
Colom González, Francisco and Ana López Sala (eds.), 2011:
"Towards a post-secular society? Public management of the new religious diversity.
Summary (in English).
Kraus, Peter A., 2011.
"The multilingual city: The cases of Helsinki and Barcelona." Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 1(1): 25-36.
Kraus, Peter A., 2012. "The politics of complex diversity: A European perspective." Ethnicities, 12(1): 3-25.
Me?i?, Ned?ad and Aleksandra ?lund, 2011. "Asymmetric partnership: Migrant organisations, trade unions and the equality ombudsman." Revija za Sociologiju, 41(1): 51-76.
Schierup, Carl-Ulrik and Aleksandra ?lund, 2011. "The end of Swedish exceptionalism? Citizenship, neoliberalism and the politics of exclusion." Race & Class, 53:45.
Siim, Birte and Mokre, Monika (eds.), 2013. "Negotiating Gender and Diversity in an Emergent European Public Sphere." Basinstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Triadafilopoulos, Triadafilos, 2011.
"Illiberal means to liberal ends? Understanding recent immigrant integration policies in Europe." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(6): 861-880.