Burkhard Heer und Alfred Mau?ner
Dynamic general equilibrium modeling: computational methods and applications
3rd ed. (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) (Springer: Cham, 2024)
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Burkhard Heer und Mark Trede
Age-specific entrepreneurship and PAYG: public pensions in Germany
Journal of Macroeconomics 75, 103488 (2023)
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Burkhard Heer, Andreas Irmen und Bernd Süssmuth
Explaining the decline in the US labor share: taxation and automation
International Tax and Public Finance 30, 1481-1528 (2023)
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Burkhard Heer und Stefan Rohrbacher
Endogenous longevity and optimal tax progressivity
Journal of Health Economics 79, 102515 (2021)
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Burkhard Heer, Vito Polito und Michael R. Wickens
Population aging, social security and fiscal limits
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 116, 103913 (2020)
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Burkhard Heer
Public economics: the macroeconomic perspective
(Springer: Berlin, 2019)
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Burkhard Heer, Alfred Mau?ner und Bernd Süssmuth
Cyclical asset returns in the consumption and investment goods sector
Review of Economic Dynamics 28, 51-70 (2018)
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Burkhard Heer
Optimal pensions in aging economies
The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 18, 20150166 (2018)
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Burkhard Heer und Alfred Mau?ner
Projection methods and the curse of dimensionality
Journal of Mathematical Finance 8, 317-334 (2018)
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Burkhard Heer und Christian Scharrer
The age-specific burdens of short-run fluctuations in government spending
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 90, 45-75 (2018)
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Burkhard Heer, Stefan Rohrbacher und Christian Scharrer
Aging, the great moderation and business-cycle volatility in a life-cycle model
Macroeconomic Dynamics 21, 362-383 (2017)
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Burkhard Heer, Alfred Mau?ner und Halvor Ruf
Q-targeting in New Keynesian models
Journal of Business Cycle Research 13, 189-224 (2017)
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Alfred Mau?ner und Burkhard Heer
The Cash-In-Advance Constraint in Monetary Growth Models with Labor Market Search
Macroeconomic Dynamics 19, 144-166 (2015)
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Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-gef?rderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zug?nglich. Online bereits 2013 ver?ffentlicht.
Burkhard Heer und Andreas Irmen
Population, pensions, and endogenous economic growth
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 46, 50-72 (2014)
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Burkhard Heer
A note on the cyclical behaviour of the income distribution
Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis 2013, 21-27 (2013)
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Alfred Mau?ner und Burkhard Heer
Asset returns, the business cycle, and the labor market
German Economic Review 14, 372-397 (2013)
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Burkhard Heer und Bernd Süssmuth
Tax bracket creep and its effects on income distribution
Journal of Macroeconomics 38, 393-408 (2013)
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Burkhard Heer und Alfred Mau?ner
Log-normal approximation of the equity premium in the production model
Applied Economics Letters 19, 407-412 (2012)
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Alfred Mau?ner und Burkhard Heer
The Burden of Unanticipated Inflation: Analysis of an Overlapping-Generations Model with Progressive Income Taxation and Staggered Prices
Macroeconomic Dynamics 16, 278-308 (2012)
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Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-gef?rderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zug?nglich. Online bereits 2011 ver?ffentlicht.
Burkhard Heer und Stefan Franz Schubert
Unemployment and debt dynamics in a highly indebted small open economy
Journal of International Money and Finance 31, 1392-1413 (2012)
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Burkhard Heer, Alfred Mau?ner und Paul D. McNelis
The money-age distribution: empirical facts and the limits of three monetary models
Journal of Macroeconomics 33, 390-405 (2011)
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Alfred Mau?ner und Burkhard Heer
Value Function Iteration as a Solution Method for the Ramsey Model
Jahrbücher für National?konomie und Statistik 231, 494-515 (2011)
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Alfred Mau?ner und Burkhard Heer
Inflation and output dynamics in a model with labor market search and capital accumulation
Review of Economic Dynamics 13, 654-686 (2010)
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Alfred Mau?ner und Burkhard Heer
Computation of Business-Cycle Models with the Generalized Schur Method
Indian Growth and Development Review 2, 173-182 (2009)
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Burkhard Heer und Alfred Mau?ner
Dynamic general equilibrium modeling
2nd ed. (Springer: Berlin, 2009)
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Burkhard Heer und Bernd Süssmuth
The savings-inflation puzzle
Applied Economics Letters 16, 615-617 (2009)
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Alfred Mau?ner und Burkhard Heer
Computation of Business Cycle Models: A Comparison of Numerical Methods
Macroeconomic Dynamics 12, 641-663 (2008)
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Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-gef?rderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zug?nglich.
Burkhard Heer und Bernd Süssmuth
Effects of inflation on wealth distribution: do stock market participation fees and capital income taxation matter?
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31, 277-303 (2007)
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Burkhard Heer und Mark Trede
Nichtkooperative Differenzialspiele in der ?konomie
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium: WiSt 35, 14-18 (2006)
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Burkhard Heer
Should Unemployment Benefits Be Related to Previous Earnings?
FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis 62, 530-550 (2006)
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Burkhard Heer und Alfred Mau?ner
Berechenbare Generationenmodelle
Das Wirtschaftsstudium: WISU 34, 237-245 (2005)
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Burkhard Heer und Alfred Mau?ner
Dynamic general equilibrium modelling: computational methods and applications
(Springer: Berlin, 2005)
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2. Auflage 2009
Burkhard Heer und Albrecht Morgenstern
The labor market effects of indexing unemployment benefits to previous earnings
Public Finance Review 33, 385-402 (2005)
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Burkhard Heer
Nonsuperneutrality of money in the Sidrauski model with heterogenous agents
Economics Bulletin 5, 1-6 (2004)
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Burkhard Heer und Mark Trede
Taxation of labour and capital income in an OLG model with home production and endogenous fertility
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 4, 73-88 (2004)
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Burkhard Heer und Mark Trede
Efficiency and distribution effects of a revenue-neutral income tax reform
Journal of Macroeconomics 25, 87-107 (2003)
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Burkhard Heer
Employment and welfare effects of a two-tier unemployment compensation system
International Tax and Public Finance 10, 147-168 (2003)
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Burkhard Heer
Welfare costs of inflation in a dynamic economy with search unemployment
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28, 255-272 (2003)
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Burkhard Heer
Comment on "The influence of aging on capital accumulation" by David Miles
in: Economic policy for aging societies, hrsg. von Horst Siebert, (Symposia and conference proceedings) 155-162 (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2002)
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Burkhard Heer und Andreas Schabert
Open Market Shocks in a Business Cycle Model with Financial Intermediation
in: Market Imperfections and Macroeconomic Dynamics, hrsg. von Jean-Olivier Hairault und Hubert Kempf, 105-130 (Springer: Boston [u.a.], 2002)
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Burkhard Heer
The German unemployment compensation system: effects of aggregate savings and wealth distribution
Review of Income and Wealth 48, 371-395 (2002)
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Burkhard Heer
On the welfare gain from stabilizing cyclical fluctuations
Applied Economics Letters 8, 331-334 (2001)
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Burkhard Heer
Wealth distribution and optimal inheritance taxation in life-cycle economies with intergenerational transfers
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 103, 445-465 (2001)
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Burkhard Heer und Mark Trede
On the Use of Projection Methods in the Computation of OLG Models / Zur Berechnung von OLG-Modellen mit Hilfe von Projektionsmethoden
Jahrbücher für National?konomie und Statistik / Journal of Economics and Statistics 220, 32-47 (2000)
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Hans Peter Grüner und Burkhard Heer
Optimal flat-rate taxes on capital: a re-examination of Lucas' supply side model
Oxford Economic Papers 52, 289-305 (2000)
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Burkhard Heer
Time-elemination method: ein nummerisches Beispiel
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium: WiSt 29, 707-710 (2000)
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Burkhard Heer
Korreferat zum Beitrag "Neue Wachstumstheorie und Theorie realer Konjunkturzyklen" von Bernd Lucke
in: Trend und Zyklus: zyklisches Wachstum aus der Sicht moderner Konjunktur- und Wachstumstheorie, hrsg. von Wolfgang Franz, Helmut Hesse, Hans-Jürgen Ramser und Manfred Stadler, (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar Ottobeuren ; 28) 71-76 (Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, 1999)
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Burkhard Heer und Mark Trede
How did the german government parties succeed in stabilizing cyclical fluctuations?
FinanzArchiv / Public Finance Analysis 55, 139-162 (1998)
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Burkhard Heer und Ludger Linnemann
Procyclical labor productivity: sources and implications
Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften: ZWS 118, 221-247 (1998)
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Burkhard Heer, Mark Trede und Mark Wahrenburg
The effect of option trading at the DTB on the underlying stocks' return variance
Empirical Economics 22, 233-245 (1997)
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Burkhard Heer
Umwelt, Bev?lkerungsdruck und Wirtschaftswachstum in den Entwicklungsl?ndern
(Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beitr?ge ; 135) (Physica-Verlag: Heidelberg, 1997)
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Burkhard Heer
Unemployment insurance vs. welfare payments: a dynamic CGE analysis of employment and welfare effects
Public finance = Finances publiques 52, 367-393 (1997)
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Burkhard Heer und Andreas Schabert
Einkommensverteilung und Wachstum
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium: Wist 25, 623-627 (1996)
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Burkhard Heer
Income and emission taxation in a model of economic development, population growth and the environment
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften / Review of Economics 47, 166-178 (1996)
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Burkhard Heer
L?sung dynamischer Probleme mit Hilfe der Kontrolltheorie
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium: WiSt 24, 302-305 (1995)
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Alfred Mau?ner und Burkhard Heer
Modellkonzepte der dynamischen Makro?konomik
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium: WiSt 24, 58-64 (1995)
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Hans Peter Grüner und Burkhard Heer
Taxation of income and wealth in a model of endogenous growth
Public finance = Finances publiques 94, 358-372 (1994)
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